historical colonization micromod

This may be out of the your modmod's concept but how about expand the scripted colonization to include the Roman expansion into Britiain? Like maybe they get a scripted spawn on London to historically simulate their "peak" empire?
I like this modmod as it accurately portrays the colonization era properly. In my current game (as America), I was in between a colonial war between the French and English all the while Spain has been amassing a large empire from California to Panama, AND an actually working Russia.

So far its all good but I did see some weird stuff such as
1. Some cities that automatically spawned were never touched at all. examples of this is Davao of Southern Philippines, and Eastern Indonesia,
2. I also noticed some European nations not building the Trading Company late within the game or not all, example of this is Spain and France who (in my normal games) would be able to build the wonder immediately after discovering it and Portugal (the civ that has most benifts with Trading Company) building very late into the game.
3. Also noticed improvements being built even when a city wasn't established yet. Biggest example I saw was a roadway from Moskow to what probably was Valdivostok in the year 800 A.D. (Not there were no cities in between them yet).

4 (this is probably due to the naming system of DOC anyways but anyways) some nations when achieving a number of cities results in having a name change. Examples of this is Japan which after uniting their archipelago immediately changed into the "Empire of Japan" in the year 800. 1000 years too early if you ask me lol.

A good modod all in all. I'll continue playing with this :)
I like this modmod as it accurately portrays the colonization era properly. In my current game (as America), I was in between a colonial war between the French and English all the while Spain has been amassing a large empire from California to Panama, AND an actually working Russia.

So far its all good but I did see some weird stuff such as
1. Some cities that automatically spawned were never touched at all. examples of this is Davao of Southern Philippines, and Eastern Indonesia,
2. I also noticed some European nations not building the Trading Company late within the game or not all, example of this is Spain and France who (in my normal games) would be able to build the wonder immediately after discovering it and Portugal (the civ that has most benifts with Trading Company) building very late into the game.
3. Also noticed improvements being built even when a city wasn't established yet. Biggest example I saw was a roadway from Moskow to what probably was Valdivostok in the year 800 A.D. (Not there were no cities in between them yet).

4 (this is probably due to the naming system of DOC anyways but anyways) some nations when achieving a number of cities results in having a name change. Examples of this is Japan which after uniting their archipelago immediately changed into the "Empire of Japan" in the year 800. 1000 years too early if you ask me lol.

A good modod all in all. I'll continue playing with this :)

1. they represent native/large tribal polities. That's by design. Normally Davaoget attacked by the Spanish AI (through conquerors, after Manila)
2. that's an AI issue, outside of the mod scope. I usually play quite collaborative games (lots of tech trading) so the AI manages to build them in the end, but I know how easily human divide and conquer strategies can introduce chaos in RFC. Out of scope though.
3. again, AI issue. You can also check the viking AI or the roman AI in normal RFC, they really like to builds roads in the wilderness. Out of scope I'm afraid.
4. yeah I understand this, i'll try to see if this is fixable without touching other files.
added micromod v7.
This version expands the colonization and independent polities situation for the ancient world. I usually don't play 3000BC so the balance might be a bit broken.
Colonies for Carthage, Greece, Romans, Celts, Persians, a somewhat divided China, etc.
changes to ethiopian topology.
Egypt's AI loves to spam cities, nothing can be done there besides making the Nile look like IRL.
The Romans are an unstable superpower, just like in history.

world in 290BC (Ethiopia spawn)
Spoiler :

world in 330AD (Byz spawn)
Spoiler :

This may be out of the your modmod's concept but how about expand the scripted colonization to include the Roman expansion into Britiain? Like maybe they get a scripted spawn on London to historically simulate their "peak" empire?

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trying to install the modmod, changing the files but all it does is create a roller coaster of python errors.
does this modmod only works on the normal download and not on the svn version?
No, it should work with either.
I was also having the errors every turn so I downloaded the version you pasted in the github link. I extracted it into the mod folder and I can boot up the mod fine but I cannot access the three scenarios. They are nowhere to be found in game. Any clues?
you might be having issues with the line endings.
I had this once, I solved it by opening the .CivBeyondSwordWBSave files in PATH_TO_GAME\Sid Meier's Civilization 4 Complete\Beyond the Sword\Mods\RFC Dawn of Civilization\PrivateMaps and converting the line endings.
This can be done with Notepad++ : Edit->EOL conversion->Windows.
Thanks, I'll try to play it a bit. I'm just a bit sad the new cities are spawned only for AIs or independents. E.g., when I play Byzantines in 600 AD, I hardly see any change (maybe resources?). But when I play some other civ starting later, Byzantium looks way more cool with more cities in core.
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Thanks, I'll try to play it a bit. I'm just a bit sad the new cities are spawned only for AIs or independents. E.g., when I play Byzantines in 600 AD, I hardly see any change (maybe resources?). But when I play some other civ starting later, Byzantium looks way more cool with more cities in core.

there's an easy fix.
go to Barbs.py, line 19, and set constColonizeForHumanPlayer to true, like this:
# also colonize for the player (simulates private sector)
constColonizeForHumanPlayer = true

Then you get the colonies exactly like the AI does. IDK if you get the extra defenders, i think not.
This mod is looking good so far but my No. 1 take away is that the AIs you buffed tend to get too overpowered. For example, in my test America game, I spawned in with Minutemen, while the British, French, and Spanish are already with their Riflemen with railroad improvements all around. I also noticed that their stability is too high preventing many of the planned South American nations from forming.

Also just wanna ask, what is your preferred playing speed for this modmod? My American test game was in Normal speed and I noticed it was quite hard to catch up with the Europeans.
This mod is looking good so far but my No. 1 take away is that the AIs you buffed tend to get too overpowered. For example, in my test America game, I spawned in with Minutemen, while the British, French, and Spanish are already with their Riflemen with railroad improvements all around. I also noticed that their stability is too high preventing many of the planned South American nations from forming.

Also just wanna ask, what is your preferred playing speed for this modmod? My American test game was in Normal speed and I noticed it was quite hard to catch up with the Europeans.

that's intended. Till US gets on its feet Europe + East Asia are the economy engines of the game. Europe is intentionally very tough to go against, as it was historically (decolonization post ww2, it took 100+ years of US to become a global player, it took the napoleonic wars for the us to have a window of expansion).

If you want you can make this easier by modifying US's spawn date to ~1700, might account for the faster tech rate:
e.g.: US ~1725, mexico/brazil/arg/colombia 1775
Also you can disable st louis and houston spawns (see barbs.py), to give a bit more breathing space for the usa.

I play only normal speed + standard difficulty. I never play for historical wins, mostly space race / domination.
Cool idea, unfortunately it's rare for the AI in Europe to do such a death war.
How were you able to properly locate all these cities you added? Did you have a guide on their locations? If so is it possible for you to send a pic as I want to use it as a guide for me removing unwanted cities. It's quite hectic determining whether two cities are too close to each other or too far from each other through google maps.
After mingling with the code I noticed something: Why do many of the Europeans colonies have rifleman units in the 1700s? Riflemen only became prevalent during the early to mid 1800's.

I also noticed that Germany gets their colonies too early. I personally changed them to a later date to simulate Germany's rise to power in the late 1800's

(Also forgot to ask but does changing the spawn date and units on the cities ruin code? I personally changed a lot of your codes to fit my playstyle)
How were you able to properly locate all these cities you added? Did you have a guide on their locations? If so is it possible for you to send a pic as I want to use it as a guide for me removing unwanted cities. It's quite hectic determining whether two cities are too close to each other or too far from each other through google maps.

all the cities + the units that spawn with them are in Barbs.py. There is one big dictionary there, where the colonies are organized by owner, it's called tMinorCities, at line 23. You can disable entries with a comment, like this:
# (-770, (59, 47), iCelts, 'Melpum', 2, iArcher, 2), # Milan
Of note is that some ancient cities are spawned twice (e.g. Milan or some cities in China). This is because the spawn function retroactively tries to spawn cities for the modern and medieval scenarios, and most ancient cities are skipped.
Then the entries in the dictionary are spawned with the foundMinorCities function.
TLDR: just put a comment "#" before the cities you don't want to be spawned.

After mingling with the code I noticed something: Why do many of the Europeans colonies have rifleman units in the 1700s? Riflemen only became prevalent during the early to mid 1800's.
I also noticed that Germany gets their colonies too early. I personally changed them to a later date to simulate Germany's rise to power in the late 1800's
(Also forgot to ask but does changing the spawn date and units on the cities ruin code? I personally changed a lot of your codes to fit my playstyle)

Germany and late colonization reasons:
- i bumped the scramble for africa and the oceania colonization (for all) by 100 years earlier, because otherwise those areas would also be quickly colonized. Also Germany would have a harder time competing with the others both economically (science) and industrially (hammers).
- i actually intended to have a feature where colonies grow at 1/3 rate for colonizers to simulate both colonial inefficiency and the slow colonization rate. Also to make the metropole much more relevant , and it'd also solve the runaway tech effect.
I didn't manage to find out how to do that and unfortunately I have high pressure with both work and kids with spring. Corona and school don't mix and match :(
But this is why this mod only touches very few files, to make it easy for non-coders to modify the files to their liking. Everybody has different preferences, my goal was to make it easy to erase/comment entries instead of adding them.

Other colonization historical discrepancies that are needed to help the AI :
- some cities in spawn much earlier then they should (e.g. northern, central, east europe)
- some cities in spawn later than they should to not be flipped (e.g valencia, lisbon, Crete island)
- some cities are spawned at the edge of the civ core to maximize stability

Rifleman reasons:
- AI cities get extra best defender units, and because Euros techs like crazy and prioritize rifling, they tend to get riflemen early.
- to make colonies safe from indigenous forces. Historically Euros only lost colonies to wars of independence (=flips, e.g. Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, Usa) or through decolonization (Canada, Australia, Africa, Philippines, Indonesia, etc).
If there is one thing i dislike in civ and RFC is how unit strength doesn't scale more dramatically. A rifleman unit should wipe out a musket unit, which should wipe out anything medieval. Large numbers of weak units would still pose a threat (with catastrophic losses), but right now you pretty much need 1-to-1 when attacking with 1 or even 2 eras superiority, which is nonsense imo.
The only way to change this (afaik) is to modify the unit files, which would take a lot of time (and balancing).

Anyway, you can change the colony spawn unit by modifying Barbs.py, e.g.:
# (-770, (59, 47), iCelts, 'Melpum', 2, iArcher, 2), # Milan
can be transformed to
# (-500, (59, 47), iRome, 'Mediolanum', 3, iLegion, 3), # Roman Milan

Hope this helps.
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do you know how to add a city growth multiplier, that slows a city's growth if the owner has a capital on another continent ? A constant will do, e.g. 0.33.
i'd like to use this in my mod, if possible a small touch that doesn't change too many files. Thanks!
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