UK Politics V - Have We Got News For You


Aug 28, 2007
Sovereign State of the Have-Nots
What is "the level that suits us"? Within any country there is a diversity of opinion on that question. In a US context the phrase you used could well refer to legalizing immigration, "controlling" it by allowing people through the proper crossing points, and giving them legal status, rather than trying to crack down on it, leading to uncontrolled border-crossings facilitated by coyotes or human traffickers.

For most people who think the acceptable level of immigration is very low, the reasons behind that position boil down to racism. That's right-wing by definition. Militarizing the border in an effort to keep desperate people out of your country is also an essentially right-wing position.

My wife was an asylum seeker at one time. As far as I'm concerned anyone who thinks my country shouldn't have let her in can eat a fudging bullet.


Mar 6, 2020
Firstly, on the topic of immigration - the British Public has softened its view on immigration in recent years (since the Brexit vote). So whilst the rhetoric from politicians has been ramping up, public opinion has actually been moving the other way! Good news @Gorbles!

Secondly, the economist did a couple of feature pieces on immigration in Britain a few weeks ago.

(paywall, but access to a limited number of articles possible through registering I believe)

Some of the highlights:
- Britain is a good place to be an immigrant due to the flexible labour market, the fact we recognise foreign qualifications, etc
- Britain’s immigrants integrate very well and don’t cluster appreciably as is widely perceived and occurs in other countries
- Asylum is what gets the attention (and here Britain does do badly) but outside of this we do well

E.g. look at the variety the background of people in Reading

Spoiler Chart :




Moody old mage.
Nov 14, 2001
Facing my computer.
What is "the level that suits us"? Within any country there is a diversity of opinion on that question.
And in many countries, the "diversity" is actually a big majority that wants to clamp down on immigration, but as it's not the "correct" opinion, it's ignored to pretend that there is a "diversity of opinions", and that it's all about :
For most people who think the acceptable level of immigration is very low, the reasons behind that position boil down to racism. That's right-wing by definition.
because you don't seem able to process anything that isn't rooted in "RACISM !". And democracy is only valid as long as it supports one's opinion.


Load Balanced
Nov 24, 2014
And in many countries, the "diversity" is actually a big majority that wants to clamp down on immigration, but as it's not the "correct" opinion, it's ignored to pretend that there is a "diversity of opinions", and that it's all about :

because you don't seem able to process anything that isn't rooted in "RACISM !". And democracy is only valid as long as it supports one's opinion.
Maybe we need a different thread, considering that you deciding to take Lexi to task here has nothing to do with UK politics, where you can defend "clamping down on immigration" to your heart's content?


Mar 6, 2020
For low immigration positions to not be racist (imo), there would need to be extremely sincere and vigorous commitment towards international economic justice and averting climate catastrophe.

I don't believe I know anyone that qualifies.
Surely whether an immigration policy / position is racist has to have something to do with whether some races are given preference over others with respect to immigration?


Mar 18, 2007
The cutest of cephalopods
Surely whether an immigration policy / position is racist has to have something to do with whether some races are given preference over others with respect to immigration?

Or it has racist motivations ignoring the actual output/effect (i'm kinda weak on this one tbh), or it has discriminatory effects regardless of intent.


Thought Bubble Thinker
Apr 4, 2010
The vast majority of the immigrants into the UK are economic migrants. That is a fact. Look up the data. Immigrants are not arriving in rubber boars in any meaningful number. That is the right-wingers' talk, false talk.
They are coming by plane, either as tourists and then overstaying or claiming refugee status, or as students and then claiming immigration status. It has been state policy in the UK to open these paths, and to keep them open.
I know the majority of immigrants to the UK are not asylum seekers or refugees (its about 16% of all immigrants from what I could tell). That still doesn't answer my question - why are you against economic migrants?

Refugees to count as such must be fleeing some country at war or being expelled from somewhere. There are many places at war, and there have been legitimate claims of refugee status by ukranians, people from several middle east countries, etc. How they make it into the UK is relevant because real war refugees (those forced to flee for their lives) hardly can afford long-distance flights. Dig into the data and you'll find that from war-torn countries it's the well-off who are making it into the UK. The ones most in need of actual refugees status are lucky to make it into a neighbouring country. But regardless of all that the refugees are a minority of immigrants in the UK. The underclass being imported doesn't come disguised as refugees, they come as economic migrants and as students.
I can't speak for how much airplanes cost to and from warzones but I am sure there would be some people who would be willing to spend beyond their means to escape a war zone.

There is no such thing as a "global north" or a "global south". That is just a political talking point for propaganda purposes. You can't define it, can you?

The concept of a global north/south isn't a perfect framework for analysing these things (there is no such thing as a perfect framework). Attacking this framework does not disprove the reality that the UK and similar nations will not let someone who will likely be deemed a burden to the state (e.g a disabled person) become a citizen.

And the issue of borders has nothing to do with capitalism as an economic system. Capitalism can operate with or withour borders. It is about how political power can be exercised. Borders are essential to any notion of self-ruling community. A community must have borders, requisites of membership, mutual obligations that apply to members and members only. Being a member must require accepting those things. Without these things you don't have a self-ruling community, you have subjects of some power that stands apart from the community. There is no way to organize any system of representation or power sharing in a community without borders because without borders and acceptance of a shared set of rules there can be no political process. Other rule by intimidation, brute force.
This is ahistorical. The concept of a Westphalian state was formalised in Europe in 1648. Before then nations in Europe organised themselves differently and the nations outside of Europe organised themselves differently as well. This is not to say that nations or communities didn't exist, but they were organised differently. I am not a historian so I can't go into further detail but the concept of these sorts of borders are a relatively modern, European invention.

The evidence of this has always been plain. What does away with borders? Empires. The only polities that do not like borders, that make no issue of who is or is not a citizen, are empires. Because imperial power doesn't need any kind of self rule, it is imposed. French west africa didn't have political borders and the administrative ones were porous. Why should the imperial power care, it ruled everywhere in that vast region. And that political power was build, expanded, as all empires were: by grabbing more and more land into it, dissolving borders and pre-existing polities into it.
I feel like you are making the same mistake that Socrates made when he said that humans were featherless bipeds. Not all entities that wish to abolish borders are Empires. Are Irish Republicans Imperialists because they wish to see the border between the North and the South abolished? Empires are evil because of Imperialism, not because they abolished borders.
De-colonization was a fight to create borders and national communities, against empires that denied both. How people who think of themselves as leftists or anti-imperialists fell for the "no borders" crap-talk... lack of political education!
To quote Lenin's The Socialist Revolution and the Right of Nations to Self-Determination:

Vladimir Lenin said:
The aim of socialism is not only to abolish the present division of mankind into small states and all national isolation; not only to bring the nations closer to each other, but also to merge them. And in order to achieve this aim, we must, on the one hand, explain to the masses the reactionary nature of the ideas of Renner and Otto Bauer concerning so-called “cultural national autonomy” and, on the other hand, demand the liberation of the oppressed nations, not only in general, nebulous phrases, not in empty declamations, not by “postponing” the question until socialism is established, but in a clearly and precisely formulated political programme which shall particularly take into account the hypocrisy and cowardice of the Socialists in the oppressing nations. Just as mankind can achieve the abolition of classes only by passing through the transition period of the dictatorship of the oppressed class, so mankind can achieve the inevitable merging of nations only by passing through the transition period of complete liberation of all the oppressed nations, i.e., their freedom to secede.
You might disagree with the idea of the abolition of borders but denying that it is part of the Leftist canon or saying that Socialists calling for the abolition of the nation-state are "uneducated" is just blatantly incorrect.

You know funding is being cut, and if you but think about the politics of it you know why. It is the simple application of divide-and-rule by the oligarchs. It is power falling out of community-control and going back to imperial mode. Because the political community is being undermined, people turned against each other. Mass immigration is a great tool for all of this.

The immigrants are tools. The fault lies with the ones who allowed the oligarchs to deploy these tools. These leftists-without-education, the post-hippe champagne left, have themselves to blame for letting political power slip from the community into the hands of a few. And even though the mechanisms are plain to see, they keep refusing to admit their mistake. And so the process continues. Ultimately people react, communities defend themselves (@Lexicus , did you read youd Polanyi?), the "old left" displaces the "new left". But I do think that people have a very hard time admitting mistakes and things advance a funeral at a time in politics too, not just in science.
What are you implying here? Surely you are not saying that Leftists should campaign for decreased levels of immigration to take away that tool from oligarch's toolbox, that would be a very silly thing to believe.
Jul 19, 2008
Does being called "right-wing" in the UK imply you're part of the "ruling" class ?

Not at all.

It is a procedural step in assigning false views to a person, and then getting it
moved on on to having that person called, xenophobioc, fascist, racist, Nazi etc.

bit like a wokie dog-whistle.

And left-wing the "working" class ?

Or do you no longer use those clasifications ?

Edit, I found this online, anyone here agree ?

That classification has steadily been becoming obsolete for some time.

There is a distinction between the economic left and the social justice warrior left, although
there remains some overlap in that a poor disabled person may be supported by both lefts.


Load Balanced
Nov 24, 2014
It is a procedural step in assigning false views to a person, and then getting it
moved on on to having that person called, xenophobioc, fascist, racist, Nazi etc.
You're not helping the stereotype lol.

Your political positions as per years of posts on here are overwhelmingly right-wing, ergo, that's what you are.

I didn't attach any value judgement to it, and you still interpreted it as an attack . . . why? Why does the phrase "right-wing" have these connotations to you?


Dec 7, 2016
Gent - Belgium.
It used to be the “right” was conservative, they supported the status quo, society dominated by the church, the nobility and their elected representatives, they dominated government and usually supported whatever policy was being pursued.

All those that wanted to upset the established order were considered “left”, progressive or radical as the case maybe, liberals, socialists, etc.

These days it seems that both the left and the right is dissatisfied with the way things are run..


Aug 28, 2007
Sovereign State of the Have-Nots
This is ahistorical. The concept of a Westphalian state was formalised in Europe in 1648. Before then nations in Europe organised themselves differently and the nations outside of Europe organised themselves differently as well. This is not to say that nations or communities didn't exist, but they were organised differently. I am not a historian so I can't go into further detail but the concept of these sorts of borders are a relatively modern, European invention.

Inno's analysis really only applies to modern Europe and it could be applied probably more or less equally to the Greek poleis of classical antiquity (which are the model of a "self-ruling community" in Western thought), but of course his argument ignores the fact that borders have very frequently been a tool of imperial rule imposed on people who, somehow, managed to live without them. One of the perennial features of the spread of "civilization" through empire has been the usually extremely violent imposition of borders on nomadic or semi-nomadic peoples. The Roman empire's provinces (created of course when Rome was still a "self-ruling community" in the form of the Republic) imposed borders where there had been none before, and in many parts of the empire the Romans brought formal borders to places where nomadic or semi-nomadic peoples had lived without any borders.

What are you implying here? Surely you are not saying that Leftists should campaign for decreased levels of immigration to take away that tool from oligarch's toolbox, that would be a very silly thing to believe.

To give him his due, Inno has been open about his program: repression of the immigrants so they leave and don't come back. He is about the only anti-immigration poster on this website who is honest in that sense - all the others get mealy-mouthed quickly, and won't admit they're for repression (an ugly word) but will instead quickly retreat into euphemisms, usually about how it's totally normal and expected for a country to control physical entry and/or a polity to control who can become a member, and how calling the security apparatus necessary to enforce these barriers to entry "repressive" is absurd.

To the extent that immigration is a divide-and-conquer tactic of the oligarchs the solution is human solidarity, the realization that it's in the common interest of everyone who isn't an oligarch to unite against the oligarchs. In the US context for sure repressing immigrants merely plays into the bosses' hands, because it turns them into a population of legal non-persons afraid to assert their rights in the workplace. This is exactly the sort of immigration that the rich want, of people who are forced to live in the shadows. They don't want people who know their rights and they especially don't want immigrant workers banding together with native workers.


Moody old mage.
Nov 14, 2001
Facing my computer.
To give him his due, Inno has been open about his program: repression of the immigrants so they leave and don't come back. He is about the only anti-immigration poster on this website who is honest in that sense - all the others get mealy-mouthed quickly, and won't admit they're for repression (an ugly word) but will instead quickly retreat into euphemisms, usually about how it's totally normal and expected for a country to control physical entry and/or a polity to control who can become a member, and how calling the security apparatus necessary to enforce these barriers to entry "repressive" is absurd.
Bulls**t. Very obviously, preventing the movement of people who are trying to illegally enter, and expelling them, is part of the repressive branch of law enforcement, and anyone who is anti-immigration supports it by essence. It also doesn't change anything about the fact that YES, any polity has full legitimacy to decide who can or can't become part of it. I don't remember anyone saying they have a problem with literal repression of unlawful activity.
Now, what DOES constantly happen, is the attempt at casting any sort of of migration control as illegitimate, oppressive, somehow an affront to human dignity, and inherently racist. And THAT is where the manipulative aspect of words enters into play - but from the other side.


the resident Cassandra
Dec 4, 2006
I know the majority of immigrants to the UK are not asylum seekers or refugees (its about 16% of all immigrants from what I could tell). That still doesn't answer my question - why are you against economic migrants?

I told you. Because they're being used as a weapon against workers. There is a class war going on. If you don't know how to fight it the oligarchs win. And any beautiful intentions get stomped into the mud.

The concept of a global north/south isn't a perfect framework for analysing these things (there is no such thing as a perfect framework). Attacking this framework does not disprove the reality that the UK and similar nations will not let someone who will likely be deemed a burden to the state (e.g a disabled person) become a citizen.

It's funny that it must be me to say here that "global south" is no more than political propaganda taken up as useful by Russia and the other states now busy dismantling the US informal empire. If it means anything, it is those states that are neither the US not its old vassals in some kind of formal alliance. This distiction, and with it the talk of "global south", is very likely to be simply dumped in a few years, as the strategy to end US imperialism is to break the vassals out of the empire, and the internal rot there is nearing the point where that happens. Analytically the term and the group it defines it meaningless to a discussion of migrations. Among the vassals there are countries that are or have recently been countries of emigration, and other countries where there is both great immigration and emigration, not just countries taking immigrants.

The "national interest" of a country is always what its ruling class wants it to be. They control political power, they define "national interests". The US vassals are an extension of the US political system: oligarchic rule disguised as "democracy". What oligarchs want are plebs divided against themselves but able to provide cheap, useful servants to the upper class. They therefore never want disabled or "troublesome" immigrants, rather the obedient and hard-working kind. They always say this is the "state interest" and enact that policy. The distinction between "good refugees" and "bad refugees" is a consequence. If you don't like that then you need to overthrow the oligarchy in your country first. And to do that you can't let the oligachs win anything in the class war inside the country...

This is ahistorical. The concept of a Westphalian state was formalised in Europe in 1648. Before then nations in Europe organised themselves differently and the nations outside of Europe organised themselves differently as well. This is not to say that nations or communities didn't exist, but they were organised differently. I am not a historian so I can't go into further detail but the concept of these sorts of borders are a relatively modern, European invention.

This is a big gripe I have with histories of nationalism. Nations predate the treaty of Westphalia by millenia. The idea of nation versus the idea of empire is as old as the notion of citizenship and self-rule, and was born out of city-states. The drama played out in old Grece and Italy and was documented by historians of that age, in the first written western histories that are well preserved. The same drama happened in many other places. It's a matter of how power is exercised. My country had a nationalist rebelling against Hapsburg rule in 1640, before Westphalia. Had had another in 1383. When it tried to conquer the neighbouring country, same thing happened there, rebellions and failure. Nationalist rebellions. Empires do sometimes get build, and endure centuries, but empires are not the historical norm any more than small nations are. Imperial rule is not the historical norm any more that represenative rule or even democratic rule has been. These systems are all ancient, and are all in unstable equilibria.

The modern nation state, with its bureaucracy and its passports, is recent but was a reaction to new technology that made travel easier. New technology to update the matters of political power to handle the effects of new technology. What the modern state and more technology made possible, arguably but I think it's still early to judge, is increase the size of the polities where self-sule by the whole people can happen. But even if there is the technology, how a polity is ruled is still open to many forms. Oligarchy is still powerful where the formalities of voting and representation have existed for a long time.

Take the UK. It has had a formally powerful parliament for half a millenia, with elections. It skipped almost entirely the whole episode of absolute rule in early modern Europe. And yet Parliament in the UK was the represenative of the commercial oligarchy, sharing power with the hereditary rentier oligarchy in the House of Lords. What democracy was there?
The franchise was extended, but the voting still gets done around controlled alternatives now. Thos who doubt that may answer: when last has an election really shifted "national interests" against the ruling oligarchy's will? In the UK I think it was Churchill's defeat right after WW2. And even so the British Empire only got buried because the amerians had undermined it and the rank-anf-file of the british armed forces outright mutinied against the oligarchic layer above. Arguably brexit let the people break a tie between two factions of the ruling oligarchy, recently. Still it shows how controlled it is, in terms of what is up for a choice in a vote. In whatever matters the ruling class is mostly united on, there is no democratic process for the plebs to change anything. The "option" is simply not made available to them as a matter of elections. Political parties are staffed with the oligarch's families and servants.

My opinion of all this is that genuine self-rule by the people, the whole people, against the alternative of oligarchic rule, must be the political aim of leftists wherever oligarchs now rule. The agenda can have many other things but none of those will ever get done without ending the power of the oligarchies first. And that does lead us to Lenin's view's...

I feel like you are making the same mistake that Socrates made when he said that humans were featherless bipeds. Not all entities that wish to abolish borders are Empires. Are Irish Republicans Imperialists because they wish to see the border between the North and the South abolished? Empires are evil because of Imperialism, not because they abolished borders.

To quote Lenin's The Socialist Revolution and the Right of Nations to Self-Determination:

You might disagree with the idea of the abolition of borders but denying that it is part of the Leftist canon or saying that Socialists calling for the abolition of the nation-state are "uneducated" is just blatantly incorrect.

Irish republicans fought for a nation. A nation with borders, a nation that was a land for a specific people. Thet fought to create a border with the remants of the British Empire, to exit it and keep it apart. And the British Empire, after losing on the ground, still fought to prevent just that by continuing to offer subject status (as the british oh-so-accurately described what they passed as citizenship back then) to the irish as a tool to attempt to undermine irish independence.

Lenin's insight was exactly what I am trying to explain to you: first the socialists had to take power within existing nations. He stresses that point in his two most influential pampleths, what is to be done and the infantile disease of leftism. Any international brotherhood could only be accomplised later between socialist states which had ended their own histories of class wars. Then, and only then, will states be able to align peacefully with a goal of improving live for the population where cooperation naturally becomes the best way to act the disbandment of much that is wasteful in the machinery of the state can happen.

WW1 proved, in his own time, that his insight was correct. In the imperialist states of the time even the socialist parties turned "national-chauvinist". International brotherhoos simply wasn't possible in an environment of competing nations driven (having the "national interests" defined by) oligarchic cliques. His view was that first "the liberation of the oppressed nations" and second the taking of power by socialists were to precede the end of international rivalries.

What are you implying here? Surely you are not saying that Leftists should campaign for decreased levels of immigration to take away that tool from oligarch's toolbox, that would be a very silly thing to believe.

Leftists sould campain, always, with the aim of weakening oligarchic rule. Oppose them at every turn, destroy their tools, undermine what allows oligarchs as a class to exist and to keep a grip on political power.
Mass immigration is, has always been, one of their most powerfull tools. It enables a number of estrategies to reinforce their power, which in the absense of such immigration would not be available to this class at all: dividing the people againts "newcomers", making it easier to hire scabs against strikes, making it easier to recruit different kins of praetorian guards to use direct violence against disobedient plebs (hard to pay people to kill their own family and frieds, easier to hire newcomers to do that, or to create mob groups), making it harder for labour to organize against bosses (exploit cultural duvisons), and even dividing the political scene with "ethnic parties".

In the political fight to take power away from the oligarchs, the left has nothing to gain from mass immigration and everything to lose. This has nothing to with wage levels (those are a rather unimportaht thing in the whole picture), everthing to do with the mechanics of power, with how the class war is really fought. Becuase, never mistake yourself, no ruling class ever meekly abdicates its own power. When they seem to do it it's accdentally, a scheme gone wrong and unforseen loss of control over events. Changes in political power really are fought over. Either socilaists have a good strategy to win this fight , and fight they must on every front, or they will keep losing. Immigration is one of the most critical fronts in this class war over control of political power.


Aug 28, 2007
Sovereign State of the Have-Nots
destroy their tools

Destroy their tools? you identified the immigrants as tools of the oligarchs in an earlier post; what does "destroying" them mean? It seems to me there is not much difference between saying "we need to drown immigrants in the Mediterranean, because they're the tools of the oligarchs" and "we need to stuff Jews into the cattle cars, because they're the tools of the oligarchs"


Dec 7, 2016
Gent - Belgium.
So here we have it, between Inno and Lexs crew, who are the true lefties, pray tell me I’m thoroughly confused 🤔

And where is the right in this political landscape ?

If everyone is malcontent for diverse reasons there is no left or right is there ?
Last edited:


the resident Cassandra
Dec 4, 2006
To the extent that immigration is a divide-and-conquer tactic of the oligarchs the solution is human solidarity, the realization that it's in the common interest of everyone who isn't an oligarch to unite against the oligarchs. In the US context for sure repressing immigrants merely plays into the bosses' hands, because it turns them into a population of legal non-persons afraid to assert their rights in the workplace. This is exactly the sort of immigration that the rich want, of people who are forced to live in the shadows. They don't want people who know their rights and they especially don't want immigrant workers banding together with native workers.

Sorry, I know your intentions are good. But this simply won't work. Not now. It has worked in the past, to some degree, it can work in some future or in other places. And certainly I'm not calling for expelling existing immigrants, or isolating them. Those that are here are here and in due time (it will take time) will find common cause against the oligarchy. I'm saying that letting this continue plays into the hands of the ruling oligarchy, to continue to bring in different population, to de-structure any community reaction against them, is their sole remaining good strategy to hold on to power in a worsening athmosphere of discontentment. That opens other avenues later, including civil war and then yes, fascist states.

Extreme greed and incompetence of the ruling oligarchy (and the administrations working for them) is leading to falling living standards in the US and its vassals. In these conditions their hold on power can only be maintained by divide-and-rule tactics. Anyone wanting to accelerate the fall of the oligarchy must prevent them from using those. And because they do have a grip on political power and the left is weak, the practical way to prevent the continuation of this strategy is to tilt the equilibria, within the ruling class, towards the anti-immigation group. Now! This is no "horseshow theory", not any meeting of objectives. The objectives are different. But the necessary political strategy of of one side and the simple views of the other's (false) propaganda can converge enough to prevent worse evils. The anti-imigration "far right" are a tiny faction within the ruling class but there is no shame on happening to be in tactical agreement with them. To their own embarassment, as their talk are lies, but that can be exploited. The only reason most of those "far right" parties oppose immigration is to win votes, not out of any personal conviction of the leadership, who is made up of opportunists. But they're the ones who can lose power for the oligarchy. These "fascists" as some are called don't scare me because they don't have conditions, presently, to actually set up a fascist state. To do that they would need a worsening of the situation into ourtight civil war. But they are not the ones working towards that.

Didn't I tell you that as far back as 10 years ago there were military officers looking at the scenarios for civil war in Europe already, around migration issues? The really scary portions of the oligarchy are not the "far right" as is now called in newspapers. Look at Meloni whose actions are totally counter her rethoric (a fact not missed by italians now). The really scary part of the oligarchy are the bankers supprting the "centrists" setting up the situation for an actual fascism later. They know what they're doing.

So, the left should now campaign to block immigration. And to restore sovereignty, against multi-national "entanglements". Should be unashamedly nationalist, whish is the natural position of the left anyway, in the sense of defending the national community it represents. This forces the "far right" that talks against open borders but keeps them open to either have to actually act. And so frustrate the strategy of the oligarchy based on dividing to rule. Or else suffer electoral failure and loss of influence, with correponding increase of influence of the left. In that case the left must follow through with a sovereignist, nationalist agenda. To do so is no denial of internationalism as a goal. It is to fulfill the need of taking care of building socialism in each country prior to moving on to that. International solidarity can in the meanwile be practiced by, looking at present exampes, not selling weapons to genocidal governments. Invalidating "investor protection treaties". Invalidating "intellectual property". Endind the so-called "trate treaties". Ending the "free flow of capital" across borders, which finishes off the "fiscal paradises" used by the oligarchy and can even cut off their assets stuck there. Etc. International solidarity of the left means opposing the oligarchies and the rentier interests of the world at every turn by dismantling the web of protections they built for themselves thorugh international treaties. This needs a nationalist strategy.


Aug 28, 2007
Sovereign State of the Have-Nots
Sorry, I know your intentions are good. But this simply won't work. Not now. It has worked in the past, to some degree, it can work in some future or in other places. And certainly I'm not calling for expelling existing immigrants, or isolating them. Those that are here are here and in due time (it will take time) will find common cause against the oligarchy. I'm saying that letting this continue plays into the hands of the ruling oligarchy, to continue to bring in different population, to de-structure any community reaction against them, is their sole remaining good strategy to hold on to power in a worsening athmosphere of discontentment. That opens other avenues later, including civil war and then yes, fascist states.

Extreme greed and incompetence of the ruling oligarchy (and the administrations working for them) is leading to falling living standards in the US and its vassals. In these conditions their hold on power can only be maintained by divide-and-rule tactics. Anyone wanting to accelerate the fall of the oligarchy must prevent them from using those. And because they do have a grip on political power and the left is weak, the practical way to prevent the continuation of this strategy is to tilt the equilibria, within the ruling class, towards the anti-immigation group. Now! This is no "horseshow theory", not any meeting of objectives. The objectives are different. But the necessary political strategy of of one side and the simple views of the other's (false) propaganda can converge enough to prevent worse evils. The anti-imigration "far right" are a tiny faction within the ruling class but there is no shame on happening to be in tactical agreement with them. To their own embarassment, as their talk are lies, but that can be exploited. The only reason most of those "far right" parties oppose immigration is to win votes, not out of any personal conviction of the leadership, who is made up of opportunists. But they're the ones who can lose power for the oligarchy. These "fascists" as some are called don't scare me because they don't have conditions, presently, to actually set up a fascist state. To do that they would need a worsening of the situation into ourtight civil war. But they are not the ones working towards that.

Didn't I tell you that as far back as 10 years ago there were military officers looking at the scenarios for civil war in Europe already, around migration issues? The really scary portions of the oligarchy are not the "far right" as is now called in newspapers. Look at Meloni whose actions are totally counter her rethoric (a fact not missed by italians now). The really scary part of the oligarchy are the bankers supprting the "centrists" setting up the situation for an actual fascism later. They know what they're doing.

So, the left should now campaign to block immigration. And to restore sovereignty, against multi-national "entanglements". Should be unashamedly nationalist, whish is the natural position of the left anyway, in the sense of defending the national community it represents. This forces the "far right" that talks against open borders but keeps them open to either have to actually act. And so frustrate the strategy of the oligarchy based on dividing to rule. Or else suffer electoral failure and loss of influence, with correponding increase of influence of the left. In that case the left must follow through with a sovereignist, nationalist agenda. To do so is no denial of internationalism as a goal. It is to fulfill the need of taking care of building socialism in each country prior to moving on to that. International solidarity can in the meanwile be practiced by, looking at present exampes, not selling weapons to genocidal governments. Invalidating "investor protection treaties". Invalidating "intellectual property". Endind the so-called "trate treaties". Ending the "free flow of capital" across borders, which finishes off the "fiscal paradises" used by the oligarchy and can even cut off their assets stuck there. Etc. International solidarity of the left means opposing the oligarchies and the rentier interests of the world at every turn by dismantling the web of protections they built for themselves thorugh international treaties. This needs a nationalist strategy.

The real problem with all of this is that blocking immigration simply won't really work without addressing its root causes which requires, ultimately, eliminating the distinction between the developing and the developed world. It may be a bit more feasible in Europe, but the US border is just too long.

I don't remember anyone saying they have a problem with literal repression of unlawful activity.

(thereby proving my point)


the resident Cassandra
Dec 4, 2006
Destroy their tools? you identified the immigrants as tools of the oligarchs in an earlier post; what does "destroying" them mean? It seems to me there is not much difference between saying "we need to drown immigrants in the Mediterranean, because they're the tools of the oligarchs" and "we need to stuff Jews into the cattle cars, because they're the tools of the oligarchs"

Closing borders to immigration means just that: closing borders to immigration. As it was done in the past. The migrants across the sea thing, In the case of the UK, is a total lie. The UK could shut down mass immigration simply by forbidding any air travel company from carrying immigrants into the UK and tightening visa issues. No need for drowining anyone, no need for extradition treaties. Offending companies need simply be denied flight rights into the UK, they would police immigratioon at the airports of origin in no time.

For countries like Italy or Spain, yes it does mean sinking a few ships that cross into national waters unauthorised, if necessary. Done as a strict policy they would get the message across the Mediterranean very fast indeed and the migration flow that way would dry up completely. I'm sure that fewer people would die in the first year of a no immigration policy strictly and openly enforced than they do currently on the ambigous regime of wanting mass immigration, and letting most in, but having some rejected in a media circus so as to pretend to be opposed to mass immigration. And do not pretend that the current status quo is any better: there's hundreds of thousands (millions?) that cross the sea but other hundreds who are disposed off across the way because it was turning out to be excessive. Those deals with the slave traders passing as goverment in Libya, with Morocco, Turkey, etc, are no "humanitarianism" but no one is scandalized about it. My point is that there is not need to even pay these middlemen. There is a policy of closing a boder, enforce it. Where it means killing people, kill people. A border either is enforced or it isn't and then you don't have a state.

These migration flows are "drawn in" by the announcement of laz immigration policies. This is not a problem that emerges of itself, it's a desired, engineered flow. Hungary has next to no migration and all it had to do was make it clear that it desired none, demonstrate some closed borders and police the hiring of immigrants. It's not hard and does not require machine-gunning immigrants at the border. That image is self-serving NGO porpaganda.
The "humanitarian concerns" are bullcrap. The NGO industry built around that is just an industry to milk donations and are very happy with the status quo they claim to be fighting. The mode drowned sob stores, the better for them. I know people there. These are very cynically handeled issues.

As for the US and its southern border, don't worry too much. With the continued collapse of american industry and the "near-shoring" thing Mexico will soon be offering better labour conditions than the US, for immigrants. Ther'es agricultune but still industry is preferable.
The left in the US could do well by campaigning against monopolies known for hiring immigrants, like Tyson Foods. It follishly leaves that ground to "conservatives".
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Load Balanced
Nov 24, 2014
So here we have it, between Inno and Lexs crew, who are the true lefties, pray tell me I’m thoroughly confused 🤔

And where is the right in this political landscape ?

If everyone is malcontent for diverse reasons there is no left or right is there ?
I've already pointed out someone who is right-wing, but they weirdly took it as a personal attack.

Anyhow, while people can fake being leftist or progressive, this isn't necessarily the case when it comes to the economic axis of discussion here. You'll see a lot of older left-leaning folk being happily right-wing on cultural issues, however.

But this is the same everywhere. How do we make Snowgerry happy? Does everyone need a label? :p
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