HarlNESIII - The Decline of France

So, should we send IT orders for now? Or do you want to do that BT turn you've mentioned?
To Prussia
From Great Britian

We are of the opinion that Austrias holdings in the Bohemia should be kept. We suggest instead that Austria will instead cede Palatinate, and Prussia will not pay Austria reparation.

Unacceptable. The war will continue.

We ask the British politely to stay out of our war, as we did for you.
To: Austria
From: Kingdom of Italy

You are walking on very thin ice. You may have just missed your only chance for peace and saving your empire from two armies were it not for your foolish pride.
Three armies, to be exact. ;)
My join date is also the date of my entry into NESing. I never heard of Silver untill just a couple of months ago, when I rejoined.
Silver - Join Date: Jul 2003

Amon - Join Date: Jul 2003

Luckymoose - Join Date: Jan 2006

The Farow - Join Date: Jan 2006

[exaggerated voice]OH MY GOD![/exaggerated voice]


I do agree about the Impatient Ones.
Luckymoose - Join Date: Jan 2006

The Farow - Join Date: Jan 2006

[exaggerated voice]OH MY GOD![/exaggerated voice]


I do agree about the Impatient Ones.

I celebrate my NEWness. As when I beat people it makes it that much more enjoyable.
I celebrate my NEWness. As when I beat people it makes it that much more enjoyable.

I have to second SwissEmpire's question, because I sincerely don't remember you actually beating anyone lately. Though it would seem that you are indeed getting better.
I can't wait no more for the update. *Shoots self, so I don't have to wait no longer*
I will neglect to send orders. I am still getting into the Denmark-Norway vibe, so kindly NPC me this turn. Thank ye kindly.
Turn their warriors into canabolistic savages. That's what I'd do.
Heh....I found something that I can do as Japan....haha....

Mass seppuku, so that we can take over and not have to worry about you awakening ever again? :p

Savages who worship the Mount Canabolis in Australia are fun too. ;)
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