HarlNESIII - The Decline of France


Hippo Power
Jan 9, 2002
Western Galicia
HarlNES III - The Decline of France

Deadline for orders:
Saturday, April 14th, at 17,00 (5pm) GMT.​

Brief Introduction:
Welcome to my first AltHis nes. It has taken some time to prepare this so I hope it will run well. The nes will start in the summer of 1826ad. After being in the shadow of France for more than a decade, the European nations are at last starting to rise up and assert themselves once again. This is due to the death of the French emperor, Napoleon I, and due to the trouble now plaguing France. Napoleon II is a headstrong teenager who thinks he knows best and who resents being forced to listen to his mother, Maria Louise of Austria, who is acting as regent until he comes of age in two years.
With this disruption in France, the European nations are once again arming themselves and rebuilding their forces in anticipation of conflict. The French satelite states of Spain and Naples have already begun pursuing independent policies rather than just following Paris. Should these two nations decide to break their ties with France, the French will stand alone in a hostile Europe.
Still, they have one thing going for them; the most powerful army in the world. If faced with a new coalition it is doubtful though whether that will be enough.​

Europe is approaching turmoil and, if it does indeed end with a war, this could herald the beginning of a new world order led by the United States, Russia or even China, Japan or the Sikh Empire.​

More information can be found: Here

Orders should be in on time. You can do them anyway you wish, though I would be pleased if they are divided in three sections. One listing how you spend your funds; one detailing non-military actions and one detailing military actions. That will make it easier for me to deal with. Maps are welcome.
You may include your stats, but you do not need to. Please try and limit yourself to just two PM's.
Make sure to specify, at least in the initial orders, how your forces are deployed and, if you move them, what is deployed where. That will be vital for me when working out the initial success of attacks. You don't need to tell me everytime where they are deployed, but I'd appreciate it.
Finally, please link to any treaties you have signed.​

There are two turns in every year; Summer and Winter.
In winter military campaigns are more difficult due to the effects of the weather and thus you might want to spend more on support for your forces. Weather-effects can be anything from extreme cold to blocked passes and frozen water (which can be both good and bad). Also, troops generally don't like fighting in the cold.​

Are much encouraged. Good stories might get a bonus. And they might not. I'll try to utilize the system used by das with random bonusses for various things. Stories will generally make your plans more likely to succeed though.​

Note on military:
All things equal, the force with the most and best trained and led troops will win a battle. However the use of fortifications and natural barriers is a great equaliser and I strongly recommend people to consider these things when planning defensive strategies. A mountainpass can be held against overwhelming numbers and fortifications can easily slow down an enemy force and hold out against superior numbers. Generally speaking, you'll want a 4:1 numerical advantage when assaulting strongpoints, though you could bypass them or attempt to starve them out.
Morale can also be a great equalizer. Furthermore, occupied territories WILL rise against you unless properly garrisoned.

Rules v. 1.4

As most Nesses become a massively, complex series of wars, these rules focus mainly on the military aspect. The point is to make the armies more different than simply one being larger than the other by taking into account not only size, but also the skill of both men and troops as well as morale.

Government (Efficiency):
Army (Quality):
Navy (Quality):
Military Education (Land/Sea):
Quality of Infrastructure:
Level of Education:

The leader of the nation. First the in-game name, second the player name.

Your form of government. Nothing fancy in this. Most will be some sort of monarchy. Efficiency, which is noted in brackets, indicates how well trained your administrators are. A high level makes it easier to carry out civilian policy changes and plans, reduces corruption and risks of traitors, and is generally helpful in subtle ways.

Hopeless – Incompetent – Unskilled - Tolerable – Decent – Competent - Skilled - Brilliant

Well, this is like, the administrative centre of your nation where your ruler, most likely, lives. Capitals are ringed in white on the map. Protect it well. The loss of your capital will be devastating for morale.

As proposed by Disenfrancised, though somewhat altered by das. The larger your country is, the more money you will have to spend to grow any particular stat that might be grown by eco. You could invest money into stat growth over time if your country is large enough; in that case, the stat will still increase, but only in some, probably central, parts of the country. This is in to keep the larger nations with more trade centres from completely overrunning the smaller nations and, hopefully, keep the nes more balanced.

Small (1)-Medium (2)-Above Medium (3)-Large (4)-Huge (5)-Gargantuan (6)-Half the World (7)

Shows what state your finances are in. The size of your nation is irrelevant as larger nations usually also have larger expenses. The income shows the surplus you have available for use.
Nations also have a treasury where they save up for harder times. This means that you can bank parts of your income. Be careful though as treasuries can be plundered, raided and robbed.

Wars are expensive business. Expect your economy to take a hit if go to war, particularly if it drags out. This is due to disruptions in trade, burned crops and fewer people working as they get called up to serve garrison/militia duty.
An economic level can be sacrificed for extra eco points. This represents you selling off assets, pawning land and generally squeezing your subjects. This will gain you a large financial boost, but is extremely damaging to your economy. If you decide to sacrifice you will lose TWO economy levels as you not only lose income but also put yourself in debt. It’s a vicious circle. The more values you have, the more you’ll gain. When you sacrifice your income for the turn will be the amount listed below + income from your eco-centres.

Sacrificial Table:
Initial level of economy – points gained.
Bankrupt: not possible
Heavy depression -> Recession: 2
Poor -> Pretty good: 3
Good -> Growing: 5
Strong -> Wealthy: 7
Rich -> Exceptional: 9

To grow economy you will need to spend twice the amount of eco-points that the next level provides. You can not sacrifice a level in the same turn you grow your economy. You do not need to pay everything in one turn, but can invest over several turns. You can, however, still spend income from your special cities. Growing is hard.

Bankrupt (-4) – Heavy Depression (-1) - Recession (0) – Poor (+1) – Decent (+1) – Pretty good (+1) – Good (+2) – Growing (+2) – Strong (+3) – Wealthy (+3) – Rich (+4) – Exceptional (+4)

EcoPoints can be spent on: Education, improving administrative efficiency, recruiting armed forces, improving the quality of your forces, improving infrastructure, starting projects, bribes, gifts, maintaining your current levels, supplying troops during war time, be banked etc.

Special cities:
Some of your cities may take on a special status as either an economic, religious or cultural centre. These cities are highly valuable as they’ll give you extra income. All special cities will be ringed in red. Every such city you have will give you one extra eco-point every turn.

The size of your military. Every point you spend will get you either 2 divisions or 5 ships. Newly raised units will be recruited at “Green” level.
If you desperately need troops you can recruit twice the amount of Army troops for the same price, ie 4 divisions for one point, but they will then come in as “Untrained”. Basically it’ll give you the choice between a large, poor force or a smaller, trained one. Untrained forces won’t be worth much when attacking, but they’re more than capable of doing defensive work as it is mainly a case of pointing and pulling the trigger.

If your military reaches a very large size then your economy might suffer due to increased costs of supplying and maintaining them.

1 division is roughly 6,000 troops.

Quality (Land/Naval):
This covers the quality of your armed forces. How modern their equipment is, how well they have been trained to use it, how battle-hardened they are, how well they follow orders etc.

Increasing the quality is quite simple. 1 point will improve 4 divisions one level or 2 divisions two levels. This will make it very expensive to raise a large, well trained army, but makes it very viable to have a smaller, well trained core.

The same principle applies to the navy. One point will increase 10 ships once or 5 ships twice.

Difference in quality will mainly be important in pitched battles. A force with inferior quality can still win a battle with little difficulty if they are occupying defensive positions, utilize the terrain well, are led by skilled officers or through pure luck.

Untrained – Poor – Green – Acceptable – Standard training - Better - Trained – Well trained – Professional army – Elite forces

Military Education:
This level tells you how trained your officers and commanders are. The higher the level is, the better their ability is. Some nations are famed for their military academies, others might have a single or a few exceptionally skilled individuals and other nations might have really poor leaders as they are appointed as favours or due to influence rather than because of their talent.

To raise this level you must pay 2 eco-points for every 10 divisions or 25 ships. This can be done over time.

Incompetent – Unqualified – Inept – Poor – Normal – Decent – Able – Qualified - Skilled

Morale is an indicator of how happy your military is with the way things are going. Victories will naturally increase this, whereas defeats, high casualty rates or incompetent command can reduce it. If it drops to a low level, desertion might begin to affect the army, rebellions might break out etc.

Revolting – Very low – Low – Average – High – Very High –We stand together!

Tech Level:
Most Nations shall start in the Early Industrial Age. You can up your tech Era by having a good National Intelligence, along with research. Mainly this will show how industrialised a nation is and what advances, such as railroads, it has available. Oddly enough, the army usually is more or less up-to-date as most rulers happily buy the newest weapons rather than focus on developing their nation.

Late Enlightened Age: approximate analogy in our world is 1760-1790 Europe.
Early Industrial Age: approximate analogy - 1790-1840.
Middle Industrial Age: approximate analogy - 1840-1880.
Late Industrial Age: approximate analogy - 1880-1916.

Roads, bridges, boats - all things used for transportation of goods and men - are listed under infrastructure. The higher is your infrastructure, the easier it is to move your (or enemy) troops across your territory; also, infrastructure could sometimes slightly grow economic benefits from trade centres, and it is a must for maintenance of a high culture level in large empires, as well as actually maintaining your grip on faraway provinces.

Dirt Paths – Pathetic - Barely Tolerable – Tolerable – Decent – Improving – Good – Efficient - Very Efficient – Excellent

This is how well your people are educated. The higher the education, the more chances you have to develop new technology.

Once someone reaches Enlightenment, he becomes much more likely to reach the next age. When someone reaches the next level they will drop back down to Educated.
Almost everybody can learn to read and write, but it takes quite a bit more to become a professor in quantum physics which is why this has been implemented. You can also buy the technology other nations.

Dumb – Illiterate – Basic - Tolerable – Literate – Educated - Well Educated – Perfect – Academic – Enlightenment

This is similar to morale, but affect the civilian population rather than the military. This is mainly affected through your policies, but also events throughout the world, wars and many other things have an effect on it. A war can increase this, but if it goes on for a long time, even if you’re winning, the pure strain of being at war combined with casualties can make it drop rapidly.

Lynching – Hateful – Resentful - Tolerating – Respecting – Admiring –Personal Cult

These are special monuments that you construct or projects you initiate. Wonders will be much more expensive to build, but their effects are longer lasting and more powerful. They can also cause cities to gain special status. Projects are faster to do, but will usually be less powerful. Projects are often some kind of reforms or minor constructions that will give you an immediate boost. Wonders will often give you a smaller boost, but will be effective longer. As a general rule of thumb projects won’t be available initially, but consult me and I’ll tell you if the effects you want are ok and how long it will take. Construction will cost 1 EP per turn. You can spend extra to speed it up. You can either pay 3 EcoPoints extra to speed it up by an extra turn OR you can sacrifice an economic level to speed it up by two extra turns. You can only construct one at a time.
1 EP invested = progress project by one turn
3 EP invested = progress project by two turns
1 EP + 1 EcoLevel invested = progress project by three turns.

You can have one UU per age. Your UU will be either a naval or a land unit and be upgraded along with it. You can change it at any time you wish as it might become obsolete. Recruitment cost will be the same as for standard troops. They will always be considered one training level higher than the other troops in that category. This is the only way to get Elite+1 units. Often they also have other special advantages such as being mountaineers, amphibious, stealthy, more heavily armed/armoured etc.
Your UU may never be larger than 50% of your normal units. Casualties in war might change this, but you can never increase it to a larger proportion.
When you want a UU you just tell me what you want along with a description of it.

Basic Price-chart:
2 divisions: 1 eco-point
5 ships: 1 eco-point
Increase of Infrastructure, Education, Government Efficiency: Size stat # in eco-points
Training: 1 point for 1 level (4 divisions/10 ships) or 1 points for 2 levels (2 divisions/5 ships)
Tactical knowledge: 2 points for every 10 divisions/25 ships
Projects: 1 eco-point for 1 turn (basic)
Economy: Variable
Logistics: 1+ eco-points
Fortifications: 1+ eco-points
Current alliances:

Britain and Prussia
Britain and United Provinces
Britain and Portugal
Britain and Hanover
Argentina and Portugal
France and United Provinces
Spain and United Provinces
Spain and Siam
South American Nations

Current NAP's:

Current wars:
Italy vs Austria
Russia vs Austria
Prussia vs Austria
Russia vs Persia
South America vs Spain
Portugal vs Nam Viet and Siam
Britain vs Burma and Balochistan

Other agreements:

Trade Agreements
Austria - Maratha Empire
Austria - Balochistan
Russia - China
Russia - Japan
Portugal - China

Papal Zouaves -
Russian Cossacks - Take a guess :p
Portuguese Colonial Troops - Defence forces consisting of natives. Not the best trained in the world, but they do know their environment better than the Europeans do. (Better description when I get one ;) )
British Frigates - Ships that are slightly faster and more manouverable than other ships.
French Imperial Guard - The best of best. The meanest, toughest, hairiest and more scary of the troops in the French army.
Omani Fedayeen - Tough desert troops capable of living of the land and surviving in harsh conditions.
Neo-Conquistadors: an updated version of the types of old. No longer independent nobles going for personal gains, but requisitioned soldiers to the crown army. They will be trained for jungle and mountain conflict. Good for against rebellions and combatting guirilla warfare. Mainly a colonial fighting force, but useful to harass invaders effectively.

Starting map:
Spoiler :

United Kingdom
Ruler/Player: PM Robert Jenkinson / Kal’Thzar

Capital: London
Government (Efficiency): Parliamentary Monarchy (Decent)

Size: Huge (5)
Income: Good (+2) – 2 banked
Army (Quality): 2 divisions (Prof), 5 divisions (Trained), 5 divisions (Standard), 10 divisions (Acceptable), Navy (Quality): 94 ships (Prof), 45 British Frigates

Military Education (Land/Sea): Able/Skilled
Morale: High
Tech-level: Early Industrial
Quality of Infrastructure: Very Efficient
Level of Education: Educated
Confidence: Resentful
Wonders/Projects: Workshop of the World (+3 trade centres) 1/12

Following the loss to Napoleon and, before that, to the Americans, the British are no longer the power they used to be. Even so, they are still one of the major world powers due to their possessions in India and powerful navy. A new wave of colonialism is slowly starting, but the British must still remain wary of the French. Another problem they might have to deal with is the East Indian Company which is taking greater and greater liberties in India. Should India be lost, then the future of Britain might be bleak.

Ruler/Player: Emperor Napoleon II / Amon Savag

Capital: Paris
Government (Efficiency): Absolute Monarchy (Tolerable)

Size: Huge (5)
Income: Good (+2)
Army (Quality): 2 Imperial Guard Divisions, 9 Divisions (Well Trained), 12 divisions (Trained), 17 divisions (standard)
Navy (Quality): 63 ships (Standard), 20 ships (Green)

Military Education (Land/Sea): Skilled/Able
Morale: High
Tech-level: Early Industrial
Quality of Infrastructure: Very Efficient
Level of Education: Educated
Confidence: Tolerating
Toulouse Military Academy (Secret) 6/9, Marseille Docks (Secret) 1/6
Following their win during the Great Wars, France was the hegemon power of the World. They still have this position thanks to their strong army, but with the death of Napoleon I and the untested Napoleon II now in command and unwilling to listen to counsel, the empire might be facing difficulties. Already Spain and Naples are pursuing independent foreign policies and can no longer be counted on.

Ruler/Player: King
Pedro IV / Luckymoose
Capital: Lisboa
Government (Efficiency): Absolute Monarchy (Tolerable)

Size: Large (4)
Income: Strong (+3)
Army (Quality): 4 divisions (Well Trained), 6 divisions (Trained), 2 divisions (Standard), 8 divisions (Acceptable), 9 Colonial divisions (Standard)
Navy (Quality): 60 ships (Prof), 5 ships (acceptable)

Military Education (Land/Sea): Normal/Able
Morale: High
Tech-level: Early Industrial
Quality of Infrastructure: Efficient
Level of Education: Educated
Confidence: Admiring
Brazil Reforma (+2 confidence) DONE! Healthy Future (SECRET) DONE. Beast and the Harlot (SECRET) 3/6
NOTE: Control over the Eastern Empire Trading Company +1 bonus eco-point every 2 turns (0/2)
Relying on trade and income from the colonies, Portugal can soon face massive difficulties as groups in Brazil are calling out for independence. So far no hostilities have broken out, but with most of South America having gained independence it is likely that Brazil will follow suit soon. Having weathered the worst of the European conflicts, Portugal is still strong enough to fight for what it considers its rightful possession.

Ruler/Player: King Ferdinand VII / Wubba360

Capital: Valencia
Government (Efficiency): Absolute Monarchy (Incompetent)

Size: Large (4)
Income: Recession (0)
Army (Quality): 8 divisions (Prof), 1 divisions (Trained), 3 divisions (Standard), 6 divisions (Green), 2 Neo-Conquistador divisions
Navy (Quality): 35 ships (Better)

Military Education (Land/Sea): Able/Decent
Morale: Low
Tech-level: Early Industrial
Quality of Infrastructure: Improving
Level of Education: Educated
Confidence: Resentful
Wonders/Projects: Colonial Reform (DONE) 5/5

It is not easy being Joseph. While Napoleon was alive he had to do what Paris told him, whilst at the same time his people wanted nothing to do with him. Now, Spain itself is relatively quiet, but should the French pull their forces out, then the people could quickly rise up again. Peru is all but lost and it will take a massive effort to regain control of Gran Granada. At the same time the wars have been horrendous to the Spanish economy so there is little income to work with. The big question now is: Will Joseph remain loyal to Paris or not?

The United Provinces
Ruler/Player: King William I / j_eps

Capital: Amsterdam
Government (Efficiency): Absolute Monarchy (Competent)

Size: Above Medium (3)
Income: Growing (+2)
Army (Quality): 15 divisions (Standard), 4 divisions (Green)
Navy (Quality): 65 ships (Well Trained)

Military Education (Land/Sea): Decent/Qualified
Morale: High
Tech-level: Early Industrial
Quality of Infrastructure: Good
Level of Education: Educated
Confidence: Tolerating

Prospering again after having regained its independence, the United Provinces is a nation on the rise. Backed by a strong navy to keep the colonies safe, the UP is a nation of merchants and traders. Their wealth and colonies is an obvious target for the British though and they must always keep a watchful eye to the south.

Ruler/Player: King Frederick I / Shadowbound

Capital: Hanover
Government (Efficiency): Absolute Monarchy (Competent)

Size: Medium (2)
Income: Good (+2)
Army (Quality): 8 divisions (Prof), 3 divisions (Standard), 4 divisions (Better)
Navy (Quality): 5 ships (Better)

Military Education (Land/Sea): Skilled/Normal
Morale: High
Tech-level: Early Industrial
Quality of Infrastructure: Very Efficient
Level of Education: Educated
Confidence: Respecting

Brother to King George IV of England, Frederick was proclaimed king of Hanover in 1816 as Napoleon didn’t want the province to return to England. As the English didn’t want to lose it either, it was eventually agreed that the Duke of York should be crowned king. Hanover has kept its close ties with Britain and under his leadership Hanover has prospered and now boasts an extremely well-trained armed force.

Ruler/Player: King William I / NPC

Capital: Stuttgart
Government (Efficiency): Absolute Monarchy (Tolerable)

Size: Small (1)
Income: Pretty good (+1) – 2 banked
Army (Quality): 4 divisions (Trained), 4 divisions (Better)
Navy (Quality): -

Military Education (Land/Sea): Decent/-
Morale: Average
Tech-level: Early Industrial
Quality of Infrastructure: Very Efficient
Level of Education: Educated
Confidence: Respecting

Another nation to regain its independence, Wurttemberg is in an unenviable position between France and Bavaria. Both nations could easily take control of the Kingdom, forcing Wurttemberg to navigate carefully and attempt to make the two nations see the value of his land as a peaceful buffer state. Whether it can be accomplished is highly doubtful.

Helvetic Confederation
Ruler/Player: Max Klein / NPC

Capital: None (Bern)
Government (Efficiency):
Confederate Republic (Unskilled)
Size: Small (1)
Income: Decent (+1)
Army (Quality): 6 divisions (standard)
Navy (Quality): -

Military Education (Land/Sea): Normal/-
Morale: High
Tech-level: Early Industrial
Quality of Infrastructure: Tolerable
Level of Education: Educated
Confidence: Admiring
Wonders/Projects: Unity DONE,
Fort Switzerland (Massive fortifications) 2/4
Restored in full at the 1816 conference, Helvetia is a land in unrest. Disagreements between the cantons hinder the development of the nation and the struggle between the federalists and the republicans seem unending. Unless the Swiss can overcome their internal differences there is little hope for the mountain nation to ever develop. Rather, the risk of civil war is very real and could potentially split the nation irreversibly apart.

Ruler/Player: King Frederik VI / NPC

Capital: Copenhagen
Government (Efficiency): Absolute Monarchy (Tolerable)

Size: Above Medium (3)
Income: Good (+2)
Army (Quality): 4 divisions (Better), 4 divisions (Standard), 2 divisions (Acceptable)
Navy (Quality): 32 ships (Better)

Military Education (Land/Sea): Decent/Able
Morale: Average
Tech-level: Early Industrial
Quality of Infrastructure: Efficient
Level of Education: Educated
Confidence: Respecting
Wonders/Projects: Scania (+1 eco, +1 efficiency) 1/3

Following their backing of Napoleon, a backing they were forced into by the British, Denmark emerged stronger from the wars with the recovery of Scania. Since then Denmark has focused on recovering economically, a task which has been made easier with the regained control of the Sound. True to tradition the strength of the Danes lies in its navy and merchants.

Ruler/Player: King
Gustav V Vasa / NPC
Capital: Stockholm
Government (Efficiency): Constitutional Monarchy (Tolerable)

Size: Medium (2)
Income: Pretty Good (+1)
Army (Quality): 4 divisions (Standard), 2 divisions (Green)

Navy (Quality): 11 ships (Standard)
Military Education (Land/Sea): Decent/Normal
Morale: Low
Tech-level: Early Industrial
Quality of Infrastructure: Efficient
Level of Education: Well Educated
Confidence: Tolerating

Sweden is a fallen state. Losses to Russia and to Denmark has reduced the nation to less than half its former territory. Internally the nation is also a shambles as the succession after the late king was troublesome. Eventually, the nobility decided on the son of the old king Gustav IV Adolf despite massive reluctance. So far the king has been held on a short leash by the nobles and it remains to be seen if he’ll ever cast of his shackles.

Ruler/Player: King Frederick William III / Azale

Capital: Berlin
Government (Efficiency): Absolute Monarchy (Competent)

Size: Above Medium (3)
Income: Poor (+1)
Army (Quality): 10 divisions (Better), 1 divisions (Acceptable), 6 divisions (Standard), 1 divisions (Green)
Navy (Quality): 15 ships (Standard), 6 irregular divisions

Military Education (Land/Sea): Able (1/6 to next)/Normal
Morale: High
Tech-level: Early Industrial
Quality of Infrastructure: Very Efficient
Level of Education: Educated
Confidence: Respecting
Wonders/Projects: King Frederick's North German Confederation (SECRET) 1/4

Following their defeat by the French and the territorial losses, Prussia was in a dangerous position where they could have lost everything. Since then the economy has recovered somewhat and the Prussians have managed to build a strong military to keep what lands they have remaining safe. With the death of Napoleon they are once again looking to expand their borders and assume a position of power in Europe.

Ruler/Player: King Frederick Augustus I / NPC

Capital: Dresden
Government (Efficiency): Absolute Monarchy (Competent)

Size: Small (1)
Income: Good (+1)
Army (Quality): 4 divisions (Better), 8 divisions (Standard)
Navy (Quality): -

Military Education (Land/Sea): Decent/-
Morale: High
Tech-level: Early Industrial
Quality of Infrastructure: Very Efficient
Level of Education: Educated
Confidence: Admiring

Eyed by both Prussia and Austria, the King of Saxony has trod carefully to not alienate either of the two nations. Not willing to let the other get the small kingdom, its neutrality has been respected so far. With the collapse of order that might be about to change though and rumours say that Saxony and Bavaria are getting closer to each other for better or for worse.
Ruler/Player: None / NPC
Capital: München
Government (Efficiency):
Size: Medium (2)
Income: Good (+1)
Army (Quality): -
Navy (Quality): -
Military Education (Land/Sea): Able/-
Morale: Very High
Tech-level: Early Industrial
Quality of Infrastructure: Very Efficient
Level of Education: Educated
Confidence: Admiring
More even than the United Provinces, it was Bavaria who dominated the now dead Confederation of the Rhine. With the collapse of the CotR, Bavaria was quick to announce its independence. Several minor states have joined voluntarily with Bavaria and more might follow. Already Bavaria sees itself as the rightful leader of the German people and if this attitude doesn’t change it could lead to trouble down the line with Prussia and Austria.

Ruler/Player: Jozef I Poniatowski / NPC
Capital: Poznan
Government (Efficiency): Constitutional Monarchy (Incompetent)
Size: Small (1)
Income: Decent (+1)
Army (Quality): 2 Divisions (Standard), 2 divisions (Green),
Navy (Quality): -
Military Education (Land/Sea): Able/-
Morale: Average
Tech-level: Early Industrial
Quality of Infrastructure: Good
Level of Education: Literate
Confidence: Respecting
Having regained its independence under French protection, Poland could soon find itself in trouble as Prussia and, to some degree Russia, are once again eyeing the Polish lands now that France has been weakened. Internal disagreements could further hinder the Poles and all the bravery they possess might not be enough if one of their neighbours should come calling.

Ruler/Player: Emperor Franz I / erez87
Capital: Wien
Government (Efficiency): Absolute Monarchy (Decent)
Size: Large (4)
Income: Decent (+1)
Army (Quality): 6 divisions (Well Trained), 12 divisions (Standard), 10 divisions (Green), 14 irregular divisions
Navy (Quality): 8 ships (Normal)
Military Education (Land/Sea): Decent/Normal
Morale: Average
Tech-level: Early Industrial
Quality of Infrastructure: Efficient
Level of Education: Educated
Confidence: Respecting
Despite heavy losses during the wars, the Austrians recovery has been impressive. This is partially due to French goodwill, but just as much due to a concentrated focus on rebuilding the nation. One of the leaders in Europe, Austria needs its large army to protect its long borders and to guard both the south and the north.

Ruler/Player: King Christiano I Oldenburg / NPC
Capital: Firenze
Government (Efficiency): Constitutional Monarchy (Decent)
Size: Small (1)
Income: Pretty Good (+1) – 2 banked
Army (Quality): 8 divisions (Standard)
Navy (Quality): 15 ships (Better), 15 ships (Standard)
Military Education (Land/Sea): Decent/Normal
Morale: Average
Tech-level: Early Industrial
Quality of Infrastructure: Very Efficient
Level of Education: Well Educated
Confidence: Tolerating
Tuscany was another major dispute after the wars as the French and the defeated allies couldn’t agree on who should lead the nation. With a Frenchman in Naples and an Austrian in Milan it might have been an Englishman, but neither nation wanted that. In the end they settled on the cousin of the Danish king and crowned him. Tuscany has since then trod a quiet path to steer clear of any trouble of instead focused on internal development.

Ruler/Player: King Gioacchino I Murat / Communisto
Capital: Naples
Government (Efficiency): Absolute Monarchy (Tolerable)
Size: Above Medium (3)
Income: Pretty good (+1) – 3 banked
Army (Quality): 9 divisions (Better), 8 divisions (Standard), 2 divisions (Green)
Navy (Quality): 25 ships (Standard)
Military Education (Land/Sea): Decent/Normal
Morale: Average
Tech-level: Early Industrial
Quality of Infrastructure: Efficient
Level of Education: Literate
Confidence: Tolerating
Affirmed as King of Naples, Murat has been on a tight leash from Paris. Struggling both against the leash and occasional uprisings, Murat has finally got his hands free to deal with his kingdom as he pleases. It is doubtful that he’ll remain as loyal to France as he used to, but only time can tell what direction he will take his nation in.

Ruler/Player: Tsar Nicholas I / Faenor
Capital: St. Petersburg
Government (Efficiency): Absolute Monarchy (Incompetent)
Size: Gargantuan (6)
Income: Decent (+1)
Army (Quality): 2 divisions (Elite - ангел смертный), 2 divisions (Trained), 2 divisions (Standard), 10 divisions (Better), 4 divisions (Green), 10 Cossack divisions
Navy (Quality): -
Military Education (Land/Sea): Normal/Normal
Morale: Low
Tech-level: Early Industrial Age
Quality of Infrastructure: Barely Tolerable
Level of Education: Tolerable
Wonders/Projects: Moscow Military Academy (+3 Mil. Education) 3/14
After its defeat to France, Russia has turned its eyes East. The Oregon territory has been claimed, much to the annoyance of the Americans, and the north of Hokkaido has been seized, irritating the Japanese. Russia is a sleeping giant with immense potential, but also with powerful enemies. Worse, perhaps, is the internal unrest which saw an uprising, which was quelled, only months ago.

Ruler/Player: Sultan Mahmud II / KrimzonStriker
Capital: Istanbul
Government (Efficiency): Absolute Monarchy (Unskilled)
Size: Huge (5)
Income: Good (+2)
Army (Quality): 2 divisions (Better), 27 divisions (Standard), 4 divisions (Acceptable), 12 Janissary divisions
Navy (Quality): 30 ships (Better), 35 ships (Standard)
Military Education (Land/Sea): Decent/Normal
Morale: Average
Tech-level: Early Industrial
Quality of Infrastructure: Improving
Level of Education: Perfect
Confidence: Respecting
Description: Archives of Alexandria (+2 education) Done!
The Ottoman Empire stands at a crossroads. Modernization is desperately required, but unruly vassals, rebellion in Greece and the recent massacre of the Janissary Corps leaves the Ottomans in a precarious position. It will require both skill and luck is Mahmud II is to restore the past glory to the Ottoman Empire.

NOTE: Egypt, Tripoli, Algiers and Tunis are technically still parts of the Empire, but are enjoying rights close to independence. They have small forces of their own, but are still protected by the Ottomans. They handle their own development, so the only real link they have with the Ottomans are sharing a colour, full Ottoman rights in the area and, finally, the point from Alexandria is given to the Ottomans as tribute from the entire region. They run independent policies and have been engaged in wars without any involvement from the Ottoman military (See Barbary Wars).
United States
Ruler/Player: President John Quincy Adams / Lord_Iggy
Capital: Washington
Government (Efficiency): Republic (Competent)
Size: Gargantuan (6)
Income: Wealthy (+3)
Army (Quality): 4 divisions (Well Trained), 2 divisions (Well Trained), 4 divisions (Trained), 2 divisions (Standard), 9 divisions (Acceptable)
Navy (Quality): 15 ships (Standard)
Military Education (Land/Sea): Normal/Normal
Morale: High
Tech-level: Early Industrial
Quality of Infrastructure: Barely Tolerable
Level of Education: Educated
Confidence: Respecting
Wonders/Projects: Trans-Continental Railway (+2 infra) 2/10
Having recently proclaimed the Monroe Doctrine, the US is currently not very popular in Europe. The nation is rapidly growing though and is becoming increasingly wealthy. It does have some problems though. To the west the Russians have claimed lands they see as theirs and, eventually, they’d also like to claim the Mexican lands of California and Texas. Internally, disagreement is starting to grow between the northern and southern states.

Ruler/Player: President Don Juan de Miguel / Sheep
Capital: Mexico City
Government (Efficiency): Republic (Junta) (Unskilled)
Size: Huge (5)
Income: Pretty Good (+1) – 1 banked
Army (Quality): 8 divisions (Acceptable), 2 divisions (Green)
Navy (Quality): 5 ships (Acceptable)
Military Education (Land/Sea): Normal/Poor
Morale: Low
Tech-level: Early Industrial
Quality of Infrastructure: Tolerable
Level of Education: Tolerable
Confidence: Tolerating
Wonders/Projects: Dos Republicos (+2 efficiency, +1 confidence) 3/5
Pro-claiming the land New Spain after the Spanish king fled there from Napoleons forces, the land was soon re-dubbed Mexico as the local landowners, and the new nobles, tired of their incompetent leader and replaced him. Today, Mexico is nominally a republic, but in effect power lies with the landowners. It makes the country divided, but should it unite and begin to modernize it can become a power.

Ruler/Player: President Jose Bernardo de Tagle / NPC
Capital: Lima
Government (Efficiency): Republic (Incompetent)
Size: Large (4)
Income: Decent (+1)
Army (Quality): 10 divisions (Standard), 1 divisions (acceptable)
Navy (Quality): -
Military Education (Land/Sea): Normal/-
Morale: High
Tech-level: Early Industrial
Quality of Infrastructure: Barely Tolerable
Level of Education: Basic
Confidence: Respecting
Despite having claimed independence from Spain, Peru is still not a complete nation as the Spanish refuse to recognize its freedom. For years the fighting has been going on, draining the coffers and making Peru a dangerous place to live. Most of the nation is in Peruvian hands though and it is expected that its only a matter of time before the last Spanish troops are expelled.

Ruler/Player: President Francisco Antonia Pinto / NPC
Capital: Santiago
Government (Efficiency): Dictatorship (Incompetent)
Size: Above Medium (3)
Income: Pretty good (+1)
Army (Quality): 8 divisions (Standard)
Navy (Quality): 5 ships (Acceptable)
Military Education (Land/Sea): Poor/Inept
Morale: Average
Tech-level: Early Industrial
Quality of Infrastructure: Barely Tolerable
Level of Education: Literate
Confidence: Tolerating
Like Peru, Chile has recently declared its independence. Unlike Peru and Gran Granada, however, Chile has not been subjected to the Spanish Reconquista… yet. This has allowed the country to gain some stability and start improving. Even so, the Chileans must be wary of not only the Spanish, but also the Argentines and Bolivians.

Ruler/Player: President de Rosas / Daniel Khan
Capital: Buenos Aires
Government (Efficiency): Republic (Unskilled)
Size: Large (4)
Income: Pretty Good (+1)
Army (Quality): 2 divisions (Better), 2 divisions (Standard), 4 divisions (Acceptable)
Navy (Quality): 4 ships (Standard), 5 ships (Green)
Military Education (Land/Sea): Poor/unqualified
Morale: Low
Tech-level: Early Industrial
Quality of Infrastructure: Barely Tolerable 2/4
Level of Education: Literate
Confidence: Tolerating
Unlike the other nations in the region, Argentina has been internationally recognized and must be accounted as an independent nation in all respects. Despite this, all is not well, as many provinces want to be free of rule from Buenos Aires and in the north the Portuguese are eyeing a possibility for further expansion south.

Ruler/Player: Consul Jose Gaspar Rodriguez de Francia / NPC
Capital: Asuncion
Government (Efficiency): Dictatorship (Unskilled)
Size: Above Medium (3)
Income: Pretty Good (+1)
Army (Quality): 7 divisions (Standard)
Navy (Quality): -
Military Education (Land/Sea): Normal/-
Morale: High
Tech-level: Late Enlightenment
Quality of Infrastructure: Tolerable
Level of Education: Basic
Confidence: Resentful
Ruled with an ironfist, Paraguay is a bit unusual in that it has closed its borders completely for all foreigners, including trade. This has stumped the development of the country and it is rapidly becoming a backwater place due to its isolationism. If Paraguay continues along this path, conflict will be unavoidable in the future as the neighbours see a small, weak nation.

Ruler/Player: President Antonio Jose de Sucre / NPC
Capital: La Plata
Government (Efficiency): Republic (Unskilled)
Size: Above Medium (3)
Income: Pretty Good (+1) – 1 banked
Army (Quality): 1 division (Standard), 4 divisions (Green)
Navy (Quality): -
Military Education (Land/Sea): Normal/-
Morale: Average
Tech-level: Late Enlightenment
Quality of Infrastructure: Barely Tolerable
Level of Education: Basic
Confidence: Tolerating
Having just gained its independence, Bolivia is still trying to find its feet as a new nation in a wartorn South America. The nation is weak as a baby and it will take a lot of time and focus before the nation becomes any kind of force to be reckoned with.

Ruler/Player: King Kamahameha III / NPC
Capital: Honolulu
Government (Efficiency): Absolute Monarchy (Tolerable)
Size: Small (1)
Income: Decent (+1) – 1 banked
Army (Quality): 2 divisions (Standard)
Navy (Quality): 10 ships (Green)
Military Education (Land/Sea): Inept/Poor
Morale: Average
Tech-level: Late Enlightenment
Quality of Infrastructure: Tolerable
Level of Education: Basic
Confidence: Respecting
The islands of Hawaii were only just recently united. Now, a new kingdom calls the isles home and grows slowly. What the future will be of this realm is unknown.

Ruler/Player: PM José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva / The Farow
Capital: Rio de Janeiro
Government (Efficiency): Republic (Tolerable)
Size: Small (1)
Income: Decent (+1)
Army (Quality): 2 Divisions (Standard), 6 Divisions (Acceptable), 2 divisions (Well Trained), 6 irregular divisions
Navy (Quality): -
Military Education (Land/Sea): Normal/-
Morale: Normal
Tech-level: Early Industrial
Quality of Infrastructure: Tolerable
Level of Education: Basic
Confidence: Respecting
Despite heavy attempts of the Portuguese to secure their crown colony, it nevertheless rose up in rebellion. Rather than fight a long, drawn-out and costly war, the Portuguese gave Brazil its independence in a commonwealth.
Ruler/Player: Sultan Abderrahmane / NPC
Capital: Rabat
Government (Efficiency): Absolute Monarchy (Tolerable)
Size: Above Medium (3)
Income: Strong (+3)
Army (Quality): 4 divisions (Acceptable)
Navy (Quality): 20 ships (Standard)
Military Education (Land/Sea): Normal/Normal
Morale: Average
Tech-level: Late Enlightenment
Quality of Infrastructure: Tolerable
Level of Education: Literate
Confidence: Respecting
Wonders/Projects: Modernization 2/5
Having survived the Ottoman and Spanish expansions, the Moroccan Kingdom is a relatively small, but rich nation. The collapse of those two empires along with a close friendship with the United States have kept Morocco safe and prosperous.

Ruler/Player: Seku Amadu / NPC
Capital: Hamdullahi
Government (Efficiency): Dictatorship (Incompetent)
Size: Large (4)
Income: Pretty Good (+1) – 2 banked
Army (Quality): 8 divisions (Acceptable),
Navy (Quality): -
Military Education (Land/Sea): Poor/-
Morale: Average
Tech-level: Late Medieval
Quality of Infrastructure: Tolerable
Level of Education: Illiterate
Confidence: Resentful
A new Empire risen on the ashes of Segu and Bambara which it destroyed, this Islamic nation is surprisingly civilized if backwards. Control of Timbuktu and the slave trade that it conducts gives the warlike nation a decent income. All of which will be for naught of course, if the Europeans should find time to come by.

Kanem Bornu
Ruler/Player: Muhammad Al-Kanem / NPC
Capital: Kukawa
Government (Efficiency): Sultanate (Tolerable)
Size: Medium (2)
Income: Good (+2)
Army (Quality): 8 divisions (Standard), 6 divisions (Acceptable)
Navy (Quality): -
Military Education (Land/Sea): Normal/-
Morale: Low
Tech-level: Late Medieval
Quality of Infrastructure: Barely Tolerable
Level of Education: Basic
Confidence: Respecting
Thanks to a recent, and disastrous, war with the Fulani people, the nation of Kanem-Bornu is in heavy decline. It will take a strong leader to stop it and make the nation prosper. If the raids are stopped, the future might look good though as the nation sits astride the most important trade routes through Sahara to the north.

Caliphate of Zanj and Oman
Ruler/Player: Sultan Said ibn Sultan Al Said / NPC
Capital: Mombasa
Government (Efficiency): Absolute Monarchy (Unskilled)
Size: Large (4)
Income: Growing (+2) – 1 banked
Army (Quality): 6 divisions (Standard), 8 divisions (Green), 4 Fedayeen divisions
Navy (Quality): 40 ships (Standard)
Military Education (Land/Sea): Skilled/Normal
Morale: High
Tech-level: Late Enlightenment
Quality of Infrastructure: Tolerable
Level of Education: Well Educated
Confidence: Respecting
Wonders/Projects: Great Leap Forward DONE!
Having gained its independence from the Ottomans and well positioned on the Arabian Peninsula, Oman has built itself a flourishing empire on the east African Coast. Wealthy as it is, it must beware of European colonialism as that could spell the end for this mercantile nation.
Ruler/Player: Fat’h Ali Shah Qajar / NPC
Capital: Tehran
Government (Efficiency): Absolute Monarchy (Tolerable)
Size: Large (4)
Income: Decent (+1)
Army (Quality): 10 divisions (Standard)
Navy (Quality): 15 ships (Acceptable)
Military Education (Land/Sea): Decent/Poor
Morale: High
Tech-level: Middle Enlightenment
Quality of Infrastructure: Barely Tolerable
Level of Education: Basic
Confidence: Tolerating
Under the current shah Persia saw some improvement over its decline in the previous century. Wars against a technologically superior Russia saw the Persian armies defeated time and again. In recent years Persia has focused on domestic growth, but a new war with could arrive sooner than anyone expects.

Sikh Empire
Ruler/Player: Maharaja Ranjit Singh / NPC
Capital: Lahore
Government (Efficiency): Absolute Monarchy (Tolerable)
Size: Large (4)
Income: Good (+2)
Army (Quality): 10 divisions (Better), 8 divisions (Standard), 5 Mountaineer divisions
Navy (Quality): -
Military Education (Land/Sea): Decent/-
Morale: High
Tech-level: Late Enlightenment
Quality of Infrastructure: Tolerable
Level of Education: Literate
Confidence: Admiring
Description: Modernization 1/5
A powerful nation that has expanded dramatically at the expense of the Afghanis and Mughals, it is now the strongest of all the Indian states and, perhaps, the only nation that can stop the British expansion in India.

Ruler/???/ NPC
Capital: Jaipur
Government (Efficiency): Absolute Monarchy (Tolerable)
Size: Medium (2)
Income: Good (+2)
Army (Quality): 16 divisions (Standard)
Navy (Quality): -
Military Education (Land/Sea): Normal/-
Morale: Average
Tech-level: Late Enlightenment
Quality of Infrastructure: Improving
Level of Education: Literate
Confidence: Tolerating
Description: After having been under the rule of the Mughal Empire, the brave Rajput warriors have finally won their independence once more. Yet the new Rajput state is greatly threthaned being sourrounded by the Maratha Empire, Baluchistan, the Sikh Empire, and with the British steadily encroaching. Can the Rajputs retain their independence?

Ruler/Player: Makh Bar Shah / NPC
Capital: Kandahar
Government (Efficiency): Absolute Monarchy (Unskilled)
Size: Above Medium (3)
Income: Pretty good (+1)
Army (Quality): 8 divisions (standard), 4 irregular divisions
Navy (Quality): -
Military Education (Land/Sea): Poor/Poor
Morale: High
Tech-level: Late Enlightenment
Quality of Infrastructure: Barely Tolerable
Level of Education: Basic
Confidence: Tolerating
A minor, backwards nation located between the stronger nations of Persia and the Sikh Empire and in the path of British expansion.

Mughal Empire (Vassal to Britain)
Ruler/Player: Alam Shah II / NPC
Capital: Delhi
Government (Efficiency): Absolute Monarchy (Tolerable)
Size: Small (1)
Income: Pretty good (+1)
Army (Quality): 6 divisions (Better), 1 division (Standard)
Navy (Quality): -
Military Education (Land/Sea): Normal/-
Morale: Average
Tech-level: Late Enlightenment
Quality of Infrastructure: Improving
Level of Education: Literate
Confidence: Tolerating
Wonders/Projects: Resurgence (+6 better divisions) DONE!
The Mughal Empire is but a shadow of what it used to be. Most of the lands it used to command have now been taken by the Maratha and the English, and there are no signs of the decline ending anytime soon. The once mighty Mughal Emperor is a vassal to the British, owning only the city of Delhi itself and allowed a pension and tiny army.

Ruler/Player: Maharaja Krishnaraja Wodeyar III / NPC
Capital: Mysore
Government (Efficiency): Absolute Monarchy (Efficient)
Size: Medium (2)
Income: Pretty Good (+1) – 1 banked
Army (Quality): 4 divisions (Better), 8 divisions (Standard)
Navy (Quality): -
Military Education (Land/Sea): Normal/-
Morale: Average
Tech-level: Late Enlightenment
Quality of Infrastructure: Improving
Level of Education: Literate
Confidence: Respecting
Mysore regained its independence only recently, but may just as easily lose it again if the English decide to focus their attention on it. As it is, it is largely a British vassal, though it reins against this state of affairs. It will take a very strong leader to take Mysore to a level as a local power.

Maratha Empire (Vassal to Britain)
Ruler/Player: Peshwa Baji Rao II / NPC
Capital: Kolhapur
Government (Efficiency): Absolute Monarchy (Tolerable)
Size: Large (4)
Income: Pretty Good (+1) – 1 banked
Army (Quality): 4 divisions (Standard)
Navy (Quality): -
Military Education (Land/Sea): Normal/Normal
Morale: Average
Tech-level: Late Enlightenment
Quality of Infrastructure: Improving
Level of Education: Literate
Confidence: Respecting
Destroyed by the British Empire, the Maratha is now reduced to being only a city state where the Peshwa rules only with the approval of his British masters.

Ruler/Player: King Bagyidaw / NPC
Capital: Rangoon
Government (Efficiency): Absolute Monarchy (Tolerable)
Size: Above Medium (3)
Income: Growing (+2) – 1 banked
Army (Quality): 4 divisions (Standard), 12 irregular divisions
Navy (Quality): 4 ships (Acceptable)
Military Education (Land/Sea): Normal
Morale: Average
Tech-level: Late Enlightenment
Quality of Infrastructure: Pathetic
Level of Education: Basic
Confidence: Tolerating
The last century has been bloody for Burma. A 7-year war saw them conquer Ayutthaya and then lose it again, and lately wars have been fought, and won, against Qing China. A new enemy has arrived though as the British seek new colonies in the area. It will take all of the skill and courage of the Burmese soldiers to hold off this new threat to their nation.

Ruler/Player: Rama III / NPC
Capital: Bangkok
Government (Efficiency): Absolute Monarchy (Decent)
Size: Above Medium (3)
Income: Good (+2)
Army (Quality): 3 divisions (Standard), 18 irregular divisions
Navy (Quality): 2 ships (Standard)
Military Education (Land/Sea): Poor/Poor
Morale: High
Tech-level: Late Enlightenment
Quality of Infrastructure: Barely Tolerable
Level of Education: Basic
Confidence: Respecting
Having overthrown the Burmese masters, the nation has risen again as Siam. Skirmishes are still ongoing with their western neighbours, but the situation has cooled down as neither side has enough strength to vanquish the other.

Nam Viet
Ruler/Player: Emperor Minh Mang / NPC
Capital: Hue
Government (Efficiency): Absolute Monarchy (Incompetent)
Size: Above Medium (3)
Income: Decent (+1)
Army (Quality): 9 divisions (Standard), 16 irregular divisions
Navy (Quality): 2 ships (Acceptable)
Military Education (Land/Sea): Poor/Poor
Morale: Low
Tech-level: Late Enlightenment
Quality of Infrastructure: Pathetic
Level of Education: Basic
Confidence: Hateful
Wonders/Projects: Temple-City (+3 confidence) 1/3
A small, closed country plagued by peasant uprisings, Annam is extremely weakened internally and would be easy pickings for other nations if not for the formidable natural defences combined with the fact that the neighbouring countries are too busy to conquer it.

Ruler/Player: Shogun Tokugawa Ienari / Silver2039
Capital: Kyoto
Government (Efficiency): Absolute Monarchy (Efficient)
Size: Above Medium (3)
Income: Growing (+2)
Army (Quality): 8 divisions (Better), 6 divisions (Acceptable), 4 divisions (Standard)
Navy (Quality): 10 ships (Better)
Military Education (Land/Sea): Able/Normal
Morale: High
Tech-level: Late Enlightenment
Quality of Infrastructure: Efficient
Level of Education: Educated
Confidence: Respecting
Backwards and in seclusion, but with massive potential, Japan is a nation that can rise to glory, if led by the right leader. As it is reforms will be difficult due to the very conservative nobles in the country who wants nothing to do with outsiders. With Russia encroaching from the north, they might not have a choice though.

Ruler/Player: Emperor Daoguang / das
Capital: Beijing
Government (Efficiency): Absolute Monarchy (Tolerable)
Size: Gargantuan (6)
Income: Strong (+3)
Army (Quality): 84 divisions (Acceptable)
Navy (Quality): 50 ships (Acceptable), 11 ships (green)
Military Education (Land/Sea): Poor/Poor
Morale: Low
Tech-level: Late Enlightenment
Quality of Infrastructure: Decent
Level of Education: Literate
Confidence: Personal Cult
Wonders/Projects: Waking the Dragon (+2 morale, +1 army training ALL) 11/13
Rebellions, foreign attention and a huge realm to manage combine to make Qing China somewhat unstable. Even so, it is a sleeping giant and if the Dragon awakes and manages to modernize it could become a threat to even European nations. Achieving this wont be easy though as the country is very conservative and doesn’t like all these new ideas.
First post - United States State Department is open for service.
Hmmm...I wonder who I should nuke first...? (Prussia already has nuclear capabilities)
Hey Harly, when you say it takes like an equal # of points to boost stats to your size, is that all the stats at once, or is it for each stat?

Anyway, Ottoman Empire is here :D
Confirming Portugal. Stories and stuff to come later.


From: The Kingdom of Portugal
To: United Kingdom

We ask of you a full alliance. Europe and the rest of the known world are unsafe at this point and time and we believe it is in out best Interest to cooperate.

-King João VI
Hey Harly, when you say it takes like an equal # of points to boost stats to your size, is that all the stats at once, or is it for each stat?

Anyway, Ottoman Empire is here :D

Each stat. Education, infrastructure etc. Not all at once. Besides, with one turn being 6 months it will take quite an investment to make such an upgrade in one go ;)

I'm hoping for some 10-12 updates (possibly more depending on events) and then a BT advancing us some 20-25 years.
The Qing Dynasty is present, and open for negotiations concerning trade...
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