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FfH2 0.25 Bug Thread

"GFC error: failed to initialaize the primary control theme"

I'm getting this same error. Using the US version of the game and no sign of the file in question on my HD.
Cure disease does not remove diseased promotion.

Ways to manage the AC do not seem to work anymore. Razing a number of cities with AV raises the AC instead of lowering, and sanctifying many ruins does not lower it.

Destroying the Sheam, who were leaves at the time but still evil, raised the AC by 5. Their last city was order, but small and shouldn't have been able to raise it that much.

Free promotions are available the turn you upgrade a mage, so you can promote an adept, take fireball, and cast it on the same turn.
No such file on my file system.

I am using a Polish version of Civ4 but it is in fact an english version with a localisation CD and I did not use the localisation cd. I checked Final Frontier and it works corectly, so is AoI.

On the loading bar I can observe that Python has initialised, XMLs were loded. The CDT comes when the engine is initialised or just after it, I think I saw there something about loading fonts but it was only a blink. Then the debugger questions are comming [Dr Watson].
[NWO]_Valis;6036373 said:
No such file on my file system.

I am using a Polish version of Civ4 but it is in fact an english version with a localisation CD and I did not use the localisation cd. I checked Final Frontier and it works corectly, so is AoI.

On the loading bar I can observe that Python has initialised, XMLs were loded. The CDT comes when the engine is initialised or just after it, I think I saw there something about loading fonts but it was only a blink. Then the debugger questions are comming [Dr Watson].

Try to rename the C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Fall from Heaven 2 025\Assets\XML\Art\CIV4ArtDefines_Misc.xml file to CIV4ArtDefines_Misc.old.

Also make sure that is the actual path to that file. Let me know if you have FfH installed somwhere else.
Well it helped but...

1st, I do not have civ4 in a standart location but that was not a problem ever. The relative paths are corect, everything is in the mod folder installed.
2nd, the game didnt crash at start after renaiming the file, I started a game on a small map, the intro movie was played[I clicked and didnt wached it to the end], then the normal interface was up, many of the graphix were just pink pictures, when I founded a city and chose to build a settlers [with a pink icon] it chrashed to desktop without any error message [only the debugger question]

Edit: After my last reinstall I have some problems with playing bic intros in games [must be something wrong with my graphic card drivers], this was the case with Europa Universalizm 3. The problem came up only after I watched some divX before so I had to restart my PC. Here it didnt help :/ Just so you know, maybe it will give you a hint what is happening.
In my most recent game Acheron left his starting city after getting injured and went to another barb city in the south. Then he got injured and left that city to seize Khazak. A file one turn before taking Khazak is attached.

Edit: This is in patch e.


  • Kandros Fir AD-0342.CivBeyondSwordSave
    265.1 KB · Views: 44
[NWO]_Valis;6036460 said:
Well it helped but...

1st, I do not have civ4 in a standart location but that was not a problem ever. The relative paths are corect, everything is in the mod folder installed.
2nd, the game didnt crash at start after renaiming the file, I started a game on a small map, the intro movie was played[I clicked and didnt wached it to the end], then the normal interface was up, many of the graphix were just pink pictures, when I founded a city and chose to build a settlers [with a pink icon] it chrashed to desktop without any error message [only the debugger question]

Edit: After my last reinstall I have some problems with playing bic intros in games [must be something wrong with my graphic card drivers], this was the case with Europa Universalizm 3. The problem came up only after I watched some divX before so I had to restart my PC. Here it didnt help :/ Just so you know, maybe it will give you a hint what is happening.

It sounds like you only installed the patch, not the full mod.
Running the game with patch e. I'm using Doviello. When I researched Writing, it did not allow me to build librarys. I was able to build the National Epic without having a Library but can not build the Great library. I just recieved a quest where I have to build 6 librarys, which I can't do.

Also, as soon as I researched Bronze working, a random event gave all my axemen Shock I. However, it did this as soon as the researched it and therefore didn't have any Axemen and couldn't upgrade before this event. So, this event was pointless.

I've had several instances, where after the beginning movie for FFH when you are creating a game, that it plays the CIV intro.

I've also had several instances where after I'ved moved my inital units, the entire terrain turns to Hell terrain during my 1st turn. I've only had this happen with Doveillo though. Seems to happen more on tiny maps.
Two bugs i discovered:

The Sprawling trait is not working, the cultural borders is as usual and the city can only work to the second ring.

And the AI seems to ignore goodie huts and Ruins, barrows and stuff like that. I founded many Goodie huts just outside the AIs borders, as whith ruins.

(patch E)

Still no reply :(
- cant see into cities with the religion that I discovered.
That's a deliberate BtS change which has been mentioned. Don't be surprised if Esus ends up regaining that effect in Shadow :)
- no mana listing, it was perfect down the side of the screen.
Not if you used minimised popups it wasn't. I imagine it'll resurface somewhere.
- once in this game and once in last i got 'peace treaty cancelled' when i had never had a peace treaty and no wars at all. possibly was tied to another civ's war.
If either of you agrees to one of the other's demands for something you enter a peace treaty for 10 turns (on Normal speed), preventing declaration of war. Reduces the old "demand, then declare anyhow" Civ 3 exploit.
- technology requirements for improvements dont restrict, as long as you can build the improvement for something you can build it for all.
Don't think you get the resource effect though.
gandhi rules said:
The Sprawling trait is not working, the cultural borders is as usual and the city can only work to the second ring.
It's not in yet - clearly in the first post, which is why you didn't get a reply.
No, I did install the mod first, then the media pack and then the patch. I will try to reinstall it all again.

Edit: Reinstalling helped. I did not reinstall the media pack yet but I think I will wait :)
in playing grigori i chose finacial as one of my traits and it is not implemented properly, also it seemed like in the early game i was offered to change my trait somewhat frequently, but in the later game it seems that this does not occur enought;i think it has been about 100+ turns sense i was offered to change my traits.


  • Cassiel AD-0246.CivBeyondSwordSave
    407.1 KB · Views: 54
[NWO]_Valis;6036623 said:
No, I did install the mod first, then the media pack and then the patch. I will try to reinstall it all again.

Edit: Reinstalling helped. I did not reinstall the media pack yet but I think I will wait :)

Actually I would really like to know if the media pack breaks it (and its easy to wipe and reinstall FfH if it does right?).
I have had the Pool of Tears appear in the ocean. And have had the Maelstorm appear on top of the Mirror of Heaven on land several times.
I had a hero not getting XP after 100, even though it was after real combat and not XP per turn. Combats were against barbarians and not other civ - would that be the reason ?
There is a limit of 100 xp from fighting barbs or animals (although you can still get xp if the unit has a great commander attached of if you have the raiders trait, and defeating barbarian heroes like Acheron and the horsemen still gives you some xp.) In vanilla Civ these limits were 5 or 10, but either way it is easy to change in the global defines xml file. (I usually make the limit much higher, but make the barbs stronger by giving them a few powerful traits to compensate.)

That Maelstrom on top of Mirror of heaven thing reminded me of when barbatmos started on the mirror of heaven (2 game in a row, both on standard size arcadia maps). Perhaps the map doesn't check to see if if a unique feature in already on a tile when it adds another one. But that still doesn't explain why a land feature would be at sea and vive versa.
Um, i don't remember from before BTS, but can Doviello build librarys? If not, then they shouldn't be given the Build 6 Librarys and the Great Library quest.
Since the CivIVSpellInfos.xml file now uses a unitprereq requirement instead of a unit class one, the Grigori Luonnator UU in incapable of using inquisition, meaning that thir civ has no way of getting rid of religions.

Personally, I think that the Luonnator should be given a different spell (like the "Enlighten" spell I've been using since .21) that works just like Inquisition but with a different icon/sound (Monty Python's version of the Spanish inquisition is nice and all, but it really doesn't fit what the Luonnatar are all about) and ignores the state religion (so Luonnator can go on the offense and remove your opponets' State Religion from their cities, so long as you have open boarders. It would still be unable to destroy holy cities, of course)
Again I haven't played 'vanilla' Civ IV BTS much, but trading seems a bit off now. Civs now will offer to trade resources you already have. I haven't upgraded to 'e' yet, but there's nothing in that listed about trades.

BTW right after I made that post about acolytes/crusader I had a crusader spawn in a pop 1 city. No idea why it happens randomly for me. Does it make a difference if an acolyte spreads the religion or if it's spread randomly by the game?
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