Lord of Middle Earth

What do you guys rate this mod?

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    Votes: 55 56.1%
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    Votes: 30 30.6%
  • Fair

    Votes: 8 8.2%
  • Poor

    Votes: 5 5.1%

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Bulragus said:
I have a problem with this mod. I have the civilization III gold edition and I can't figure out how to get it to work with this version. I have the ancient mediterranean mod and it works fine. any advice would be helpful. sounds like a great mod and I'd like to check it out.
You need Civilization 3: Conquests to run this mod.
I just tried to download this mod and the file size was only 15k......Am I missing something? I thought this mod was around 117 Megs....

I hope everything is going well with the update of your mod ROTCWinter.

Anyway, I just wanted to point out the release of a new elven female leaderhead by Grandraem! In my opinion, that leaderhead would be a great replacement fo Galadriel. But of course it's up to you!

The link.
I use a mac and as such I can't use the .exe auto installer you developed. Is there are way that I could get access to the individual files in a zip file? I ran your old mod fine, it was great, but this looks even better.

Thank you...
can anyone tell me why certain of my games would be ending after a settler builds a city and it instantly collapses? I wish I could download this one but i've been trying for days and my computers running like crap and wont stay on the net long enough to dowload it.
ok hope someones willing to help because now I got real problems. I've fixed the computer, and have managed to download the installer and associated items. I run the intaller and the mod isn't on the list where it says it will be or anywhere else. Can I get any ideas from you all?
The mod is really great! The map is well made, especially the roads and the woods. The action around Mirkwood reminds me so much of when I was a kid, reading Hobbit every 3 months! I like the effort you made with the cities as well. And the ring doesn't look like a nuke, it looks awesome.

Couple of general points:

- Different difficulty levels would be nice... I mean playing on Sid as Mordor is still a piece of cake. However, I have no idea how I would win as Rohan, for example. I have no idea how to mod, but I am guessing that changing this can't be that much of an issue.

- How do I change my Civ III intro screen back into its original form? I had no idea what you meant with those two .exe files, I thought they were necessary for the mod, so I installed them.

Also, does anyone know what is going on with the Lord of the Rings mod that was apparently being made couple of years ago?

Great mod man!
Thanks for the reply Stormrage... Wow... end of the year? They are taking longer than the movies took! Well, they took the time to make the movies awesome, so I dont doubt this will be different.
Excellent mod! Just one thing - you misspelled Pippin 'Pippen'.

Also, it would be nice to be able to play on single player as just the Fellowship - not having to worry about Gondor and Rohan would be nice.

EDIT: Few name suggestions:
The Elves' civ noun and adjective probably should be Elves and Elven, respectively.
Lothlórien needs the accent and doesn't need the capital letter in the middle. (You could also call it either Lórien or, if you want to be really specific, Laurelindórenan.)
Rivendell should probably be Imladris, and the Grey Havens probably should be Mithlond.
Dwarrowdelf probably should be changed to Moria or Khazad-dûm.
You might want to change the Elven Halls (up in Mirkwood) to Thranduil's Halls, just to be a little more specific.
(ok, so that's not really a 'few'.)
I just finished a game, and i can say it's AMAZING!
I never had so much fun with Civ3!

So, i played single player (as Gondor) and i have to say some things:
First, i finished the game by throwing the ring in Mount Doom, but at that point, i could also capture every single Haradwraith and Mordor city including barad dur. What I did:

1)SPOILERS!!! Dont read if you haven't played Gondor at least once!
2)Bugs are in bold

All towns constantly produced Cavalry (Rohirim or Gondorian), except the border towns who produced spearmen or town guards.
Research on 50% till kingdom, then immediately changed goverment. Afterwards ~60% till the Heroupgrade Tech, afterwards 0%. The saved money went to unit rush.

North/West Front:
Aragorn killed those 2 Nazguls following Frodo, plus some trolls on the way.
All Heroes went towards the 2 Isengrad villages (including all hobits) and took over those two villages.
Note: this was a BIG MISTAKE (read further)
At the same time King theoden, Eomer and some rohirim did constant hit&runs to isengard (city) to weaken it. An army of militia and Spearman defended Helms Deep from nasty orcs and Uruk Hais.
After isengard i wanted to conquer Moria with my heroes. When i got there, Moria was being under siege by useless hobbits, who just fortified outside khazad dum for at least 25 turns WITHOUT attacking the Balrog!!! Until the end of the game, i could NOT conquer Moria, because of those stupid Hobbits.
Afterwards realizing that i could not attack Balrog, the Heroes started heading to Isengard. At this time, 25 (or more) Uruks appeared heading not to Helms Deep, but to the previously conquered Isengrad-villages.
Luckilly, some Rohirrim could hit&run and separate those guys, so that the Heroes took over the rest of the Army. After that, Isengrad was practically empty and my 15(or so) rohirrims spawned in Helms Deep, so Isengrad was finished. (about turn 30)
After that, the whole army+heroes headed to Minas Tirith and to the

South/East Front
In the first 2 rounds i gave up Osgiliath, and retreated faramir to Minas Tirith. 2 Nazguls, one winged wraith and a pack of orcs where just too much for such few brave units. (note: i had to restart once, because in the 2nd turn a nazgul killed faramir making me lose the game)
Thank god, faramir was able to get rid of a nazgul and a turn later, defending Minas Tirith, a winged wraith.
At this point i chose NOT to reclaim osgiliath, and I did not regret this decission. All spare army produced by Gondor was split between Minas tirith and Linhir, defending them as good as possible. All army from the western cities went to those two cities, with only 1-2 militia left defending each one. Also note that the two trolls, which appeared at the beggining of the game in west gondor, fortified the whole game long in the nearby troll cave!
After that, there wasn't much to do in those two cities, except rushing out now and then to kill a nazgul/wraith on wings/oliphaunt outside the city with some cavalry.
Sometime between round 10 and 32, osgiliath was recaptured and lost 3 times.
A round after Isengard fell, the huge wave of gondor attacked, including ~50 uruk hais ~50 orcs ~10 Big Trolls 4 or 5 Winged wraiths and ~30 Siege towers, plus ~40-50 Haradrim warriors and ~10 Oliphaunts. At that point all seemed lost. My savior was (like in the book/movies, just that this time it was minas tirith they saved, not helms deep) the rohirrim army plus all heroes coming back just in time from destoyed isengard. Not only they came back to Minas Tirith in time, but they also killed about 10 orcs, 3 Uruk hais, 3 huge Trolls and, most important, 3(!!) winged wraiths on the way!
They fortified in Minas tirith and, with everyturns rushes on uruks and trolls and some help from bombardements, defended minas tirith successfully. To my surprise, the ghost army never appeared! I didn't actually need it in the end, but it would sure help me in those desperate times. :rolleyes:

The Endphase
Anyways, after that part, i easilly overrun osgiliath and Minas Morgul, fortified my entire forces there (and some left in Linhir because of the oliphaunts) and sent some cavalry to capture morannon. Sadly they never captured it because of a wraith on wings and some orcs guarding the city, but it wasn't that important anymore.
Anyways, at this point, i rushed the whole kingdom of Mordor to distract the enemy while frodo and sam threw the damn thnig into mount doom Hurray!

(Note here that you have to wait a turn after throwing it in to win! If a key unit of yours gets killed you lose the game nonetheless!)


All in all: 6-7 hours of game, 42 turns, VERY HARD but very fascinating game! Great respect to the maker! :goodjob: :goodjob:
To my surprise, the ghost army never appeared! I didn't actually need it in the end, but it would sure help me in those desperate times. :rolleyes:

Hm, i played it twice and both times the undead were spawned.

Edit: Maybe you finished the game before it was time for them...
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