Ideologies that just annoy you.

Socialism. And those who think I should ,as a hard working person, prop up the stupid and lazy.
"They do it too!-ism": the idea that it's okay to continue an immoral activity because other people do it.

"Let the ignorant decide-ism": the idea that reality is subject to democratic whim, and if you can convince enough people of some position, it becomes true.

"consciousness is magic-ism": the idea that somehow human consciousness is a magic sauce that's spread over the brain, making it fundamentally incomprehensible and unworthy of scientific investigation
people who think weed should still be illegal so they purposely mislead the public on it, and other drug's, effects and strengths.
The thing that bugs me about feminism is that every douchebag has their own stupid strawman definition of feminism.


  1. Communism
  2. All other religions
  3. Neoconservativism
  4. Objectivism and any other belief that the free market solves everything.
  5. Nazism
  6. Intelligent design you mean religions besides communism (???) or religions other than yours?

Personally, any ideologue that spouts "might makes right"/"We should just forget about things in the past"/"I'm living on top so I must by definition be doing all the right things" as central tenents....
"There ought to be a law"-ism: the idea that whatever you like should be subsidized and whatever you don't like should be banned.
The ideology that Americans are the best nation on the world and that they control everything.

The ideology that Bulgarians and other Balkan nations are still in the stone ages!
Patriotism. (My country, right or wrong.)

The thing that bugs me about feminism is that every douchebag has their own stupid strawman definition of feminism.

And "drugs are evil".
  1. Communism
  2. All other religions
  3. Neoconservativism
  4. Objectivism and any other belief that the free market solves everything.
  5. Nazism
  6. Intelligent design

Will you have my babies?
How about extremism of every type? Whether it's feminism, or religion, or socialism or capitalism or ice cream, there's a way to take any good idea and turn it into a terrible one. Those are the ideologies I dislike, the extremist ones.

Although admittedly, at least radical feminism is good for laughs. :lol:
Evangelism. :assimilate:

This subset of religious fanaticism annoys me, with people being so "right" about that which is not truly knowable that they feel it is their duty to bring everyone into the fold, into their way of thinking.

Have whatever relationship with God that you wish, including none. Let people come into your place of worship, fine. I'm even OK with general advertising of your religion. But the sense that you need to walk up to random people in the mall and say, "Did you know God has a plan for your life? I have this little book that explains it all..." is way over the line. Sorry, Eran, but I have to include Mormon missions in this as well.

Vaya con queso.
Evangelism. :assimilate:

This subset of religious fanaticism annoys me, with people being so "right" about that which is not truly knowable that they feel it is their duty to bring everyone into the fold, into their way of thinking.

Have whatever relationship with God that you wish, including none. Let people come into your place of worship, fine. I'm even OK with general advertising of your religion. But the sense that you need to walk up to random people in the mall and say, "Did you know God has a plan for your life? I have this little book that explains it all..." is way over the line. Sorry, Eran, but I have to include Mormon missions in this as well.

Vaya con queso.
I have a question. Which is the more insulting attitude?

"I think you need to be saved from your sins so you don't go to hell, so I'd like to talk to you....." or,

"I think you need to be saved from your sins so you don't go to hell, but I'm not going to even try because I'm too lazy/I don't want to put up with people being annoyed at me."

I'd find the second more annoying, myself, because whether they're totally wrong in believing that you're going to hell or not is irrelevant. They believe it's true, so if they don't try to evangelize at least a little bit, they're effectively saying that they value their own convenience - or your feelings - over your soul. Even if they're completely 100% wrong, isn't it understandable that they are really doing this because they care about you, and if they really didn't care then they wouldn't bother?

Myself, I disagree with Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses a lot. (To use a subset of the evangelizing community) But you know what? As long as they aren't following me around for days on end, I can still respect them because I can respect that they're doing it out of a genuine desire to help, not to be annoying. I'd find it more annoying if they're attitude was "hey, whatever, more room in the New Jerusalem without you guys anyway." You don't have to agree with them (Or me) but doesn't that at least make some kind of sense?

And yeah Eran, I know, Mormons don't go around threatening hellfire. I was using an extreme example to make my point.
Personally the first is much more condescending, it assumes that just because I'm non-religious that I don't fully know all my options. I know enough about religion that some random person on the streets can't teach me so much more that I'd convert.

It's just like what religious people complain about us doing. Saying that "since your decision is different from mine, you must be uninformed."
I love how no-one has even mentioned fascism or anti-semitism.

Yup. Capitalism is SO much worse than those.

Did you miss the point? This isn't about what ideology has done the worst harm to the world. It's about which ones annoy you. You. Not "hey everybody, which ideology annoys Felix Luce", but which ideology annoys you, whoever you are posting.

And yeah, patriotism annoys me a hell of a lot more than fascism.
I have a question. Which is the more insulting attitude?

"I think you need to be saved from your sins so you don't go to hell, so I'd like to talk to you....." or,

"I think you need to be saved from your sins so you don't go to hell, but I'm not going to even try...

They are both insulting, as they presume that you know more about what it good for my life than I do, which is particularly bad when they approach random people and not even people that they know. They also presume that you know more about the various religions of the world than I do. Most evangelical Christians are not well-schooled in their own religion and cannot tell you the difference between a Methodist, a Baptist, and a Mormon. They are certainly not schooled in the different religions of the world.

I just watched the movie "Jesus Camp" the other day: that's some scary stuff. Here's a ten-year-old saying, "I just felt God talking to me, and He told me that I needed to go and help that lady over there [in the bowling alley]." The need to be right and make everyone else wrong is a necessary step on the road to proselytizing, and on the road to religious persecution.
- Nationalism
- Nazism
- Femenism
- Full Blown Anti-Communists (We'r not all the same, just because we have the name Coummunist doesn't make us all evil. argue that point!)
- Religious Fundamentalists
- Religious Peoples Who attempt to Convert others to (Insert Religion)
- Atheists who Attempt to Convert others to Atheists and/or Preach about there being no existence of a God or Gods (It gets annoying, STFU)

Oh, and I'd also like to point out that I hate those people who wear 'headset' cellphones and only start talking when they're at the urinal next to you.... freaks me the hell out.
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