Who want's to be a Civillionaire?

Og The Caveman

Jul 29, 2008
Finland, Turku
Good evening, everyone, and welcome to the quiz "Who wants to be a Civillionaire?"!

This is a quiz in which everyone can participate and pose questions. The first question of the quiz is posed by myself, and the first one to post the answer shall then continue the quiz by posing another question. Et cetera. No bare answer is accepted, only an answer with a question.

I'll keep track of who has answered the most questions correctly. However, if person A notices that B has chosen the wrong answer in his question, he must announce this so that I know not to mark a correct answer on that one.

After having been answered to 15 questions, the round ends, points are cleared and the second round begins. The winner of each round will receive fame and glory. :D

So, I hereby open the first ever round of the Civillionaire-quiz!

QUESTION 1: What is the maximum amount of commerce a tile can produce (ignoring random events)?
Wow, and I was only guessing :D.

Question 2:
How do you pop a Great General in times of peace? There are 2 possible answers, I want them both (Ignoring Random Events).
Wow, and I was only guessing :D.

Question 2:
How do you pop a Great General in times of peace? There are 2 possible answers, I want them both (Ignoring Random Events).

Discover Fascism first.
Have much too much fun with your Privateers and their Caravels.

Question 3:

What is the largest movement rate a naval unit can have?
11 right (?)

Destroyer 7 if i remember correctly that is + cirkum-bonus + refrig. + nav 1 & 2 (=+4) = 11.
if i'm correct, then here's the next question (#4);

Being "trait-less", what exactly are the bonuses retained at game start by the "Minor" (barbarian of sorts) civilization?
There is another way but its simular to privateers, dosnt distroying barb units give you points? Like killing late game citys the barbs made on a island no one spawned on?
No there's an xp-cap (10 for barbs) and NO GG-points given.

Seems i was wrong btw... destroyers base movement is 8 (as stated on CFC-pedia)... that in turn would make the maximum movement 12... unless there's some event out there that i've missed that increases it further then the two stated above.

-OOOh... i almost forgot about GG's... thats anoter one (third movement-promotion) so it's +2 for cirkum.+fridge + 3 for promotions

8+5= 13 (!!!)

I have to have gotten it right this time around... and if noone beat me to it, then the above question stands, as pasted and bolded below:

Being "trait-less", what exactly are the bonuses retained at game start by the "Minor" (barbarian of sorts) civilization?
All starting techs?

If right,

What leaderhead is Barbarian represented by?
Sid Meier (dunno if he's got a different in-game name - only had him once).

Good catch on that GG - I was gonna say 12, but I forgot the Warlord bonus (never use that particular promotion.

How many tiles are on a Standard sized map?
Five questions have been answered, and the score is even!

EweezE: #1
eris: #2
majk-iii: #3
Metal Alloy Man: #5

The sixth question, as posed by TheDS, still remains unanswered: How many tiles are on a Standard sized map?
Aren't "standard", large- (and so on..) -maps of somewhat different proportions if applied to different kind of maps? I.E. Terra-maps beeing larger then, for example; arch.-maps. (???)
Cya later guys... I'm off to go spend the morning counting the tiles on my standard map game!


If I'm right here's the next question:

How many random events are possible in unmodded BTS?

If I'm right the next question is this:

How many random events are there in umodded BTS out of the box with no patches?(including quests)
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