• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

This game SUCKS


Feb 4, 2007
Civ Rev is a poor excuse for a civilization game. It's crappy, freezes, ton's of exploits, defense is overpowered. Everything about this game is . .. .. .. .. Got a battleship army and a modern infantry army? You won't be able to get taken over except by EXTREME numbers. Against the Aztecs? Yeah right.

Not enough time put into this game. I realize it was supposed to help get console gamers interested in this franchise but... this is NOT civilization.

And don't go replying to this about how I probably just suck. I'm ranked 30 or so on the leaderboards for head to head. And if the achievement list were able to be unlocked via online play I would have all of them.

That being said I GUESS I could say that it is amusing, and somewhat entertaining at best. However thve PC ersion far far... out... well outeverything's this game.

Also there is this annoying glitch where you can freeze the game, and get unlimited gold (provided you have a tech the AI doesn't). It's easy to exploit, and makes the game stupid... oh and on that note... wtf is up with not being able to turn the Ancient Artifacts off? These just make the game unbalanced as well as the bonuses you get for getting a tech first. If I am top of the tech chart, you won't be able to catch me... since every now and then I get a great scientist, or a great builder, or other things that help with tech just from being first.
We've got a casualty! Someone call the whaam-bulance!

I wouldn't say that I am a casualty. I'd say I'm a huge fan of the Civilization franchise, and this was a huge letdown.

It's an okay game... I guess... but it IS NOT civilization.
It's an okay game... I guess... but it IS NOT civilization.

correction - this is not CIV III or IV, but it's still civ, just very simplified

if you like civ IV just play that instead of being a whiney face. it takes less energy.
At least he's actually criticising the game- it works as a counterbalance to irrational praise.
Honestly, you didn't see this coming? I mean, I took one look and was like, "Imma pass on that".

I'm not saying it's a bad game either, but it obviously wasn't going to have Civlike complexity.
I wonder how much value is this game in Gamestop. Trying to think of a better PS3 game to trade. Any suggestions? Thinking of Prince of Persia or somethin.
correction - this is not CIV III or IV, but it's still civ, just very simplified

if you like civ IV just play that instead of being a whiney face. it takes less energy.

I think that people that are members of this forum should know how much this game sucks before they go buy it. It's not about me being a "whiney face" stop throwing around random irrelevant childish insults. If you're not going to be constructive in this thread, then don't post... simple as that.
let me guess. you also played all the mechwarrior games and then tried playing mechassault anyway?
your opinion is not fact, sorry to break it to you
I am making a straight forward poll about if this game suck or not.:)
I am making a straight forward poll about if this game suck or not.:)


If you like the game, play it. Post about it, if you want.

If you don't like it, don't play it. Go do something else that you enjoy.

Why is this difficult for people?

If you like the game, play it. Post about it, if you want.

If you don't like it, don't play it. Go do something else that you enjoy.

Why is this difficult for people?

People don't seem to be happy unless they have something not to be happy about.
I'm not happy about people who are public about having something not to be happy about!:crazyeye:
it makes me sad that someone has nothing to do, so instead of doing something constructive whines about a game being sucky to strangers on an internet forum. But i guess thats sorta what im doing, but at least i diddnt do it FIRST!! :D
errr... so on the other extreme end, it's ok for game magazines reviews to ALWAYS say good things about games because their advertisers paid them to do so?!?

you guys are starting to sound too much like the nationalism civic.
errr... so on the other extreme end, it's ok for game magazines reviews to ALWAYS say good things about games because their advertisers paid them to do so?!?

you guys are starting to sound too much like the nationalism civic.

Your logic is ... beyond me.

We are talking about individuals who come onto forums to gripe about games. We are not talking about anything else.

How you get to your point is totally beyond me.

No (on a completely unrelated point to the direction we were going in this thread) I don't think it's OK for game magazines to do that. What both issues have in common is ... behaving morally and with integrity, and treating others like you would want to be treated. Simple stuff.

If you like the game, play it. Post about it, if you want.

If you don't like it, don't play it. Go do something else that you enjoy.

Why is this difficult for people?

What are you? An apologist?

This forum and this category exist for people's feedback, whether it is a positive one or a negative one.

And once again this game suck the big one.:)
If you like the game, play it. Post about it, if you want.

And if you don't like the game, don't play it, and post about it.

That's kind of what these forums are for. Also the OP is not written in a whiny tone, he's airing legitimate critisizims. I'm interested to know about real game breaking bugs, and infinite money is one of them.

Stop being fanboys. Though that guys post about the mech games were probably spot on. I mean, I was pretty sure I wasn't going to get this after reading about it, and the forums here, and posts like this have helped me maintain that decision. This game probably isn't for those of us into in depth play of CIV and esecially those of us who are into modding. That said it still sounds like a decent way for CIV to be on the console market.

Jmall do you really think this game straight sucks? Or is it more that it's not up to your standards, but performs fine it's announced role as a streamlined console version of Civ?
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