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Daimyo of War elections

I've seen DaveMcW hold off around four teams in a pitboss game so I'd like to know how our military advisor would do the same or better.

I have an idea or two ;) that was the most intense subbing in i have ever had to do!
I accept Kahru's nomination for this post. To address existing questions which have been posed in this thread as well as the ratified Charter for the Office of the Daimyo of War I offer the following:

Daimyo of War Charter:

*Shall be responsible for managing and maintaining the Team SANCTA Military & Exploration threads. These threads will be for the solicitation of the "will of the team" on all matters dealing with unit movement (other than workers or settlers).

This, to me, seems the crux of the position. We will, as a team, make the necessary decisions which will either enable us to claim absoulute victory over the sum of our advasaries or will result in our crushing defeat. It will be my goal to maintain a transparent, and easy to understand, reporting procedure in order to dissemenate information for digestion by the team. While in such a post I will additionally pay particularly close attention to the turn-to-turn military operations including:

  • Interfacing with the Daimyo of Domestics , when necessary, to ensure efficient production and delivery of units,
  • Interfacing with the Daimyo of State, when necessary, to maximize military-related intelligence gathering and preemtive strikes timed to increase City Attack Effectiveness.
  • Constant monitoring of all Military Units in order to observe possible hostile enemy actions at the earlist oppertunity and report such activity to Team SANCTA immediately.

*Shall also be responsible for gathering team opinion on any potential active espionage actions (passive actions – ie: sliders – are controlled by domestics)

It has been said before, but I'll say it again; the best offense is a good defense. The best form of offense, however, is one whom's presense the enemy fails to recognise. In this sense, Espionage will prove to be the life-blood of SANCA Military Operations. Provision of consistant analysis of enemy military status derrived from Domestics, Graphs and active Espionage activity (spies, etc.) with the goal to predict when a rival civ is preparing for War will be my primary goal in addition to supporting State and Domestic operations, as necessary. Effective scouting operations will provide us with actionable intelligence. Here are some, but not all, of the activities I will be pushing for:

  • Scouting rival land
  • Monitoring of city stats
  • Determining the function of enemy cities in order to develop miltary plans against them
  • Determining the makeup and positioning of their Military Units in order to gauge their potential threat level to SANCTA.

*Shall be responsible to post regular orders for the Shogun to follow in the "Turn Orders" thread.

Distilling the will of the team into concise, and tangible, orders is, second to polling the team, the most cruicial part of this position. As such I shall be available to not only recieve the will of the team but also to convert it into a standardized format as developed throughout the game by the Shogun/Daimyos. In as such, I plan to post these orders in a location in which the team has view of the orders. This might, if only once, cause us to catch a potential wrong move or build before it is inputted by the Shogun within-game.

Specific Issues:

*How will you make sure we are ready for war at all times?

This is all of our responsibility -- however I will constantly lobby on behalf of the Military when it comes to Unit Production. In addition I will lobby for the funds to be made available, and set aside, for emergency field upgrades of outdated units as well as a phased deployment policy of new equipment as it becomes available.

*How will you make sure we invade a team with unstoppable force if it is the Interior minister who controls the cities (at the discretion of the team).

While it is our job to decide what needs to be done it is the Daimyo's responsibility to interface with each other and forge a bond in so that internal rivaliries do not develop. I believe my tactfullness will serve this position well and allow seamless integration of the Three Daimyo; at least from my department.

*How will you make sure we have lots of explorers, and a good overview of the map?

I consider explorers to be, not only our Warrior Scout and Galleys, but also everything from Spies and Submarines to Blimps and Bombers. The construction of these Units, I believe, was answered in a previous question but my intention in their application is to be guided by the philosophy of 'Total Coverage'. Early on, while we lack sufficient units to provide such coverage, I shall pose questions and promote discussion as to what the most important things to watch on the map might be. Using this information I will devise stratigies to obtain this information and present them to the team for polling. It will be my aim to ensure that it is the team's will which is being done, and not my own.

*There is a very high probability that we will be ganged up on by the other teams. At least two teams if not more. I would consider it a certainty. I've seen DaveMcW hold off around four teams in a pitboss game so I'd like to know how our military advisor would do the same or better.

Quite honestly, this is above my level. However, I do not believe this is above our team's capability. Because of this, my office would function as a Collective wherein each active member of the team would be plugged into the Observe, Orient, Decide, Act (OODA) Loop. While myself or others on the team might, individually, not be as clever DaveMcW it is my sincire belief that, through proper organization and guided discussion, we can out-fox the fox.

Additionally, I will move to create a naming standard which, while not giving any information away, will allow us to arrange/compartmentalize units logically within a stack and provide unique orders for units within a strategic and tactical framework of planning. During the planning, deployment and operations phases this naming structure will allow the team, as well as the Shogun, to quickly find a specific unit within the mass of our glorious armies.

While it may not pertain directly to Civ, I do come with Military Credentials:
Spoiler USMC Personal Awards :
DaveMcW's plan was simpel and the most basic of all human instinct's:


every turn every city was :whipped:....yes it destroyed his economy at the time....but overall he could recover:)
There is a very high probability that we will be ganged up on by the other teams. At least two teams if not more. I would consider it a certainty. I've seen DaveMcW hold off around four teams in a pitboss game so I'd like to know how our military advisor would do the same or better.

I would second Azzaman.

Well, right now it looks like that will happen to the mad s. If we get attacked and don't have a chance I suggest taking a few units out of our territory (If the map isn't covered already) and while they keep pounding us we sneak around and take our land from behind or attack their home. Dog pile: I will make sure we are average or stronger than everyone. Have navel transports so that while we're attacked we can sneak around the sea and destroy their homeland. This wouldn't be my job (Daimyo of State I think), make a very good friend and have them help us.

I will also add to the making sure we're ready for way by saying we'll have 2-3 artillery units per city.
Brothers and Sisters,

The competition is stiff. On one hand we have a proven player who is offering specific suggestions on how to run the military. On the other we have empty promises from the peanut gallery. SANCTA deserves the best. El Chingon!

It is not the mission of this office to tell you how operations shall be conducted, but rather to suggest specific mechanisms for the establishment of a dynamic process of intelligence gathering and military preparedness and implementation. It is not the mission of this office to offer specific solutions to problems not yet encountered, nor should the election process be marred by favoritism.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the function of this office is to manage the reporting procedures and establish a system of providing the Shogun precise orders. Neither of my competitors have offered any insight into how they plan on accomplishing these tasks. It is evident, however, that 1/2 of my competition for this post is barely capable of formulating a coherent post and the other 1/2 is already planning how operations will take place...is this what you want?

Do you want someone who will fail to describe, in detail, what is going on? One who lacks any familiarity with BtS? Or do you want the one who is going to hand everything to you on a silver platter and, at the same time, think it not worth his time to explain why his plan will work? Do you want to be engaged or told what is going to happen?

It is the promise of this candidate that, if elected, you shall, with the rest of Team SANCTA, be a valuable part of the discussion. Even my competition has proven to be good at making suggestions though, possibly, in a condescending manner. Additionally, reporting procedures will be clear and easily understandable and malleable in order to satiate the group's hunger for information. Furthermore, this candidate has the personal time and field tested and proven ability to manage operations in adverse conditions.

I come to you as a humble and unproven member of Team SANCTA -- if given the opportunity I shall fight to earn your respect through leadership, esprit de corps, and tireless dedication. Thank you for your attention...Vote for El Chingon!


(While these are the facts, the specific composition is meant to be taken in good humor!)
This is very exciting!!!

I'd like to call for civility, though. This election currently has the potential to split the team, and if we are, in fact, an allstar team, that's the way we lose.

To me, the questions I want to know are:

1) Can you handle your ideas being shot down and incorporate feedback you get into a coherent plan?
2) Can you elicit feedback from your fellow teammates?
3) Can you pass along orders that you fundamentally disagree with because that's the will of the team and stay with the office?
4) Can you organize the orders in such a way that the Shogun can implement them quickly and without misunderstanding?
5) Do you have enough understanding of the game (particularly elements like Espionage and the civs in play) to evaluate and propose options? While the Daimyo of War will be getting feedback from everyone, his opinions will very likely be the ones that have the most impact.
This is very exciting!!!

I'd like to call for civility, though. This election currently has the potential to split the team, and if we are, in fact, an allstar team, that's the way we lose.

To me, the questions I want to know are:

1) Can you handle your ideas being shot down and incorporate feedback you get into a coherent plan?
2) Can you elicit feedback from your fellow teammates?
3) Can you pass along orders that you fundamentally disagree with because that's the will of the team and stay with the office?
4) Can you organize the orders in such a way that the Shogun can implement them quickly and without misunderstanding?
5) Do you have enough understanding of the game (particularly elements like Espionage and the civs in play) to evaluate and propose options? While the Daimyo of War will be getting feedback from everyone, his opinions will very likely be the ones that have the most impact.

1. :confused:
2. Yes, heavily
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. Mediocre

If it's okay with everyone we'll open the polls tomorrow.
My first question was really about how thick-skinned and open to feedback/criticism you are, while being in a leadership role. For instance, I'd probably be bad at that - while I'm fine with getting my ideas criticized, I tend to take it really hard when I'm in charge, and i get less effective.
My first question was really about how thick-skinned and open to feedback/criticism you are, while being in a leadership role. For instance, I'd probably be bad at that - while I'm fine with getting my ideas criticized, I tend to take it really hard when I'm in charge, and i get less effective.

Very open...
I'd like to call for civility, though. This election currently has the potential to split the team, and if we are, in fact, an allstar team, that's the way we lose.

From my perspective this is a non issue...unless someone has soft skin (as per your questions). Besides, this is the Daimyo of War position we're talking about...shouldn't there be some fight?? :lol:

1) Can you handle your ideas being shot down and incorporate feedback you get into a coherent plan?
2) Can you elicit feedback from your fellow teammates?
3) Can you pass along orders that you fundamentally disagree with because that's the will of the team and stay with the office?
4) Can you organize the orders in such a way that the Shogun can implement them quickly and without misunderstanding?

Honestly, unless you want specific examples, yes to 1-4 (I have displayed my resume, so to speak, with which I was hoping would demonstrate those qualities without being prompted).

5) Do you have enough understanding of the game (particularly elements like Espionage and the civs in play) to evaluate and propose options? While the Daimyo of War will be getting feedback from everyone, his opinions will very likely be the ones that have the most impact.

As to question 5; my understanding of the game is high, although not as high as one of my competitors (azzaman, for those not following too closely, seems to know his stuff quite thoroughly). Though he might be a better choice if we were only taking this question into account I have not seen demonstrated his ability to do all of the other things.

In general I believe azzaman would be fully capable of performing the duties I just havn't seen him as an incredibly active poster on the Team Forum...this might change with an appointment, however.

We are not here to divide! I don't think a blip (such as these elections) could really hurt someone's feelings if they lose it...could they??


AT mentioned the possibility of not being as effective when in charge. I do not see this being a position of management, so I hope that is a non-issue. The position is one of service to the team from my perspective and, as such, the DoW would be responsible for instigating discussion and relaying the results (the group will) to the Shogun. While that is a gross oversimplification of the process, of course, in the end that is what I see being required.
This is very exciting!!!

I'd like to call for civility, though. This election currently has the potential to split the team, and if we are, in fact, an allstar team, that's the way we lose.

To me, the questions I want to know are:

1) Can you handle your ideas being shot down and incorporate feedback you get into a coherent plan?

Provided I can see some merit in the alternatives, I encourage people to disagree. Through disagreements, we learn more.

2) Can you elicit feedback from your fellow teammates?

I may not directly request feedback, but it is always encouraged. The more opinions we have on a subject, the better decision that can be made.

3) Can you pass along orders that you fundamentally disagree with because that's the will of the team and stay with the office?

As long I can see merit in the order, I will be able to support it.

4) Can you organize the orders in such a way that the Shogun can implement them quickly and without misunderstanding?

While unit numbers are small, I will be able to do this. However, as unit numbers increase, I feel it would be beneficial for the team to appoint a deputy to write up the orders, as my strengths are making strategic decisions, rather than the micromanagement.

5) Do you have enough understanding of the game (particularly elements like Espionage and the civs in play) to evaluate and propose options? While the Daimyo of War will be getting feedback from everyone, his opinions will very likely be the ones that have the most impact.

I've spent a lot of time looking through various threads in Strategy and Tips, picking up little bits of useful information here and there. As such, I have a deep understanding of a lot of the mechanics. I feel that this is probably my 2nd greatest strength, behind my strategical insight.
AT mentioned the possibility of not being as effective when in charge. I do not see this being a position of management, so I hope that is a non-issue. The position is one of service to the team from my perspective and, as such, the DoW would be responsible for instigating discussion and relaying the results (the group will) to the Shogun. While that is a gross oversimplification of the process, of course, in the end that is what I see being required.

That's just me - I take it very hard when I feel like I've let people down and, as odd as it sounds, implementing an idea that I agreed with that didn't work feels to me like I've let people down. I'm not saying that anyone else is like that.

It's why I'm playing an individual pbem, not a team one ;)
I am officially withdrawing from this election.

Due to the fact that I have many things left to learn about how a game like this is played, I believe I will fail to offer valuable insight to the team.

Thank you for your consideration. At this time, as still a member of SANCTA, I offer my support to azzaman.

God speed, SANCTA!
Are you running memphus?
um no....i don't think you can hold 2 offices ;) (although i coudl still lose the turn player one :eek: )
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