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N. Korea Warns of 'Merciless' Nuclear Offensive

With the aggressive and arrogant American jingoism displayed here by some participants, it is hard not beginning to root for the North Korean underdogs. :rolleyes:

Where are you from, may I ask?

Because if you had the slightest idea of how living in a totalitarian regime is like, you could never say something as silly. The fact that you don't like the US is no reason to support a regime which is responsible for millions of dead people.

I have a personal test: when I talk about a country and try to compare it with another one, I imagine how it would feel to live in both of them. I know that if I were forced to abandon my country and choose between living in the US and North Korea, I'd not hesitate for a second and choose the US.

And anybody who would choose DPRK is really insane.
While I too would pick the USA, just because a country is richer, that dosent mean its international actions are more right.
Where are you from, may I ask?

Because if you had the slightest idea of how living in a totalitarian regime is like, you could never say something as silly. The fact that you don't like the US is no reason to support a regime which is responsible for millions of dead people.

I have a personal test: when I talk about a country and try to compare it with another one, I imagine how it would feel to live in both of them. I know that if I were forced to abandon my country and choose between living in the US and North Korea, I'd not hesitate for a second and choose the US.

And anybody who would choose DPRK is really insane.

I was merely being sarcastic. Of course I don´t support, like or would like to live in North Korea. It is a despicable government. I would of course prefer to live in USA where people are not treated as mindless worker ant-zombies, and people have the right to express their views freely, just as we do on this thread.

I was just reacting to the arrogant attitude. It seems a little like "Ok, now we have another pathetic 3rd world country we need to humiliate and learn a lesson with our kick-ass US military" Of course, being the only remaining superpower with a military power many times the BNP of the entire North Korea, might tickle the ego a bit.
Formaldehyde said:
In your opinion...
Sure! it is my opinion that you twist sentences to say things that were not meant to be said and are not remotely true, but just closer to your opinion of the writer... in my opinion.

Formaldehyde said:
Then who exactly are these "good" countries and "good" people who are supposed to properly identify and overthrow the governments of "bad" countries? To kill all the "bad" people if not the US as it typically tries to do? Israel?
In my opinion, "good" = moral. I refer you to the leftist/rightist thread so you can start to understand what morality is. perhaps.
Israel isn't a "good" country, nor is the US. No1 is perfect. The regime of a country determines actions which are morally correct towards it's people and toward other nations. By judging these actions morally a nation is more or less "good" and "bad" mixure. You keep mentioning the US and Israel although I didn't refer to them here. Are you obsessed??
If anything, I'd say Sweden and Canada are nearest to "good" whilst Burma and N.Korea are nearest to "bad". Does that satisfy your "intellect"?

Formaldehyde said:
Sorry, I can't decipher that one. Can you please rephrase it?
I will try to simplify it even more, although it is very clear :
Imagine (!) there is an axis where at one end there is "good" behaviour, i.e moral (white / "doing the right thing" in the sentence I'm rephrasing) , and at the other end "bad" behaviour, i.e immoral (black / "totally enslaving your nation" in the sentence I'm rephrasing).
There are many dots on this axis, and usually no country (or man) fit either end, but somewhere in the middle. Cappish?

Formaldehyde said:
That is nothing but rhetoric and semantics. You are advocating the destruction of the legitimate sovereign government of their country which will inevitably result in massive civilian casualties and economic chaos in both countries. GWB tried exactly the same rhetoric when it came to Iraq. You can't separate the two like that. It simply doesn't work. He didn't hate all Iraqis, just the ones who opposed his illegal invasion and occupation of their sovereign country and thought he was an idiot for doing so. In other words, just about all of them except for the Kurds and a few select Shia he tried to push into power.
Rethoric and semantics?! Between changing a regime and killing every human being living within a nation?!
Why do you think taking one poor example (GWB, dubbed "the monkey", invading Iraq with no plans what to do next) is correct for all instances?!
I remember Rome changing quite a few governments with no mass killings ;)
Are you obsessed with GWB again? :lol:

Formaldehyde said:
And how about all the Muslims who advocate the overthrow of Israel? Do you think they are trying to destroy your country or merely your current rulers and government? So what's the difference? That you are "good" and they are "bad"? The result will obviously be the same either way...
There is no "they". It's the rulers of factions. Hamas and Hizbullah wants to destroy all Israel, where Abu-Abas (Fatah) wants a more leftist government to talk to. Most Muslims of Indonesia don't care. Most Muslims of south Lebanon and Gaza want us all dead.
Israel is not intervening in Lebanese affairs and gets soldiers kidnapped and killed from within UN recognized borders of Israel. That's a "bad" point for Lebanon.
Israel has totally withdrew from Gaza and gets rockets into UN recognized borders of Israel. That's a "bad" point for Gaza.
And Israel has made mistakes, it is not "good", and not all south Lebanese are "bad".
However, by their actions, Israel's point on the "good"/"bad" axis is more towards "good" relative to that of Lebanon and Gaza. Capish?

Formaldehyde said:
My "propaganda" because I merely disagreed with what you stated? :lol: Try my opinion.
Unfortunately, the lack of simple logic does build your "opinion". I do recognize you have one, although a direct insult to logic.
You write it next to your name but don't agree with it?.. "Minister of Propaganda" ;)
While I too would pick the USA, just because a country is richer, that dosent mean its international actions are more right.

Generally speaking, countries which are pleasent places to live in (are democratic, rich, safe etc.) tend to be more right in everything than totalitarian hellholes. It's not 100% reliable rule, but it usually works.

I was merely being sarcastic. Of course I don´t support, like or would like to live in North Korea. It is a despicable government. I would of course prefer to live in USA where people are not treated as mindless worker ant-zombies, and people have the right to express their views freely, just as we do on this thread.

I was just reacting to the arrogant attitude. It seems a little like "Ok, now we have another pathetic 3rd world country we need to humiliate and learn a lesson with our kick-ass US military" Of course, being the only remaining superpower with a military power many times the BNP of the entire North Korea, might tickle the ego a bit.

Well, that's one thing about the Americans you have to get over ;) The fact that they like to boast doesn't mean they're wrong all the time.
Generally speaking, countries which are pleasent places to live in (are democratic, rich, safe etc.) tend to be more right in everything than totalitarian hellholes. It's not 100% reliable rule, but it usually works.

Better actions ≠ best possible actions.
I believe the use smuggled equipment bought in the black market. DPRK's grey economy is probably much bigger and more efficient that the centrally-planned state-run economy :lol:
I would even be inclined to say that the state probably has a very large hand in the black market, since it is probably more profitable to do so. Although, I'm not sure that the North Koreans even then would sell equipment of that caliber to people who were not already recognized by the regime as being compliant.

In any case, there are other ways - radio broadcasts for example. Sure, the regime is trying to jam foreign broadcast, but the experience of Communist Czechoslovakia tells me they can't be 100% successful. Even a technically advanced and relatively rich commie country as Czechoslovakia was unable to jam most of Western broadcasts, so I doubt that a country like DPRK could be more successful.
This is why I believe the North Koreans use both differing standards from the south and modify the equipment before it goes on sale.

About Czechoslovakia, you may find it interesting that the Austrian communist party's newspaper would sometimes outsell the Czechoslovak paper in Czechoslovakia. Why? Because the paper from Austria carried Austrian TV listings. :lol:
The Security council has tested I believe it was 99.37% of all nuclear tests...
While I too would pick the USA, just because a country is richer, that dosent mean its international actions are more right.

So... NK has better international actions than the US and richer nations? :p

Generally richer nations do make better decisions, however I do agree that they're not always the best ones...
I was just reacting to the arrogant attitude. It seems a little like "Ok, now we have another pathetic 3rd world country we need to humiliate and learn a lesson with our kick-ass US military" Of course, being the only remaining superpower with a military power many times the BNP of the entire North Korea, might tickle the ego a bit.

Get used to it. It is rather rampant around here, or anyplace else with lots of American or American-centric posters. Or the occasional apparent Israeli...

Sure! it is my opinion that you twist sentences to say things that were not meant to be said and are not remotely true, but just closer to your opinion of the writer... in my opinion.;)

Yet I bet you can't find a single example. I certainly don't think I have done so with any of your rhetoric so far.

In my opinion, "good" = moral. I refer you to the leftist/rightist thread so you can start to understand what morality is. perhaps.;)

You can try to condescend and lecture me as some of the other reactionaries frequently do instead of addressing the issues, but I don't think anybody is being fooled by those ad hominems, especially me.

Between changing a regime and killing every human being living within a nation?!
By "wipe them off the face of the planet", I was referring to your and others statements to violently overthrow their sovereign government, much as the US did to the Baathists in Iraq, not to "killing very human being living within a nation". "Capiche"?

You keep mentioning the US and Israel although I didn't refer to them here. Are you obsessed??

No, I am using them as examples of two countries which obviously do not have the moral high ground to try to do as you suggest. Andi ironically you are apparently agreeing with me if I understand your continual references to "the monkey".

And to suggest that I am the one being obsessive here is really too ironic for words. Perhaps you should reread your previous posts. You seemed to have been so upset that you had great difficulty even expressing yourself. You still seem rather agitated for no apparently reason, but at least I can follow what you are stating with this last post. OTOH, care to point out anyplace in this thread where I have been "obsessed"?

If anything, I'd say Sweden and Canada are nearest to "good" whilst Burma and N.Korea are nearest to "bad". Does that satisfy your "intellect"?;)

So you are suggesting that Sweden or Canada attack NK, and even Burma now, to attempt to overthrow their legitimate sovereign governments? And you are questioning my intellect?

However, by their actions, Israel's point on the "good"/"bad" axis is more towards "good" relative to that of Lebanon and Gaza.

That's highly debatable given the number of innocent people both have killed in Gaza and Lebanon when compared to Israel. And when you factor in all the assassinations and other acts of terrorism Israel has committed over the decades, I really don't think you have much of a case...

Unfortunately, the lack of simple logic does build your "opinion".

Another nice ad hominem. Once again, ever think about addressing the issues instead of trying to attack the poster?

You write it next to your name but don't agree with it?.. "Minister of Propaganda" ;)

I see obvious sarcasm is apparently lost on you. Oh well. Perhaps you should see the movie which my avatar is based first, then perhaps you will be able to understand it.


Link to video.

You see, I'm not a Nazi, either...

Full movie:

I had a friend who had served in the South Korean armed forces, and he said that the unspoken understanding was that if North Korea were to be attacked, they'd nuke Tokyo. For what it's worth.


We should check the soil of Japan to see if there's something magnetic drawing nuclear warheads over there... 3/3?
I was just reacting to the arrogant attitude. It seems a little like "Ok, now we have another pathetic 3rd world country we need to humiliate and learn a lesson with our kick-ass US military" Of course, being the only remaining superpower with a military power many times the BNP of the entire North Korea, might tickle the ego a bit.

NK's ambitions would be cute and suitably ignorable were it not they're working with Iran, and long history of antagonism to Japan and SK, the USA' allies. And to cap your arguement, we haven't suitably bullied Pakistan, Israel, S. America, etc... There are reasons for not liking certain countries, under certain leaderships, from having WMDs.
Good job that Iran has a fair likely hood to actually need a nuclear reactor rather than a bomb the paranoid west thinks, and North Korea is too isolationist to be part of any 1950's comic book style 'all the bad guys team up together'.

North Korea is correctly seen as a nation with an embargo against the world with respect to its diplomatic ties. (Exception to China Obviously.) So any notion that they want to build the ultimate connection of blackmarket traders, or sum together all the worlds distaste for the west into one super organisation is simply hysterical almagamations of two different societies, a third party doesn't like, and wants to make it easier to recognise them.
@formaldehyde - I'm tired of bashing you. Feels like talking to a wall.

Let's just wait for them to attack. Then we can be sure they are the bad guys and build a coalition that fights them... oh, does it sound like something that happened on 1939? Well, I guess humans never learn, but they sure love a good rightous slaughter..
The idea of putting North Korea in their place involves halting their aggressive tendencies, and stopping them from acting bigger than their boots, i.e. more excessively than their sovereignty allows. To do this, a nation would have to act in an aggressive manner, more than their own sovereignty allows. Which would be hypocritical.
Heh, sovereignty.
Talking to a wall? Formaldehyde put up a damn compelling argument, which you didn't, and you slander him for doing so.
Talking to a wall? Formaldehyde put up a damn compelling argument, which you didn't, and you slander him for doing so.

Oh, as a nazi (your avatar) YOU THINK his arguement is compelling? Which one? Nevermind! I ain't talking to Nazis, my only desire is to kill them when I can.
formaldehyde said:
I think I know obvious posturing and saber-rattling when I see it:
boogaboo said:
I ain't talking to Nazis, my only desire is to kill them when I can.

I was talking about HIM (ZB2) that way because he DID put a nazi avatar.
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