Mafia Game: Monty Python and the Holy Grail (GAME THREAD)

vote: Sithlord447
Vote: Sithlord447

Still silent.
The silent people will be replaced.
Good point.

Unvote, Vote: oyzar
Ghost Comment: CCRunner is definitely suspicious. But then so is Renata. And oyzar too, of course.


ps. Congrats to all who deserve them, and a hearty :goodjob: to ATPG for a weird and wonderful game.


If your faction won, and you completed your mission, you are the true winner of the game.
First Prize!

If your faction won, and you didn't complete your mission, you share in the victory.
Second Prize!

If your faction was defeated, but you completed your mission, you enjoy a personal victory.
Third Prize!

If your faction was defeated and you didn't complete your mission, better luck next time!
Fourth Place.

Love- King Arthur
Town victory, survival mission. (mission failed) VICTORY

Civgeneral- Launcelot
Town victory, kill one of the knights mission. (mission failed) VICTORY

Izipo: Sir Robin
Town victory, survival mission. (mission failed) VICTORY

Stuck in Pi: Tim the Enchanter
Town victory, outlast the Rabbit. (mission failed) VICTORY

Plarq: Old man
Town victory, expose someone who answers all questions incorrectly (mission failed) VICTORY

Nictel: Brother maynard
Town victory, see that the Holy Hand Grenade is used against the Rabbit (MISSION SUCCESS!) VICTORY

Snerk: The witch
Town victory, turn Sir Bedevere into a Newt. (mission failed) VICTORY

Winston Hughes: Historian
Town victory, outlive Sir Launcelot, avoid being killed by him (mission partially complete.) VICTORY

Seon: Minstrel
Town victory, expose a neutral faction (mission failed) VICTORY

civplayah: Masochistic Monk
Town victory, try to get lynched, not murdered (mission failed) VICTORY

Pinman: Dead man
Town victory, survival mission (mission failed) VICTORY

Double A: Mister Duck
Town victory, find the witch (failed) burn the witch (failed) VICTORY

Hell_hound: Left Head
Town victory, outlive Sir Robin (MISSION SUCCESS!) VICTORY

Camikaze: Right Head
Town victory, outlive Sir Galahad (MISSION SUCCESS!) VICTORY

TheLastOne: Terry Gilliam
Town victory, lynch a Knight of NI (mission failed) VICTORY


i can't say i like bandwagoning and snerk said it good bandwagoning is usally a pretty scumy thing to do

so vote:hell hound


It's nighttime.



Kill_fire/TASSLEHOFF: Sir Galahad
Moose victory, outlive the Order of the Llama (MISSION SUCCESS!) PARTIAL VICTORY

cindle: French Taunter
Moose victory, outlive the Order of the Llama (MISSION SUCCESS!) PARTIAL VICTORY

CCRunner: Dennis' Mother
Moose victory, outlive the Order of the Llama (MISSION SUCCESS!) PARTIAL VICTORY

ZPV/KingMorgan/PLARQ: Sir not appearing in this film
Moose victory, outlive the Order of the Llama (MISSION SUCCESS!) PARTIAL VICTORY

Destroy England, locate and join up with the Black Beast (mission complete!) DEFEAT

Destroy England, locate and join up with the Killer Rabbit (mission complete!) DEFEAT

SPRIG MUST DIE, show them how indestructible you are (mission complete!) DEFEAT

rhawn: Dennis
Llama victory, outlive the Order of the Moose (mission failed) DEFEAT

choxorn: Prince Herbert
Llama victory, outlive the Order of the Moose (mission failed) DEFEAT

Taillesskangaru: Green Knight
Llama victory, outlive the Order of the Moose (mission failed) DEFEAT

cubsfan6506: Prisoner
Llama victory, outlive the Order of the Moose (mission failed) DEFEAT
Oh I forgot: sprig! Thorn in my side, bane of my existence, you're completely insane -- don't ever change.

Pinman said:
It had become apparent on day 1 that sprig was an actor role.

His madness really made the game though.

Awww Thanks guys :blush:

First Prize:

Nictel, Hell_hound, Camikaze, PaulusIII, Oyzar.

Runners up: (not quite all conditions met for first)

Winston Hughes, Tasslehoff, cindle, KingMorgan/Plarq, CCRunner

Second Prize:

Love, CivGeneral, Izipo, Stuck in Pi, Plarq, Snerk, Seon, civplayah, Pinman, Double A, TheLastOne, Sithlord447, Renata

Third Prize:

Backwards Logic, Catharsis, Sprig

Fourth Place:

Rhawn, Choxorn, Taillesskangaru, cubsfan6506

If you see an error, let me know. Okay, post-game discussion. Did you guys have fun?
So, 5 first places, a bunch of second and third places, and 4 last places. Damn you, mafia, for killing all of my teammates on nights one and three. :p

Initially, I was thinking that the reason the Knights almost won was the innocents' incompetence, but now that I know everyone's special ability, I can see that the mafia killed nearly everyone with a prophetic ability in the game in the first couple of nights.

Yeah, I'm counting the Llamas and Moose. We were semi-prophetic, since people with hidden roles came up as "smelling bad" to me which is how I knew about oyzar (and BL, although I didn't know what "smelling bad" meant until after he died). Of course, I'd been suspicious of him for a while, so that didn't change anything.
Why I do plan on it, everyone has signed for a spot in the vault. Yes? ;)

My conversation with Pinman explains much of my reasoning behind the end result. Posted with permission.

Spoiler :
Pinman @ CFC says:
Ok, so what exactly were the rule violations?
and yes, I had fun once I had time to pay attention (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
Some dead detectives posted things they should not have, role PMs were quoted against my rules, and there were several examples of PMing the dead after I gave the warning
the dead detective posts hurt the game. one was edited out.
Pinman @ CFC says:
alright, I never even noticed (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
it's ok, but it did unbalance the game against the KWSN
Pinman @ CFC says:
Pretty stupid I guess
I suppose I should have picked up on seon? (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
and given the circumstances, I really have to say the KWSN came very close to victory and would have won, probably, with oyzar.
the very early dead detectives were both screaming their head off about guilty parties.
fortunately they couldn't actually say they were guilty
Pinman @ CFC says:
It would have been a tie
what would have happened in that situation? (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
later on in the game, a dead detective said oyzar was a KWSN (I think)
Pinman @ CFC says:
oh really?
Now that I never saw (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
somewhere. I noticed it.
I have to go find it. It might have been edited out.
but that was not the only case.
I had several, several rulebreaks after I said "critical juncture, I can't overlook any more"
frankly I think this ending, given the circumstances, kicks butt.
Pinman @ CFC says:
I suppose so (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
a lot of people deserve their win
Pinman @ CFC says:
One of us was heading to victory though (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
and I'm not going to let the game get ruined over oyzar leaving plus the rulebreaks
Pinman @ CFC says:
It would have hit a tie in ideal circumstances, and luck would have determined the victory (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
and I couldn't in good conscience simply award the game to the KWSN after the town did all that hard work.
Pinman @ CFC says:
but yah, once oyzar left, you made the right call (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
Yes, but without oyzar there couldn't be a tie

And so therefore, rather than drag the game out based on something lame, I made a host ruling, as is my prerogative. I hope you agree with or at least understand my call. This post here, in my judgment, made the game unbalanced. It was edited out as requested, it said that oyzar and paulusiii were knights, but I also felt this one was over the line... can voice suspicions, but it was worded as a direct accusation. The fault, really, is mine because I should have made it clearer... you can call for someone's lynch, but you cannot reveal what you KNOW after you die. I blame myself more than the player in question. And that was far from the only questionable post or PM. Everyone who accidentally broke a rule came forward, but it was just an accumulation of issues. No real harm done, and the player I used as an example was only one example. There were multiple rulebreaks in private.

I sincerely hope you all had fun and will play with me again.

(bows gracefully)
Hehe. I just screamed my head off about oyzar being guilty but nobody listened. I gave up after one day :p
Hehe. I just screamed my head off about oyzar being guilty but nobody listened. I gave up after one day :p

I felt really bad for you. You really gave it a good effort. :goodjob:

I was almost certain oyzar was doomed. I would have listened to you... if someone is pretty sure they were killed by someone, I tend to listen, esp in early rounds where you have less to go on. Wild ride, this game.
The first one just said that the llamas and moose didn't know each their teammates, how was that unbalancing?

As to the second one, sorry about that. I thought I could say that given some of the things previous dead people had said.

All in all, if not for the contribution of some of the dead peple like me, Pinman, and Seon, the Knights probably would have won hands down. I still can't believe nobody noticed that about Renata. :lol:
The first one just said that the llamas and moose didn't know each their teammates, how was that unbalancing?

Ah, was it? My apologies. Somewhere, someone posted that Oyzar and Paulus were KWSN, and with the edit I may have misinterpreted/misremembered.

As to the second one, sorry about that. I thought I could say that given some of the things previous dead people had said.

not really your fault... that's me dropping the ball on not totally explaining or enforcing the rules. I tend to be very lax and lenient. No one was ever WOG'ed for a rulebreak and I only ever handed out warnings.

All in all, if not for the contribution of some of the dead peple like me, Pinman, and Seon, the Knights probably would have won hands down. I still can't believe nobody noticed that about Renata. :lol:

Yes, excellent dead play by the townies. You guys did help reinvigorate them.
Great game this. Well played, all! I'm a bit gutted it didn't last all the way to the finish line, but it matters not. It's the most fun mafia game i've ever played by far. Probably due to plenty of pm action throughout the game, i've not done that much of that in previous games. So cheers for the messages Renata, Camikaze, ATPG and Paulus, it made the game all the more enjoyable.
Again, good game ATPG! (now do Life of Brian!)

Civgeneral: I'm game!
Hehe. I just screamed my head off about oyzar being guilty but nobody listened. I gave up after one day :p
You are the reason i tried to newt Oyzar twize! And i remained suspicious of Oyzar and voted for him a few times because i remember you kept going on about him being guilty.
Maybe Seon knows something we don't? And if Oyzar turns out to be innocent, then at least we'll know that we can safely ignore anything Seon says.
Eh? :)
And I am totally pissed that my favorite detectives died so early on.

Plarq's role was FREAKING AWESOME... instead of "innocent" or "guilty" results, he would ask the person he was investigating the following 3 questions:

1. What is your name
2. What is your quest
3. What is your favorite color

And the person in question would respond more or less truthfully to these questions. However, the neutral roles would not, and Plarq would be made aware of how many questions were answered incorrectly. With the Black Beast, Killer Rabbit, and the Knights Who Say Ni, at least 2 of the three questions would be answered incorrectly, thus indicating a guilty party.

That role was so freaking awesome and YOU ALL RUINED IT!!! :lol:

Then of course, we had Seon's role, which was the Minstrel.

He would sing a deathly song for someone to find out if that person was afraid of death. It turns out that the Knights who Say Ni, and the Serial Killers, would be afraid of death. He would also know if they seem loyal to england or not. Sir Robin of course would seem very afraid of death and thus be mistaken for a traitor. And the Moose and the Llamas would also be afraid of death, thus giving a false guilty. Repeated investigations would reveal just what they were. Totally sweet.

Another totally rocking role, snuffed out too soon. *sobbing uncontrollably*

AND MY BELOVED MOOSE AND LLAMAS!!! YOU EVIL MURDERERS KILLED OFF MY BELOVED LLAMAS!!! And the Moose were pretty crippled most of the game too. *cries*
Ah, was it? My apologies. Somewhere, someone posted that Oyzar and Paulus were KWSN, and with the edit I may have misinterpreted/misremembered.

Oh yeah, that might have been me at a later time after a bunch of other dead people had already flung accusations around, so my post hardly changed anyone's opinions.

Probably due to plenty of pm action throughout the game, i've not done that much of that in previous games. (now do Life of Brian!)

I didn't see much PM action, the only person I ever PM'd was Double A, who I was working with for a few nights. Then he died. :p Aside from that, all I was doing was watching while everyone else was making private and public accusations, and voting for who I thought was a knight. Of course, my neutral role meant that I could afford to be wrong. Or when everyone went after CCRunner, I joined the bandwagon, cause Knight or Moose, his death helps me either way.

You are the reason i tried to newt Oyzar twize! And i remained suspicious of Oyzar and voted for him a few times because i remember you kept going on about him being guilty.

Seon's also the main reason I suspected oyzar.
*arrow hits Concorde in the chest*

Concorde: Message for you, sir!

Camikaze said:
Firstly, thanks for the brilliant game. It had me glued me to my computer for the last couple of days. Could you post the following please?

Camikaze said:
Well that was a fun game. Great hosting, and despite the logical fallacy of my adjacent head being KWSN without me knowing, I'll pay that. It was a really good twist. I hadn't even contemplated that oyzar could be guilty until after we lynched plarq, at which point it was a little late (for me personally) when I figured out who the KWSN were. But cut me some slack, please. When you get a Role PM saying you are one of three connected heads, and then a PM from oyzar virtually starting with 'well, we know each other are innocence', it consciously and subconsciously sets up the idea of innocence for the whole game. I mean, logically, how could oyzar go around saying NI! without hell_hound and I being aware?

@Choxorn- I knew either I or Snerk would die because of some foolish PMing. I had not stated in the thread that I believed that one of the other heads was guilty until a minute before the murder (i.e. after the murder had been sent in), but I had indicated privately to oyzar and hell_hound that I thought hell_hound and oyzar were guilty, respectively, and I had, more foolishly, indicated that I was perhaps suspicious of oyzar and hell_hound to Paulus. Meaning that at the time the mafia kill was sent in, my suspicions were not public, so the only way of preventing them from coming out would seem to be to kill me. Which is what happened. Although Snerk might've been killed instead, given that I had told oyzar that he was double-crossing the mafia (when I still thought oyzar was innocent), and given that they might've killed him to, fristly, prevent being newted when there was only one of them left, and secondly, to prevent Snerk revealing anymore information. I could claim that I was just setting myself up to be a martyr so Snerk could prevent an extra death the following night (which he probably would have), as I had achieved total victory. But no, it was just sheer foolishness.

@Renata- yeah, I really wanted to vote for you earlier, but oyzar held me back. And to think that I trusted him.

@sprig- :lol:

@hell_hound- sorry for being suspicious of you, but what choice did I have?

@oyzar- nicely played.

As for the rules breaks- given that I thought oyzar was innocent, I paid absolutely no attention to the ghosts the whole game. I just thought they had some sort of after death role to confuse everyone, or something. I completely disregarded everything they said, so it didn't affect me at all. Having said that, though, ATPG made the right call, based off the fact that I could've listened to the ghosts, and that others probably did, being not so assured of oyzar's innocence. And I feel like such a douche for protecting oyzar.

But yay for achieving total victory!
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