TAM 0.90 x BTS 3.17 ONLY is out !!!


Mar 24, 2005

TAM 0.90 ---> TAM 0.90 C ---> TAM 0.90 D ---> EUs and/or LHs ADDON (both optional)

TAM 0.90 x BTS 3.17

Installation guidelines:
1) Copy the EXE file into your BTS folder (tipically "\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword" or "\Documents and Settings\[user]\My Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword" depending on your preferences)
2) eventually remove (or rename if you wish to preserve it) the previous existing "Mods\TAM" subfolder
3) Double click on EXE file and confirm extraction
4) Go into "Beyond the Sword\PublicMaps" folder and double click on your preferred TAM map file.
I suggest to create a map file shortcut on your desktop (right click on a map file, then "send to" desktop), and click on it to start the mod quickly.

DLL UPGRADE FOR BTS 3.19 (you MUST install it in order to play TAM 0.90 with BTS 3.19)

Installation guidelines:
Unzip the file and place the DLL in the TAM 0.90 mod's Assets folder. It might be in the following location:
\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\TAM\Assets
\Documents and Settings\[user]\My Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword\Mods\TAM\Assets
depending on your preferences
You will want to replace this new version with the old one currently there.

TAM 0.90 CHANGELIST (from previous 0.82)
Spoiler :

Major gameplay fixes
-) [civforum request] Modified gamespeed to spend most of the time during BC's era

-) In order to reproduce wonders construction as much close as possible to their historical date, the following changes were made:
Pyramids cost 150 (was 250) and no more require MASONRY (built around 2500 BC)
Sphinx costs 150 (was 250) and no more requires MASONRY (built around 2500 BC)
Dodona Oracle costs 200 (was 150) - (built around 2000 BC)
Heroic Epic costs 300 (was 350)
National Epic costs 350 (was 400)
Hanging Garden moved under ARCHITECTURE (built around 600 BC)
Kroisos Riches cost 400 (was 450), moved under FURNACE (was CURRENCY), require CURRENCY (built around 550 BC)
Agora costs 450 (was 500)
Circus Maximus costs 450 (was 500)
Zeus Statue moved under CITY STATE (was ARCHITECTURE) - (built in 433 BC)
Plato Academy costs 450 (was 500) - (built around 400 BC)
Aristo Theatre costs 500 (was 550) - (built around 350 BC)
Illyrian Citadel costs 600 (was 550) - (built around 250 BC)
Hadrian Wall moved under ROAD_BUILDING (was EMPIRE), requires EMPIRE (built in 130 AD)
MINING costs 240 (was 220)
MASONRY costs 220 (was 240)
POLYTHEISM costs 285 (was 270)
BURIAL GROUNDS costs 270 (was 285)
ASTROLOGY costs 300 (was 375)
MEDICINE costs 900 (was 1100)
DIVINE RIGHT costs 1700 (was 1800)
CHRISTIANITY costs 3000 (was 3333)
HOLY_BOOK costs 4200 (was 3600)

-) [civforum request] Fixed wonder bonuses (also using new BTS features) as follow:
Coastal WatchTower got 1 culure point (was 4) and 1 GP Merchant point instead of Prophet
Heroic Epic got +25% Domestic Great General Rate and +25% City Culture
National Epic got +50% Military Unit Production
Hanging Garden got full 100% anarchy modifier (was 50%)
Circus Maximus got a bonus of 4 gold instead of 4 food
Artemis Temple got +1 Global Happiness (was +1 City Happiness)
Hypocrates Oath got 2 GP Scientist point (was 1)
Colossus got +50% Golden Age Modifier (was GA start)
Great Lighthouse got +25% Foreign Trade Route Modifier
Illyrian Citadel got +25% Bombard Defence
Golgota got +50% Enemy War Weariness Modifier
Hadrian Wall got +25% Bombard Defence and no border access to barbarians

-) [civforum request] Modified civics as follow:
NOTE: change list only from 082 - read ingame pedia for a complete effect list of each civic
50% DistanceMaintenanceModifier
Low upkeep
25% DistanceMaintenanceModifier
10% CapitalYieldModifiers
Hereditary Rule:
Low upkeep
City State:
Medium upkeep
-50% DistanceMaintenanceModifier
25% NumCitiesMaintenanceModifier
No more LargestCityHappiness
No more NumCitiesMaintenanceModifier
No more GreatPeopleRateModifier
-25% DistanceMaintenanceModifier
Has got LargestCityHappiness
No more DistanceMaintenanceModifier
50% NumCitiesMaintenanceModifier
No corporation allowed
Low upkeep
No more DistanceMaintenanceModifier
25% NumCitiesMaintenanceModifier
No foreign corporation allowed
Medium upkeep
No more DistanceMaintenanceModifier
25% NumCitiesMaintenanceModifier
25% GreatPeopleRateModifier
25% NumCitiesMaintenanceModifier
-25% NumCitiesMaintenanceModifier
No more ExtraHealth
No more BaseFreeUnits
No more FreeUnitsPopulationPercent
25% GreatPeopleRateModifier
No more GoldPerUnit
Slave Market gives -1 Health
Public Works:
Medium upkeep
1 ExtraHealth
25% WorkerSpeedModifier
25% ImprovementUpgradeRateModifier
50% ImprovementUpgradeRateModifier
Unlimited engineers
Amphiteathre gives +1 Happyness
No more MaxConscript
100% WarWearinessModifier
Low upkeep
No more MilitaryProductionModifier
2 BaseFreeUnits
No more BaseFreeMilitaryUnits
No more FreeMilitaryUnitsPopulationPercent
1 MaxConscript
50% WarWearinessModifier
Class Levy:
Low upkeep
No more FreeExperience
4 BaseFreeUnits
No more BaseFreeMilitaryUnits
No more FreeMilitaryUnitsPopulationPercent
25% WarWearinessModifier
Medium upkeep
No more FreeExperience
10% MilitaryProductionModifier
4 BaseFreeUnits
10% FreeUnitsPopulationPercent
No more MilitaryFoodProduction
3 MaxConscript
No more WarWearinessModifier
2 FreeExperience
6 BaseFreeMilitaryUnits
10% FreeMilitaryUnitsPopulationPercent
-50% WarWearinessModifier
Professional army:
4 FreeExperience
6 BaseFreeMilitaryUnits
10% FreeMilitaryUnitsPopulationPercent
-25% WarWearinessModifier
Cult of war:
25% DomesticGreatGeneralRateModifier
No more FreeExperience
No more WarWearinessModifier

Minor gameplay fixes
-) Renamed Moai Statue (National Wonder) as Coastal WatchTower
-) [civforum request] Hittite iron forge grants Army promotions
-) All civs got a diplo soundtrack which is different each others
-) Bowman city defence reduced to 25% (was 75%)

Gameplay enhancements
-) Introduced Elder Council as early culture building
-) Introduced Hunting Lodge building to split powerful Tavern effect with
-) Introduced missing UBs for Iberian, Minoan and Tartessos

Graphics enhancements
-) Introduced 4 TAM branded opening screen (switch them using "starting menu" graphic option)
-) Introduced ethnic city artstyles for each civ
-) All religions got movie and sound that are different from each others
-) Player got a static movie when National Wonders were built
-) New (or replaced) arts for the following structures:
Elder Council + button
Hunting Lodge + button
Iberian Granary + button
Minoan Labirinth + button
Tartessos Harbor + button
Phoenician Seaport
Kuvend button (only)
Circus Maximus NW
Golgota Wonder
Sphynx Wonder
Egyptian Temple
Greek Temple
Zoroastrian Temple
Animist Shrine
Public Baths
Slave Market
Roman Forum
Lydian Trade Post

New maps
-) 1 huge med map with 24 civs in, 128x64 (approx 9000 tiles), with accurate geographical reproduction of land border, mountains, lakes, rivers, plains, deserts, ecc..., and with accurate historical starting location for each civ (with small adjustment for adjacent civs, or civs starting outside map borders as Goths and Nubians). Land resources were completely redrawn to better reproduce their historic distribution and civ's accessibility, with small adjustment in order to encourage trade exchange. Hatshepsut introduces this scenario in the opening screen.
-) 3 normal maps 68x45 (approx 3000 tiles), derived from the huge map above, representing western, central and eastern med areas (12-15-15 civs respectively), with accurate resource placement as explained above. Boudica, Dido and Semiramis introduce these scenarios in their respective opening screen.

This patch includes various gameplay balancing details and graphics updates. It requires an existing TAM v0.90 and CIV4-BTS v3.19. It DOESN'T require the Bts 3.19 DLL fix above.

Installation guidelines:
1) Copy the EXE file into your BTS folder (tipically "\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword" or "\Documents and Settings\[user]\My Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword" depending on your preferences)
2) Double click on EXE file and confirm extraction

TAM 0.90C Changelog (from previous 0.90)
Spoiler :

TAM military has been reorganized on the following guidelines

1) Breakdown of unit types for historical age:
STONE AGE (5500-3000 BC)
Settler >>>Not combat type<<<
Worker >>>Not combat type<<<
Scout >>>Not combat type<<<
Tribal Warrior >>>Medium type<<<
Archer >>>Archer type<<<
Javelineer >>>Skirmisher type<<<

BRONZE AGE (3000-1200 BC)
Composite Archer >>>Archer type<<<
Chariot Archer >>>Archer type<<<
Chariot >>>Mounted type<<<
Spearman >>>Heavy type<<<
Axeman >>>Medium type<<<
Ram >>>Siege type<<<
Spy >>>Not combat type<<<

Horse Archer >>>Archer type<<<
Armored Javelineer >>>Skirmisher type<<<
Armored Spearman >>>Heavy type<<<
Swordsman >>>Medium type<<<
Bowman >>>Archer type<<<
Light Cavalry >>>Mounted type<<<
Elephant >>>Elephant type<<<
Siege Tower >>>Siege type<<<
Catapult >>>Siege type<<<
Fire Catapult >>>Siege type<<<

Heavy Horse Archer >>>Archer type<<<
Infantry >>>Heavy type<<<
Armored Infantry >>>Heavy type<<<
Heavy Cavalry >>>Mounted type<<<

2) The following units have been removed:
Horseman >>>Mounted type<<<
Mounted Javelineer >>>Skirmisher type<<<
War Elephant >>>Elephant type<<<
Pikeman >>>Heavy type<<<

3) Availability of some unit types has been shifted on techtree as follow:
Bireme at Exploration
Transport Ship at Seafaring
Armored Spearman at Iron Working
Armored Javelineer at Iron Working
Siege Tower at Iron Working
Heavy Horse Archer at Military Training
Infantry at Tactics

4) Availability of UUs and Heroes has been modified to reflect the historical development of civs. On details:
Assyrians -> No changes
Babylonians -> Hero has become a Composite Archer (was Archer)
Britonics -> No changes
Carthaginians -> Spearman UU has become Armored Spearman
Dacians -> Javelineer UU has become Armored Javelineer
Egyptians -> No changes
Gauls -> Heavy Cavalry UU has become Light Cavalry
Germanics -> Axeman UU has become Swordsman - Swordsman UU has become Infantry
Goths -> Swordsman UU has become Heavy Cavalry
Hittites -> Swordsman UU has become Spearman
Iberians -> Archer UU and Hero have become Bowman
Illyrians -> Spearman UU has become Armored Spearman
Kolchis -> No changes
Lydians -> No changes
Medes -> Axeman UU has become Swordsman
Minoans -> Hero has become a Composite Archer (was Archer)
Mycenaeans -> No changes
Nubians -> No changes
Persians -> Spearman UU has become Armored Spearman
Phoenicians -> No changes
Romans -> No changes
Scythians -> No changes
Tartessians -> Mounted Javelineer UU has become Trade Merchant Ship - Hero has become a Armored Javelineer
Thracians -> Javelineer UU has become Armored Javelineer

5) Lots of fix on unit values (both visible and hidden) have been made in order to normalize unbalanced or wrong situations. The most important are:
-) WorkBoat can only move into national borders (to avoid the early exploration exploit)
-) Early merchantship can't enter ocean tiles
-) Differences on combat value between UU and normal unit have been removed. Now UUs differ on abilities, benefits and bonus vs other types compared to their respective standard unit in order to preserve the weight of promotions (i.e. a babylonian archer (combat 3) had +50% strenght compared to a normal archer (combat 2), exactly the same as Strenght Promotion I, II, III e IV added together)
-) Chariot and Cavalry units gain a bonus when attacking in open space, like historically was. Because of XML can't recognize a empty and flat tile, these units get a bonus when attacking in plains and grassland and get a compensative malus when attacking in forest, hills and cities. (Egyptian Chariot gets a bonus when attacking in desert also, to better explain the above paragraph about combat differences between UU and not). Consider it like a experiment to raise the interest on the underrated cavalry units and the horse resources.
-) Scout starts with sentry promotion (+1 visibility)

Silk Road
Silk Road now works like TAM Civ3, i.e. first you should finish the SR project, then complete 8 outpost step by step from Ctesiphon to Luoyang, following the ancient route. Silk Road and outposts have been shifted on techtree in order to reflect such concept. This is a attempt to do Silk Road a playable feature now, although you still need complete the techtree in order to end the rush and win the game.
The graphical screens are under development; for the moment, you still have the space ship interface.

Although corporations didn't exist in ancient times, and we don't want invest on them, for the moment they grant money revenue like ancient caravans
did. Further development on them will be in the next patches.

Building, Techtree, Civic, Religion and others
-) Removed from early buildings (tavern, harbor, etc) the health bonus linked to resources in order to reduce initial health overflow
-) Removed the broken happiness effect from cult of nature linked to forest. You gain 1 happy + 1 health from granary. Now no more early exponential city growth.
-) Removed the massive money effect coming from religious shrine and temples. Still gain a small amount of money in order to mantain interest on religions as alternative to military path
-) Reduced from 3 to 2 points the GP bonus coming from city specialists, in order to delay GP popup, to follow more closely the historical timeline (i.e. no more lots of Great People during Stone Age)
-) Removed Global Warming from TAM
-) Move tech trading to Writing in order to anticipate it
-) Fixed 3 maps with wrong starting tech for assyrians
-) Improved the Great Engineer and General namelist
-) Lots of minor changes, fixes and refinements

Mainteinance Costs
-) All Mainteinance Costs for units and cities have been paired to BTS ones

-) Removed modern worker and road arts
-) All Projects have got a still movie when finished
-) Fixed several interface buttons in TAM style

TAM 0.90 D XML PATCH -> download it from the attachment below <-
This XML patch includes various gameplay balancing details and graphics updates.
Most important are:
-) civic upkeep costs reduction
-) no more modern road graphics during imperial age

Installation guidelines:
1) Copy the 7zip file into your BTS folder (tipically "\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword" or "\Documents and Settings\[user]\My Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword" depending on your preferences)
2) Unzip the file and confirm extraction

These are ethnic units for latest TAM BTS version, if you wish to replace the default ones.
Installation guidelines:
1) Copy the downloaded EXE into your BTS folder (tipically "\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword" or "\Documents and Settings\[user]\My Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword" depending on your preferences)
2) Double click on EXE file and confirm extraction

Spoiler :

These are animated leaderheads for latest TAM BTS version, if you wish to replace the static ones.
Installation guidelines:
1) Copy the downloaded EXE into your BTS folder (tipically "\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword" or "\Documents and Settings\[user]\My Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword" depending on your preferences)
2) Save a copy of Mods\TAM\Assets\XML\Art\ CIV4ArtDefines_Leaderhead.xml if you want a chance to restore the previous TAM static LHs
3) Double click on EXE file and confirm extraction
4) Play TAM!!! :)

Spoiler :



  • opening.jpg
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  • TAM BTS v0.90d.7z
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Oooo. Very impressive. I think I'll still keep with the leader-art, as that is with what I'm familiar :p
just a silly question: are the modern workers and roads gone?
i've read the changelist quickly so maybe I've overlooked this information
just a silly question: are the modern workers and roads gone?
i've read the changelist quickly so maybe I've overlooked this information

If there are enough people who are interested to play TAM 0.90, I'll keep up-to-date the mod with patches.
Thus, whoever play it, please let a simple message below in order to know how many persons there are.

I've planned to release a 0.91 graphic patch containing the first half of TAM Ethnic Units. Of course it will contain game fixes also, like the removal of modern workers from play.
Besides that, it depends on how much interest there is in the mod.
Well, I do like TAM 0.90, but I'm hardly the most regular player :D
I've planned to release a 0.91 graphic patch containing the first half of TAM Ethnic Units. Of course it will contain game fixes also, like the removal of modern workers from play.
Besides that, it depends on how much interest there is in the mod.

I'm not a regular player but as I said before I've got Civ4 BTS only for TAM so any kind of polishing current 0.9 version would be really nice...
Will there be a 3.19 version out?

YES, there will!

I apologize for the delay, people. I will take a look at everything tomorrow and hopefully have a new DLL ready for everyone soon.
Welcome back, Shqype! Glad to read you here again! :)
I'll do more: I'll install BTS 3.19 also!!! :lol:
Playing as Dido on the new 24-player map, I got some errors:

Startup (ThemeParseLog.txt):
[Nov 03, 2009 - 07:55:19] Messages while processing 'Resource/Civ4.thm'

Error   : Decl - ('Civ4Theme_Common.thm', Ln:401, Col:13) Assignment source propertyId 'SF_CtrlTheme_Civ4_Control_Font_Size3_Italic' not found
Error   : Decl - ('Civ4Theme_Common.thm', Ln:402, Col:13) Assignment source propertyId 'SF_CtrlTheme_Civ4_Control_Font_Size3_BoldItalic' not found
Error   : Decl - ('Civ4Theme_Common.thm', Ln:408, Col:13) Assignment source propertyId 'SF_CtrlTheme_Civ4_Control_Font_Size1_Bold' not found
Error   : Decl - ('Civ4Theme_Window.thm', Ln:3048, Col:9) Assignment source propertyId 'SF_CtrlTheme_Civ4_Control_Font_Size1_Bold' not found
Error   : Syntax - ('Civ4Theme_HUD.thm', Ln:887, Col:13) Unexpected '.' in the identifier assignment statement
Error   : Syntax - ('Civ4Theme_HUD.thm', Ln:927, Col:13) Unexpected '.' in the identifier assignment statement

Turn 0:
Can't find enum for type tag THE_WEEL.

Turn 21:
Can't find enum for type tag TECH_METAL_CASTING.

... haven't played further, as I don't want to waste time on something that says "I'm going wrong" from the beginning...
Can there errors be ignored, or is it something serious?
I suggest to stop the game and redo your whole installation.
Unfortunately I haven't installed TAM - BTS 3.19 yet, and cannot do that till tomorrow.

Could be really useful if someone else report us a feedback about his own installation.
Playing as Dido on the new 24-player map, I got some errors:

Startup (ThemeParseLog.txt):
[Nov 03, 2009 - 07:55:19] Messages while processing 'Resource/Civ4.thm'

Error   : Decl - ('Civ4Theme_Common.thm', Ln:401, Col:13) Assignment source propertyId 'SF_CtrlTheme_Civ4_Control_Font_Size3_Italic' not found
Error   : Decl - ('Civ4Theme_Common.thm', Ln:402, Col:13) Assignment source propertyId 'SF_CtrlTheme_Civ4_Control_Font_Size3_BoldItalic' not found
Error   : Decl - ('Civ4Theme_Common.thm', Ln:408, Col:13) Assignment source propertyId 'SF_CtrlTheme_Civ4_Control_Font_Size1_Bold' not found
Error   : Decl - ('Civ4Theme_Window.thm', Ln:3048, Col:9) Assignment source propertyId 'SF_CtrlTheme_Civ4_Control_Font_Size1_Bold' not found
Error   : Syntax - ('Civ4Theme_HUD.thm', Ln:887, Col:13) Unexpected '.' in the identifier assignment statement
Error   : Syntax - ('Civ4Theme_HUD.thm', Ln:927, Col:13) Unexpected '.' in the identifier assignment statement

Turn 0:
Can't find enum for type tag THE_WEEL.

Turn 21:
Can't find enum for type tag TECH_METAL_CASTING.

... haven't played further, as I don't want to waste time on something that says "I'm going wrong" from the beginning...
Can there errors be ignored, or is it something serious?

I noticed the same problem when I played using that map. The problem lies in the actual MAP itself, in the worldbuildsavefile. I actually thought the map sucked, to be honest, and the Balkans definitely seemed to be off. The starting position of Illyria felt out of whack, and it is.

So, I recommend trying out the STANDARD map from v0.82. That should be the default map.
I suggest to stop the game and redo your whole installation.
Unfortunately I haven't installed TAM - BTS 3.19 yet, and cannot do that till tomorrow.

Could be really useful if someone else report us a feedback about his own installation.

Not necessary, the problem is with that particular map itself.

Ambrox, could you do us a favor and put the TAM changelist from your first post in SPOILER tags so the post isn't so huge? Also, can you put a link to my thread with the BTS 3.19 DLL? Thank you.
I actually thought the map sucked, to be honest, and the Balkans definitely seemed to be off. The starting position of Illyria felt out of whack, and it is.

The map has been built as much CLOSE as possible to the following geographical references:
http://www.freeworldmaps.net/europe/index.html (click on a region to enlarge it)

Please, compare the charts above with the Balkan region on the new map and tell me what is wrong.
The Illyrian starting position has been shifted to north a bit in order to separate them more from Greeks.


  • balkans.jpg
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Not necessary, the problem is with that particular map itself.

Ambrox, could you do us a favor and put the TAM changelist from your first post in SPOILER tags so the post isn't so huge? Also, can you put a link to my thread with the BTS 3.19 DLL? Thank you.

Done :)

I'll check the new map under BTS 3.19 in order to better understand the problem.
Under BTS 3.17 it works 100% fine :confused:
The ThemeParseLog errors seem to be genuine Civ4 bugs (using font of which the define is commented out as "Civ can't use these") ..

On the other hand, the "TAM Mediterranean - 24 Civs - Huge - BTSv082.CivBeyondSwordWBSave" from "TAM BTS Public Maps v082.exe" gives me exactly the same Python exceptions ("can't find enum for type tag..").

I can start a TAM game using e.g. the "Continents" map script just fine! I can play BtS3.19, FfH2 and Rhyes (incl. MP) without troubles, too, so I doubt very much that my Civ installation is "generally" corrupted.

Atm, I have Civ/Warlords/Bts installed, and I constantly find references to \warlords\assets\python in the python logs - even if I'm pretty sure I'm starting up BtS. Maybe that's (part of) the problem?
Re-installing is only the very last option, though, as I don't have Warlords any more and therefore might be able to get everything running, but will be unable to re-create the problem if it really has to do with Warlords.

A friend of mine has the Warlords CD, but not installed, and is going to test the issue - will keep you up to date how things works out ...
Your last post excludes a new-map issue, because you have the problem on the previous 0.82 map also.
Where you installed TAM? (i.e. Civ4 standard folder or user custom folder)?

I've now a fresh Civ4-BTS 3.19 installation (no Warlord) with TAM 0.90+DLL 3.19 installed into the Civ4 game folder, and it runs fine.
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