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Questions about The BUG Mod

When I get a chance I'll write up all the keys BUG uses. There are only 4 or 5: Reminders, Strategy Layer, Favorite Civics, and Event Signs off the top of my head.
Unit Naming uses one too.
My mod has next war and bat. Next war doesn't use SDtoolkit though. I think this issue is related to bat files actually as i haven't updated them since you updated to 2.1.

I think i know where i made the mistake. I tried to update the bug files in my mod from the newest bug download when they were taken from the bat version. So i'll go back and pull the bat files instead.
Next War absolutely uses the script data on CyGame. Camagno created a Next War BUG merge that solved this problem. Search the forum for Next War and BUG.
Hey guys, I've used BUG since I started playing BTS last year. Great work!

I'm having a problem upgrading to BUG 4.2 and BULL 1.0. I uninstalled BUG 4.1 and then installed BUG 4.2 using the .exe. Everything seemed to have gone smoothly there.

Then I tried using BULL. I'm not very computer literate, so I might be missing something here, but I thought I followed the instructions correctly. I downloaded the BULL components, copied the individual files into the appropriate CustomAssets folders, and then copied the .dll and pasted it into the Assets folder after renaming the old .dll.

I thought that this would be all it took to activate BULL, but when I start a game and open the BUG options, none of the BULL options are changeable (they're still grayed out) and there is no city hover. Is there something else that I need to do with the .dll?

I should mention that I used Better AI with BUG 4.1, and had merged the .dll according to Dresden's guide. However, I assumed that the new BULL .dll would still function, even if Better AI didn't right away. Could this have something to do with it?

Thanks for all your hard work :goodjob:
Better AI works by having its own DLL, just as BULL does. Thus they cannot currently be used together. You must choose one or the other until some kind soul builds a merged DLL.

Do you still have Better AI installed? You said it was installed in 4.1, but you didn't say anything about reinstalling it into BUG 4.2 after upgrading.

Hover your mouse cursor over your flag while playing a game, and you'll see either Better AI or BULL mentioned in the hover text that appears. If you only see your traits and nothing else, neither DLL is running.

As for installing BULL, it sounds like you did everything correctly. Where specifically did you copy the DLL? Which Assets folder?
Please post questions in the Questions thread.

BAT includes both BUG and BULL, so just install BAT.
Are you guys working on a new BUFFY for the Hall of Fame? Since most players want to submit their games there, I guess that would be quite relevant to know.

Here's a question, then- if I were to download BetterAI, BUG, and BULL, and merge the python and XML just like if I were merging BUG and BetterAI, and then swap in the DLL from Revdcm, would that work? Or are there yet other things compiled in to RevDCM's DLL?
The "RevDCM" in "RevDCM" stands for "Revolutions + Dale's Combat Mod", and they are decidedly different from normal BTS. They require some Python and XML support files and change the rules of the game quite a bit. I suggest you check out that mod cuz it's pretty neat. :) I don't know their upgrade plans for BUG/BULL though.
I have a couple of questions on problems that I've been having:

1) Whenever I hover on the trade yield icon on the scoreboard I get a TXT_KEY_BUG_OVERLAND_TRADETXT_KEY_BUG_OVERSEAS_TRADETXT_KEY_BUG_TOTAL_TRADE
Spoiler :

BUG installed in custom assets and I recently updated i using SVN checkout.

2) From the changelog, apparently you can pre-chop with the newest version of BUG, however whenever I try, it doesn't pre-chop despite having the option checked in the BUG options menu.
It sounds like you have an old pre-release version of BULL installed still. Grab the latest (see my sig) 1.0 release and replace the files in Assets over those you have installed. Don't forget to put the DLL in the right place depending on your BUG installation method (see the readme).
Ok thanks, I've done all the changes, I'll test it out some time tomorrow. Should come in handy with my micro which usually drives me nuts (I'm not a big fan of doing the improve/cancel each turn for fear of forgetting to cancel at the right turn).
The "RevDCM" in "RevDCM" stands for "Revolutions + Dale's Combat Mod", and they are decidedly different from normal BTS.

I played it some a few months ago, back when I couldn't manage to merge BetterAI and BUG myself. It was cool, but I'm not bored of BtS yet, and I play just enough multiplayer that I don't want to start developing strategies for alternate games. ;)

So nothing against RevDCM, which was pretty amazing when I played with it, but I'm still looking for a DLL that's just the two, eventually. :)
Is there some way to make it so that high score table is shared for BUG, BAT, and modless?

I'm not aware of a way to do that. The mod name is embedded in the replay and saved games.
Hi. I aplogise if this was answered before but:

a - This thread is too long
b - I searched for BULL and BAT and I receive thousands of posts (must because of the old EmperorFool signature :D)
c - I'm too newbie with mods.
d - My english is poooooor.



1 - I modified CivilizationIV.ini this way: MOD = BAT Mod 1.2 and it works OK. If I want to use another mod (say RoM, ie) this unload BAT. I don't know if this mod can coexist in any way (and if it is usefull) so the question is: can I use BAT and other mod together in any way?

2 - Since I installed BAT, BULL and BUG 4.1 I see a lot of events (most repeated on the same tile after a few turns) is this a coincidence or a feature.

Thanks and sorry if I making stupid questions :shifty:
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