Z is for Zulu

Well I've done a few maps with Portugal from the beginning. I still don't see much of a fun way of playing them... for me at least. They have an instant golden age from The Colossus, so 20k seems stupid. May as well go for that, I guess. I'll go OCC pangea, 60% water, normal, temperate, 4 billion, sedentary barbs, least aggressive on Monarch. Here's a map I thought might play interestingly for Portugal... but even on Demi-God it appears the AIs will choke on unit support on this map, much like how the AIs appeared to choke on unit support when I played "The Land of Plenty" map.
I choose the diplomatic victory. I popped two settlers both of which got added in to Lisbon early on. Final Firaxis score of 2113, diplomatic victory in 1575
I don't think I have ever played Portugal. I'll get there eventually but not for a while.

I am leery of starting another French game even :lol:
Yes, they should be but I'm just having one of those times.

I even managed to win with England for crying out loud.
For the Persia game I've tried my hand at a 5CC demi-god game. One screenie shows you how much tech I got from The Great Library. Another one shows you the unit I used to spark my golden age by defeating an American spearman... one turn before they got exterminated. One shows you my empire in the middle ages. One shows you a deal I made along the way. I could have built The Sistine Chapel, but during the inter-turn when it would have finished I managed to finish research Banking, trade it for Astronomy and then used that pre-build to build Copernicus's Observatory. I also built Newton's University. I decided to research Economics instead of Magnetism after I had Theory of Gravity since I anticipated Germany would beat me there. I didn't get much from Economics, so I may have made a weak choice there.

Some saves also.


  • Persia.SAV
    186.1 KB · Views: 89
Final Firaxis score of 3261. I launced the spaceship. I ended up almost growing broke by the end of the game. The Americans had the power lead early on, but got exterminated first. Later came The Koreans, The Spanish, and The Ottomans. This put Germany in the territoy lead. I worried they would approach the domination limit. The Babylonians declared war on them sometime in the early modern age. They fought for a good long while. I think I saw San Fransisco change hands some 30+ times. They made peace with some 8 or 7 turns left on Robotics. I ended up launching in 1725. Pretty close one here actually. Building The Great Library early on definitely helped, as I doubt I could have kept up in tech early on and had some sort of economy. If you check the save take a look at Persepolis to see how many wonders I built, as it had some 81 or so culture by the end of the game.

My last RoP cost me a bunch of cash. I ended up getting coal for dyes.


  • Final Persia.SAV
    240.6 KB · Views: 86
I played this on a standard sized map with no barbies, 70% pangea, normal, temperate, 4 billion map with the AIs at normal aggression with SGLs on.
Well, with the Ottos I tried an OCC Demi-god 20k game. Along with Persia The Ottos can build two wonders right away with a coastal start. I ended up building both of them, MoM, The Great Library, The Hanging Gardens, Knights Templar, The Sistine Chapel, and Shakespeare's Theater. I think I could have won, as I had some 80 cpt without building any industrial age wonders (I wouldn't get any of those in this one), but I tried to play defiant and tried to attack The Byzantines a little to early to get my saltpeter back. I had quite good resource luck, and I had such an isolated start I could have filled in the island with settlers *after* I had built The Great Library, but I wanted to play OCC, not a more regular 20k game. Sipahi don't seem quite as strong as I thought they might prove.


  • MA OCC Demi-God Otto.SAV
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It is interesting that you didn't find the Sipahi to be very effective. That is one unit I really like. hate to see them coming at me though :lol:
I did an OCC game with The Mongols where I aimed for space. It looked like it would have worked. I don't have the 4000 save from that one. I also did a "build all the wonders" game with The Maya on Regent. I didn't build them all, but I hand-built all of the great wonders up until the industrial ages.... in other words, no scientific great leaders used. This comes as sufficient evidence that I could have built all the wonders on Regent, but actually doing so seems sort of unnecessary.
I really can't imagine winning by the "build all the wonders" victory condition. I tend to get lost in the late middle ages and cannot get to the pretties because I am working along the MT path.
I've basically given up on this project... not really playing civ III. But, as a note... ahem... bragging, I did an OCC 20k game with the Byzanties on Demi-God.
Congrats on the DG win though... :goodjob:

That's too bad. i was looking forward to seeing what victory conditions you would reach. Well I have 3.5 more games to play in my set and then I really should finish that Korean wide-spacing game that I have started ...somewhere.
Hmmmm... a variant on playing all the tribes would be that when you played as each tribe you had to build the wonders I've listed after them.
Greeks-Colossus, Oracle (at Delphi, right?), Museum of Maussollos, Great Lighthouse, Great Library, Statue of Zeus
China-Great Wall, Sun Tzu's Art of War
Persia-Temple of Artemis
Babylon-Hanging Gardens
Rome-Leonardo's Workshop, Sistine Chapel
Germany-J. S. Bach's Cathedral, Copernicus's Observatory
English-Shakespeare's Theater, Smith's Trading Company, Theory of Evolution, Universal Suffrage (I don't know who to give this to).
Portugal-Magellan's Voyage
America-Hoover's Dam, The Internet, The Manhattan Project
Dutch-United Nations (since the judicial court is in The Hague)
France-Knights Templar
I've decided to revive to try this idea again in a sort of way. But, this time a bit differently. I don't plan to do Alphabetical order. Instead, I'll play each tribe in the "reading" order you find them on the startup screen. So, the order goes Rome, Egypt, Greece, Babylon, Germany, Russia, etc. Additionally, I plan to try each tribe on Sid level until the bitter end. So, even if I feel confident I will lose, I'll play it out until I actually do win or lose.

Maybe I should go for a smaller map with Rome, or fewer opponents, but once I find a suitable map I'll play a no barbie standard sized, wet, warm, 5 billion 60% pangea with Egypt, the Mongols, the Maya, America, the Celts, and the Aztecs as my opponents. I'll shoot for a conquest or domination victory, as seems best fitting for Rome.
Maybe I should consider 70% or 80% maps on Sid if I want to play pangea so badly. I had one going, which I could still go back to, where I founded 10 cities built the Forbidden Palace, and then markets, which I planned to follow with units. But, even though I made it to the middle ages and became a Republic, I trailed in tech by a lot. So, I thought it might work better to found about 5 cities, then train some legions, and go to war. I couldn't really afford alliances, and didn't spawn a leader until my last hitpoint on my last unit:

Spoiler :


Even I trail a lot in the middle ages, maybe it works better to first become a Republic and/or build markets so I have some gpt for alliances. If anyone has any Sid pangea or Sid tips in general, I'd love to hear them. I know Miss Moonsinger did some Sid pangea games before.
Playing for a 20k victory as Rome on a Sid pangea standard 60% map:

I put in random opponents, and will have to get the AIs under control. The tech tree looks like this:

I believe that I can snag Newton's University here with a prebuild, if I keep playing. Anyone want to take a guess on my finish date?
Here lies a save from a little later:


  • Spoonwood of the Romans, 170 AD Near Newton's.SAV
    252.6 KB · Views: 63
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