Eat Poop You Cat, the many more edition

I wonder where Kan disappeared to, I hate to skip him :(
As much as I hate to do this, Kan has been skipped :(. Joecoolyo has the poo now.

And the poo has been received, crammed into a UPS box, and shipped off to mythmonster2's doorstep.
My apologies guys, suddenly had no access to internet then was a victim of unfortunate circumstances and the bloody highland weather. Will do better next time.
If Mythmonster does not send in the poo. He's gonna be replaced by Kan. And I do give Kan special permission to attack Mythmonster with his ducks ;).
Given I've seen the most recent caption it's prolly best you leave me until the next round, or at best towards the end of this one :)
Perhaps I can place you towards the end of the segment. It aint an EPYC without a Kan in it ;). Anywho, Mythmonster is skipped. Catharsis currently has the poo.
Man, you're getting a raw deal with the inactivity levels here, CivG. :(

Anyway, poop shoved into a cannon and fired through Nictel's mast.
Pirates, rum and the poop is on its way to choxorn.
Where in the world is Choxorn? And he's the one that complains about inactive people :trouble: :p
Sorry, forgot, I'll have the poop ready shortly.
For a refresher (and reminder) Please forward me the picture/caption, dont forward them to Catharsis

I know many of you are used to seeing Catharsis hosting the last game :p

(Note: This is not directed to anyone specifically)
I may have accidentally sent him a poo

those mailmen sure do know some dirty looks
Hey, CG, can you update the post with the sign-ups to show where the poop is?
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