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The questions-not-worth-their-own-thread question thread VIII

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Yes, that's the version, thank you. I still prefer the TPATH version.
Are you interested in freeform roleplaying games?
Are you interested in freeform roleplaying games?

Never tried one, I'll give it a go though. I got some time on my hands. Looking at your thread, I'm having a hard time thinking of skills for my character. Could you provide an example character? Or do we just post the characters profession (eating pumpkins, scratching heads, etc)?
Indeed, I'll add a few to the thread as well:

Name: John Black
Age: 25
Physical Description(optional):
Personality: Amoral and power-seeking, but calm and cautious- will attempt to build up own real power
Primary Skills: Charisma, Strength, History, Leadership
Secondary Skills: Weapons, Philosophy, Athletics, Diplomacy, Anarchist Philosophy (knowledge of in particular)
Bio(optional): John Black was a school student shortly before Anarchism began, under Professor Jameson. Like Jameson, he believed the end of Anarchism was inevitable- once a faction existed with firepower and the willingness to use it, they cuold easily restore order.
Beliefs: Believes in a nationalist ideology, with anarchism as it's antithesis as a threat to "society"- without things such as a "national leader", who is to prevent secession or annexation by other "nations"? For now, he has not decided to reveal this to the world.

Name: James Kane
Age: 34
Physical Description(optional):
Personality: not always "there", not entirely concerned with dealing with people only with creating and learning, can often seem rude when dealing with more ignorant people
Primary Skills: Mechanics, Chemistry, Engineering, Critical Thinking, weapon design
Secondary Skills: marksmanship (someone has to test the weapons), some medical knowledge, trap setting/defenses, self reliance, scavenger
Bio(optional): Used to be a "professional" student and studied almost any subject he could, now not much has changed only that he doesn't have to ask permission when he has an idea
Beliefs: He believes in the constant pursuit of knowledge and is willing to work with any who share this goal or are willing to "pay" for something. He has no tolerance for close minded people who fear technology and knowledge. Outside of this he has little opinion on politics other than who to talk to for supplies

Name: Tom Duke
Age: 29
Personality: A hermit by nature, he's most likely to be a loner, live by himself. Most of his social interactions are from the Internet, not in real life. Due to that, he has more free time, and he used it to study, making him much smarter than people his age. When engaged in conversations, he's most likely to talk about his favorite thing, Biology. Tom finds the study of animals to be fascinating, and won't stop talking about any recent discoveries he did.
Primary Skills: PhD on Biology, Very Smart, Easily works alone, good with Electronics
Secondary Skills: Good Cook, Good Oral skills, Good Health, good finger strength, somewhat into gaming
Beliefs: As a Conservative Anarchist, he prefers a world where there is no government, yet there is balance between everyone. He's absolutely appalled at how governments are run today, and doesn't want to see people taking power. While being in the Methodist Church, he's not deeply religious, but still goes to Church every day.

Name: Aiken Drumn
Age: 23
Physical Description(optional): Think Jack Sparrow. Good, young body. Slim.
Personality: Jokes, cheeky, outgoing
Primary Skills: Animal husbandry, machinery, farmign
Secondary Skills: nimble fingers, sharp eyes, sleight of hand, can tell a good story, charasmatic
Bio(optional): Grew up on the farm
Beliefs:Simple. No opinion on religion (thinks those who are stongly religious must be stupid) thinks you have to take the opportunities you can.
Question: If somebody drilled a really deep hole that went all the way to the hot gooey stuff that the top layer floats on, what would happen? Would a lot of steam come up? (I know it's not exactly possible, but what would happen?)
Question: If somebody drilled a really deep hole that went all the way to the hot gooey stuff that the top layer floats on, what would happen? Would a lot of steam come up? (I know it's not exactly possible, but what would happen?)

You'd get a very narrow volcano that clogged itself up almost immediately.
Question: If somebody drilled a really deep hole that went all the way to the hot gooey stuff that the top layer floats on, what would happen? Would a lot of steam come up? (I know it's not exactly possible, but what would happen?)
Your post's lack of the words "in the Earth's crust" caused my mind to be quite considerably blown reading it.
Does anyone know if California has any laws regarding volunteer work and overtime hours for said volunteers?

My mom works at a bingo hall for my sisters swimming club to pay off 90% of the monthly dues. The last couple of weeks, the hours have gotten longer and longer. A 6-12:45 turned into a 6-1 and then to 6-1:30. Problem is, only the 6-12:45 is counted against their monthly quota, and all the extra hours are pretty much thrown out. The club management refuses to count the hours and is telling all the 'volunteers' that if they leave before the bingo hall is closed up (if they're scheduled until 12:45) then next quarter they will have no hours and have to pay the full monthly dues (over 1000 USD)

Pretty much I'm looking for some ammo to go to the management and tell them to frak off and manage the schedule better. I help out once in a while so this affects me too. I have no intention to stay past the end of my scheduled shift and not have it count in any way.

One thing Im wondering is if the volunteers are working to get reduced monthly dues, does that count as a material reward for the work, and therefore make the volunteers employees?
Your post's lack of the words "in the Earth's crust" caused my mind to be quite considerably blown reading it.

Context, aimee, context.
Does anyone know if California has any laws regarding volunteer work and overtime hours for said volunteers?

My mom works at a bingo hall for my sisters swimming club to pay off 90% of the monthly dues. The last couple of weeks, the hours have gotten longer and longer. A 6-12:45 turned into a 6-1 and then to 6-1:30. Problem is, only the 6-12:45 is counted against their monthly quota, and all the extra hours are pretty much thrown out. The club management refuses to count the hours and is telling all the 'volunteers' that if they leave before the bingo hall is closed up (if they're scheduled until 12:45) then next quarter they will have no hours and have to pay the full monthly dues (over 1000 USD)

Pretty much I'm looking for some ammo to go to the management and tell them to frak off and manage the schedule better. I help out once in a while so this affects me too. I have no intention to stay past the end of my scheduled shift and not have it count in any way.

One thing Im wondering is if the volunteers are working to get reduced monthly dues, does that count as a material reward for the work, and therefore make the volunteers employees?

Generally pubs/ clubs a shift is a shift, and the last shift is over when the place is cleaned and locked up.

How long does salted earth take to "heal" naturaly ? (i am talking about earth that was artificially salted - i.e. salt was "sown" there)
Also is there any way to desalt it fast nowadays ?


How long does salted earth take to "heal" naturaly ? (i am talking about earth that was artificially salted - i.e. salt was "sown" there)
Also is there any way to desalt it fast nowadays ?


Wouldnt it be dependant on how much the earth was salted, the climate and if the earth was exposed to salt tolerant seeds? I would guess that if sea water were to flood over an area not normally exposed to it then it wouldnt change much. Trees become a little sadder. Grasses thin and the mix of more salt tolerant flavours from adjacent habitats take more of a hold. On the other hand if you were to go for the full cutting down the olive trees and ploughing the earth with salt type action then marginal land could just have it's soil blown away and become desert.
Heretic Cata is talking about Salting the earth, "or sowing with salt, is the ritual of spreading salt on conquered cities to symbolize a curse on its re-inhabitation. It originated as a practice in the ancient Near East and became a well-established folkloric motif in the Middle Ages."
The Irish song in Sherlock Holmes during the fight scene, what is it called and where can I get it?

It's the Rocky Road to Dublin.

How has the adverse weather conditions affected you/your country? It seems quite widespread in the Northenr hemisphere with 10C colder weather than usual in many highly populated regions.

I'm not sure if this deserves its own thread or not...

My apologies if this did indeed get its own thread and I missed it.

Georgia set a record for power consumption in a week. We tend to drink the grid in August when everyone has the air conditioners going, but the demand for heat and electric heaters and so forth blew the summer peak record out of the water. Or out of the ice, I suppose.
Has anybody ever seen a bruise spread before? This is strange.
Blood spreads, doesn't it?
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