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Caveman 2 Cosmos

Yeah, I'm unable to see the interface/HUD/etc as well. Everything worked fine in the previous version, but with the BETA the interface isn't showing up. I do get the interface in the editor, and I see the text boxes from events, but anything else isn't showing.

The only thing I did different with this install was delete everything in the mods folder before installing; leaving NWA BETA a stand-alone mod in my mod folder. (C:\Program Files (x86)\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Next War Advanced)

Just to make sure I didn't screw anything up, I went and installed two others mods (ROM 2.91, and one other); both are working fine. I'll reply back here if I find out what I did wrong with the install.
Looks like no files are missing so it could be the rar I downloaded might of been corrupted or something.

in the civ4 beyond the sword mod folder...the last nwa worked no problems but this one says bug init cannot find xml init...i dont know it wont work i ran as admin. reinstalled still no help

Yeah, I'm unable to see the interface/HUD/etc as well. Everything worked fine in the previous version, but with the BETA the interface isn't showing up. I do get the interface in the editor, and I see the text boxes from events, but anything else isn't showing.

The only thing I did different with this install was delete everything in the mods folder before installing; leaving NWA BETA a stand-alone mod in my mod folder. (C:\Program Files (x86)\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Next War Advanced)

Just to make sure I didn't screw anything up, I went and installed two others mods (ROM 2.91, and one other); both are working fine. I'll reply back here if I find out what I did wrong with the install.

All i can say for now is, make sure you have an original copy of the mod Rise of Mankind in the mods folder ALSO, try that. Sometimes it leaks over and helps.:crazyeye:

Egads! Somehow, that seems to have remedied the issue. Go figure, lol. :lol:
unfortunetly none of this works...its looks good alot of civs i want to play with but its not working over here
now i got r.o.m 2.90 when i try to load n.w.a it stops at the load screen where it say loadin init unit cached or something like that...basically now it wont even load since i dl r.o.m
d/l rom 2.91 so now nwa loads again but no interface and error msgs at top

If you followed any of the FAQ's and you have the latest RoM mod in the same area, then i am at a loss, sorry. But you should not get any errors if you have the python messaging OFF?

Sorry i am still new to this BUG/Rev stuff.
how you turn off python msgs and do you mean rom and nwa in the same folder

The python stuff is in the My Documents/My Games/Beyond the Sword/ CivilizationIV config file
open that and change:
; Set to 1 for no python exception popups
HidePythonExceptions = 0


; Set to 1 for no python exception popups
HidePythonExceptions = 1

its in the FAQ area, also.

Wherever you have AfterWorld, Road to War folders that is where you need RoM plus NWA folders.
The python stuff is in the My Documents/My Games/Beyond the Sword/ CivilizationIV config file
open that and change:
; Set to 1 for no python exception popups
HidePythonExceptions = 0


; Set to 1 for no python exception popups
HidePythonExceptions = 1

its in the FAQ area, also.

Wherever you have AfterWorld, Road to War folders that is where you need RoM plus NWA folders.


; Sync input to smooth interface (may run slower)
SyncInput = 0

; Force numlock always on while playing
ForceNumlock = 0

; Disable caching of file system (may slow initialization)
DisableFileCaching = 1

; Disable caching of xml and file system (may slow initialization)
DisableCaching = 0


; Modular XML Loading
ModularLoading = 0

; Main Menu Mods
MainMenuMods = Afterworld;Broken Star;Charlemagne;Crossroads of the World;Defense;FfH Age of Ice;Final Frontier;Gods of Old;Next War;Rhye's and Fall of Civilization;The Road to War

; Move along
CheatCode = 0


; Break on memory allocation order #
BreakOnAlloc = -1

this is what i see in that folder:scan:
ok i deleted beyond the sword reinstalled 3.19 then i see that screen you talking about so scratch that part of not seeing that python thing n its already at 1
It is crashing on me. I have a quad core intel 2.33 pentium, 3 gig ram, XP, SP3, and dual video cards - but only one hooked up to a monitor at the moment. Running the new complete Civ 4, and playing BTS

The MOD loads just fine, I can go into any menu item, but whenever I try to play a game, after I select everything and startup, it always, always crashes on "init graphics" - "runtime error".

Even with my screen resolution changed, it has no effect. Any suggesitosn?
It is crashing on me. I have a quad core Intel 2.33 Pentium, 3 gig ram, XP, SP3, and dual video cards - but only one hooked up to a monitor at the moment. Running the new complete Civ 4, and playing BTS

The MOD loads just fine, I can go into any menu item, but whenever I try to play a game, after I select everything and start-up, it always, always crashes on "init graphics" - "run-time error".

Even with my screen resolution changed, it has no effect. Any suggestions?

Only thing i can say is that a 2.33 is a pretty low puter with this HIGH powered MOD.

It takes ALOT to run this mod, check out the MAF FAQ's.
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