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-phile thread

What countryophile are you?

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Liberal Jihadist
Jul 8, 2004
Why do you care?
What foreign cultures do you particularly like?

(1) Don't pick your own--that's cheating!
(2) The list is in no particular order.
(3) I'll admit that besides the 25-option limit, part of the reason for choosing some of these names is the existence of a nice word for it.

EDIT: Poll's up. Sorry if I missed anyone.

ALSO: If you're an immigrant or the child of immigrants who stay connected to the old country, I would refrain from selecting your old country, too. I did...
Anglophile, Germanophile, Sinophile, Persophile, and Japanophile.

I don't know much about each country, but I love their historical traditions:

Britain and co. = Awesomesauce. Formed the backbone of much of the world culture.

Germanophile = Obligatory as a CFCer. Fourth Reich, baby, Fourth Reich!

Sinophile = Wonderful history, and truly an interesting society with how it has evolved.

Persophile = Pre-Islam, it was epic win. After that, horrible fail. Cyrus II FTW.

Japanophile = Most games I obsess over come from Japan. I like several anime as well. Maybe not so much a "philia" as they're the only culture I've really been exposed to.
Anglo- and Hispano-. no shocking revelations, sorry.
Hispanophile. I guess I could be a Lusophile if I learned more.
I suppose I ought to explain my own choices:

1. Despite the colonialism, I find Britain endlessly fascinating. The politics, the history, the traditions are all really interesting to me. And I do like British bands and musicians (I've been on a David Bowie streak the last couple of days, and before that it was the Mystery Jets).

2. I actually happen to like the Persians/Iranians more in their post-Conquest time. The Safavid era is a truly bizarre and fascinating period. I also have a deep academic as well as personal interest in modern Iran.

3. As much as I am a skeptic on Israel, I must salute them at the same time for their tenacity and unbelievable strength of will. More generally, the Jews are just an interesting people. I suppose it's because we're actually so similar.

4. Why would you not be interested in that great mix of cultures that is India?

5. I took Chinese for five years and a great number of my friends from school were Chinese. Combine that with having taken an interest in Chinese history, and I got rather sucked in.

6. Canada is for me almost literally next door (living as I do in Michigan), and well, I find it impossible not to like these neighbors. That includes Quebec--I've been to Montreal three times and loved it more each time I went there, and even Quebec City proved to be pretty nice.
Anglophile, Germanophile

Lockesdonkey said:
Don't pick your own--that's cheating!

Well tough tootie cause I'm going to pick it anyway.

*Picks nose then wipes it on Lockesdonkey*

I've been on a David Bowie streak the last couple of days
*add Lockesdonkey to Christmas card list*

Explain my choices.

Anglophile: the humour, the characters and the television (BBC is simply the best broadcasting out there). Land of Stephen Fry, Jeremy Clarkson and indeed David Bowie.

Hispanophile: easiest girls in the world for a handsome bloke with long blond hair. I have had some luck as well though.

Americanophile: Stunning landscapes, the spirit of the people, and still have an 80's crush on the country.

edit: No such thing as a Dutchophile, Hollandophile or Netherlandophile? But ... but .... windmills! :(
Probably as close as I get to any kind of -phile is Germanophile.
zanuffphile, i am
except from raping and killing natives
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