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Quot Capita

I use Vista. I have turned off UAC. The game is all good now. How do I Run as Administrator? Is it something I can do for all programs?

Right-click your Quot Capit shortcut then click on Run as Administrator.

And only necessary for BtS mods. But you said you turned off UAC so you are fine since you're not getting these error messages. If you are still getting that, do what I said above to Run as Administrator.
This might actually be something to do with the revolutions mod component, and probably intended...but in some cases, I'm not allowed to raze a captured city. As far as I can tell, this has only been when taking over enemy capital cities (i.e. their last city.) I've wanted to burn 'em down but the game hasn't given me that option only in these cases. I don't have "no razing" checked as a game option and I've been able to raze in all other cases.

Is anyone familiar with this? Is it a deliberate design feature?
It is connected to influence driven war.
When you are dominating over an enemy, so win almost all of your battles, you gain huge influence over that civ from those wins.
Unfortunately this influence counts on city tiles too, so the population in your enemies cities will change to your population dramatically!!
And if your population is above x percent in a captured city, you cannot raze that city in the Revolutions modcomp

IMO this is one of the biggest mistakes of RevDCM, it's annoying me in all my games :S
If it were up to me, I would definitely change the core of IDW to not count on city tiles at all
IMO this is one of the biggest mistakes of RevDCM, it's annoying me in all my games :S
If it were up to me, I would definitely change the core of IDW to not count on city tiles at all

It is very annoying. I wish there were some way to turn off the feature that stops you raising cities. I don't often play with revolutions switched on anyway, but it still prevents me raising useless AI cities :mad:

Anyway, I have a question for Avain: where did Communism go? :confused:


And while I'm here, great job with the prehistoric era :goodjob:
The extra DCM air missions for some reason don't work on the ATF. They work on all the other aircraft. I can't find anything wrong in the XML, the extra tags are all there, and it is annoying when you get ATFs and can't do the extra missions anymore. Since I can't fix it properly I have got around it by making the advanced jet fighter also upgrade to a starfighter, which means you can still build them instead of ATFs if you want to.

Has this gotten fixed, or is there a way to manually patch it up? It puts a pretty severe limitation on air battles late in the game :(.
Okay, I haven't yet completed my first game, but I'm seeing a trend that bothers me.

First off, I can confirm that Communism is missing, along with it's buildings and the State Property civic. It's spot on the chart was apparently taken by Logistics and I guess you forgot to move Communism elsewhere.

I am playing Marathon speed, which I know is different from your recommended game settings. It's what I'm comfortable with, though. That being said, the number of turns in the stone age seems off; it was considerably later than 4000 BC (actually closer to 1 AD) that I even got to the basic starting technologies such as Farming, Mining, the Wheel.

I'm playing on Prince level. It's currently 1815 AD, and some nations took a very, very long time to get out of the stone age. One, the Mayans, were recently (about 1750 AD or so) researching Mining. Then they got conquered by one of their neighbors (go figure.)

Another problem I saw - admittedly with only one game to go on for sample size - was that while the going was slow, I managed to reach the Ancient Era much faster than anyone else. As a result, I was able to get Buddhism, Polytheism AND Monotheism before anyone else. I know you suggest using "limited religions" which I did NOT use. Maybe this is why it should be used. :)

In this game, I have about 470 turns to go and I'm researching Railroad. I have my doubts that I'm going to see much of the "future wars" era, and I think that it's because the stone age took so long.

Has anyone else paid attention to when they reach the Ancient Era, in comparison to the normal 4000 BC start?
Okay, I haven't yet completed my first game, but I'm seeing a trend that bothers me.

First off, I can confirm that Communism is missing, along with it's buildings and the State Property civic. It's spot on the chart was apparently taken by Logistics and I guess you forgot to move Communism elsewhere.
geh4th, Communism is still in the game. It is not missing! However, avain has given the exact same coordinates to logistics. So both techs are on top of each other. You can see that if you carefully hover over the logistics tech box. When you approach the upper end of the tech box the hover text changes to the text for communism. I researched it just yesterday (didn't see it in the tech tree (at first), but in the selection box after I had researched SMethod).

Here a screenshot:
Spoiler :

I am playing Marathon speed, which I know is different from your recommended game settings. It's what I'm comfortable with, though. That being said, the number of turns in the stone age seems off; it was considerably later than 4000 BC (actually closer to 1 AD) that I even got to the basic starting technologies such as Farming, Mining, the Wheel.
I play standard speed and while I didn't have all stone age tech in 4000 BC, I was able to start researching the first ancient era tech by then. So, at least for standard speed everything seems to be okay.
I'm playing on Prince level. It's currently 1815 AD, and some nations took a very, very long time to get out of the stone age. One, the Mayans, were recently (about 1750 AD or so) researching Mining. Then they got conquered by one of their neighbors (go figure.)
Wow, I didn't see anything like that in my game...
Has anyone else paid attention to when they reach the Ancient Era, in comparison to the normal 4000 BC start?
As I said above: while I still missed a few stone age techs at that point, it was around 4000 BC (or even a bit before) that I started my first ancient era tech.
avain, the Lyubaka Wonder is very (or better too) powerful. 7 or so turns of anarchy for the other civs seems quite a lot. In my game other civs very thrown off their research path quite a bit and during these turns I saw more revolutions (instability) than during the turns before (could be coincidence, though). Perhaps you could tune it down to 5 turns of anarchy? That still seems to be quite a lot.

Moreover, could you change the text. "Foreign agents are causing anarchy" confused me at first, because I thought that agents from other civs would cause anarchy in my state. ;) Perhaps you could change that to something like "Our agents are causing anarchy in other states". :)

Also, the text for the units you get when you are the first to research a certain tech should be adjusted. First, "born" sounds a bit weird with respect to a machine. What do you think of "## has been constructed in ###"? Second, the unit name for the flying machine seems to be a bit strange ("Airship_proto", not "flying machine"):
Spoiler :

Okay, I haven't yet completed my first game, but I'm seeing a trend that bothers me.


I'm playing on Prince level. It's currently 1815 AD, and some nations took a very, very long time to get out of the stone age. One, the Mayans, were recently (about 1750 AD or so) researching Mining. Then they got conquered by one of their neighbors (go figure.)

Wait a minute, you've actually got a historical Mayan performance, and you're bothered?! Gee, I'd be honored to have witnessed that.
avain, the Lyubaka Wonder is very (or better too) powerful. 7 or so turns of anarchy for the other civs seems quite a lot. In my game other civs very thrown off their research path quite a bit and during these turns I saw more revolutions (instability) than during the turns before (could be coincidence, though). Perhaps you could tune it down to 5 turns of anarchy? That still seems to be quite a lot.

I second that... Since Revolutions causes rapid increase of unrest during anarchy, almost every civilization is in deep trouble at the end of those 7 turns, with the weaker ones already broken up for sure.

2 or 3 turns is about as much as it should do without it being a huge game changer.
Why can't my archers perform ranged attacks? I see in the unit description that Archers can do ranged attacks, but I don't see the ranged attack button.


  • Trevor BC-0240.CivBeyondSwordSave
    205.3 KB · Views: 40
The Pinochet leaderhead seems to be missing in any case, even with both VD packs installed.

I was able to avoid the crash by using the Chile LH files from Civ Gold.
The Pinochet leaderhead seems to be missing in any case, even with both VD packs installed.

I was able to avoid the crash by using the Chile LH files from Civ Gold.
Well, in my game everything is okay with the Pinochet LH - I have installed both packs (ver8.0).
Yep, Pinochet is ok for me too

And I also think 7 turns of anarchy for Lubyanka is seriously overpowered...
Has this gotten fixed, or is there a way to manually patch it up? It puts a pretty severe limitation on air battles late in the game :(.

I don't know, I will try it in my current game if I survive that far. It is easy to test in worldbuilder if you want to try it and let us know.

geh4th, Communism is still in the game. It is not missing! However, avain has given the exact same coordinates to logistics. So both techs are on top of each other. You can see that if you carefully hover over the logistics tech box. When you approach the upper end of the tech box the hover text changes to the text for communism. I researched it just yesterday (didn't see it in the tech tree (at first), but in the selection box after I had researched SMethod).

Same here, once I started researching it I could see it sort of merged with logistics on the tech tree.

A couple of other odd things to report:

- In the BUG options, the DCM options to turn off ranged attacks don't work anymore for ships, or any artillery from bombards onwards.

- I am getting 'you have created a whatever prototype in your capital' messages when an AI civ discovers a tech and gets a prototype.
I've got a problem here. I've downloaded QC 8.0 two times to be sure that my file in not corrupt. I've tried to install it with none, one and both LH packs. Blood effects were in all cases disabled. When ever trying to start the mod it crashed while loading.
Running under Win7 as admin. No problems with other mods. Maybe current language in use is German.
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