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Civilization 5 Steamworks questions/concerns for inclusion in the FAQ

...if DLC is released, can I get it in Thailand by downloading it off of Steam or will I have to wait until I come back to Canada because Steam won't allow that? It seems like Firaxis won't be having an expansion in a box anymore but fairly frequent DLCs. I'd like to keep up to date.

Also, if I had a hard drive failure for some reason and I had to re-install ciV while I was in Thailand, would Steam let me do that or would it be blocked because I am in Thailand? Will I end up having to buy a boxed copy just to guard against that problem? (I was planning on getting the Collector's edition anyway.)

Many of us have been asking the same question but the 2K corporate PR reps aren't answering.

It's been almost a month now since I posted that question on the first page of 2K Gregs's "Official Civ5 Steamworks FAQ" thread. I reposted the question weeks later and and also left a message on 2K Greg's account page.

Either 2K Greg hasn't been back to read his own FAQ thread and hasn't seen all the unanswered questions (bad), or the 2K corporate bosses have something to hide and ordered Greg and Elizabeth to deliberately ignore the questions because they have placed regional purchase/play restrictions on Civ5 but don't want us to know about them (even more bad).

So what is the correct way to have our Steam questions answered? :confused:

We have been told not to open new Steam threads as "Any new Steam threads are likely to be closed on sight."

That leaves us only with this thread, 2K's "Civilization 5 Steamworks questions/concerns for inclusion in the FAQ" thread", which is now over 1100 posts long without even one single question ever having been actually included in the FAQ. Thanks 2K! :lol:

But fear not, we can always count on the helpful assistance of our fellow CFCer's. :)

But wait! 2K told us not to answer other people's questions, because, you know, the 2K corporate PR reps are going to answer them! :clap:

...please refrain from trying to answer other people's questions or start discussions about things other people have posted.

How long are we supposed to patiently wait for 2K corporate to answer? :sleep:

@ 2K-

If you want to encourage gamers to play by the rules and to voluntarily send you their money, then stop ignoring our questions and please tell us what the rules are.
Q. Are there any regional restrictions, or can I purchase Civ5 from anywhere in the world and still be allowed to play online/get patches from Steam/add mods/etc. from anywhere in the world?

This question should be relevant not only to those of us who travel, but to the Civ players in places like Australia and New Zealand as well. Link Link
Thank you very much for your thorough answer. Looks like I very well could be SOL if I go to Thailand. Nearly 20 years of faithfully buying Civ products and this is how I get rewarded. :(
Either 2K Greg hasn't been back to read his own FAQ thread and hasn't seen all the unanswered questions (bad), or the 2K corporate bosses have something to hide and ordered Greg and Elizabeth to deliberately ignore the questions because they have placed regional purchase/play restrictions on Civ5 but don't want us to know about them (even more bad).

Nope, this is an incorrect assumption. Its far more likely its just the standard corporate BS that prevents Greg saying anything without it being checked three times by all involved. Given that it could involve Firaxis, 2K, Steam, alternative online distributors such as D2D, local distributors on other continents then

With every bit of information released received negatively as well (people are still arguing against 1upt), I'm surprised they continue to release anything.

So what is the correct way to have our Steam questions answered? :confused:

We have been told not to open new Steam threads as "Any new Steam threads are likely to be closed on sight."

That leaves us only with this thread, 2K's "Civilization 5 Steamworks questions/concerns for inclusion in the FAQ" thread", which is now over 1100 posts long without even one single question ever having been actually included in the FAQ. Thanks 2K! :lol:

But fear not, we can always count on the helpful assistance of our fellow CFCer's. :)

But wait! 2K told us not to answer other people's questions, because, you know, the 2K corporate PR reps are going to answer them! :clap:

Why didn't I see it before, the CFC staff is clearly in league with them!

If you want to encourage gamers to play by the rules and to voluntarily send you their money, then stop ignoring our questions and please tell us what the rules are.

This isn't the only game being released this year and you don't even need to own it on release day. Can't you just wait less than a month like an adult?

Moderator Action: Trolling - warned
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889

All this on the off chance the publisher does something they haven't done in the past. Calm down.
I certainly hope that CivV will work differently from CivIV and offer significant backwards-capabilities so that mods stuck in previous patch versions don't get shafted, or at least make it easy to not auto-patch.

Relevant answer:

Are you sure about this ? Steam doesn't work this way. For each game you can go to properties > updates > automatic updates and choose if auto-patching is enabled or not.
That will stop Steam from keeping the game up to date in the background. Once you try to launch the game, however, Steam will update your game if it's not up to date, not matter what that option is set to.
Nope, this is an incorrect assumption. Its far more likely its just the standard corporate BS that prevents Greg saying anything without it being checked three times by all involved.

Nope, this is an incorrect assumption. :p

I posted the question on the first page of 2K's FAQ thread a month ago and so far not only has there been no answer, but there has been absolutely no acknowledgment of any kind. If 2K Greg needed time to research the answer he could have posted a "I'll check this and get back to you" response.

It's far more likely that 2K has imposed regional restrictions. :(

Why didn't I see it before, the CFC staff is clearly in league with them!

I never said that but please feel free to believe whatever conspiracy theories you like. :)

This isn't the only game being released this year and you don't even need to own it on release day. Can't you just wait less than a month like an adult?

All this on the off chance the publisher does something they haven't done in the past. Calm down.

The comment was clearly addressed to 2K corporate, not to you. :p

Additionally, if you can not control yourself from answering comments that are not addressed to you, would you at least please stop attempting to to imply statements that I did not actually say. I never mentioned "release day" or waiting "less than a month" to purchase or any time-frame references at all.

Repost so you can read what I did say:

@ 2K-

If you want to encourage gamers to play by the rules and to voluntarily send you their money, then stop ignoring our questions and please tell us what the rules are.

Q. Are there any regional restrictions, or can I purchase Civ5 from anywhere in the world and still be allowed to play online/get patches from Steam/add mods/etc. from anywhere in the world?

This question should be relevant not only to those of us who travel, but to the Civ players in places like Australia and New Zealand as well. Link Link
Nope, this is an incorrect assumption. :p

I posted the question on the first page of 2K's FAQ thread a month ago and so far not only has there been no answer, but there has been absolutely no acknowledgment of any kind. If 2K Greg needed time to research the answer he could have posted a "I'll check this and get back to you" response.

It's far more likely that 2K has imposed regional restrictions. :(

So they're going to do something they've never done before because they're ignoring you personally?

I never said that but please feel free to believe whatever conspiracy theories you like. :)
Read your post again. You're making claims about intentions of the CFC staff.

The comment was clearly addressed to 2K corporate, not to you. :p
A public forum, not even 2Ks forum, not even the correct thread. Perhaps this is why you haven't received a reply?

Additionally, if you can not control yourself from answering comments that are not addressed to you, would you at least please stop attempting to to imply statements that I did not actually say. I never mentioned a release day or waiting a month to purchase or any time-frame references at all.

Repost so you can read what I did say:
Hey if you're allowed to infer motives then so am I.

I infer that you have poor impulse control and ability to delay gratification given that you can't wait and can't stand to be ignored.

Moderator Action: Trolling - warned
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
So they're going to do something they've never done before because they're ignoring you personally?

Read your post again. You're making claims about intentions of the CFC staff.

A public forum, not even 2Ks forum, not even the correct thread. Perhaps this is why you haven't received a reply?

Hey if you're allowed to infer motives then so am I.

I infer that you have poor impulse control and ability to delay gratification given that you can't wait and can't stand to be ignored.

His question has been posted in multiple places and has been asked by multiple people. The question is not being answered because it was posted in the wrong place.

Waiting over a month for an answer is not acceptable. Even a simple, "I'll get back to you later on that." would suffice.
Senethro, I think you're making insinuations about Sahkuhnder that are

(a) unwarranted, because he simply didn't say what you read into his post
(b ) insulting, because you are making derisive comments about his character and personality
(c) unhelpful, because you're neither answering his question, nor advancing the discussion in a constructive way.

I'm not slamming you, I think it's perfectly understandable to get a bit emotional / sarcastic / unconstructive from time to time in such a debate, but I think it's even more important to realize that it isn't helping.

Personally, I think that Sahkuhnder has a legitimate question. I also think that due to the way the 2K community manager has presented itself on these forums, Sahkuhnder could expect that a polite and legitimate question would be answered. Finally, I think that, given the circumstances, he is very polite in voicing his dissatisfaction with the handling of this matter - he doesn't, for example, resort to personal attacks or to insinuating immature personality traits in people who have a different opinion.

So, I would kindly ask you to accept that some of your fellow members feel that they have legitimate questions which aren't being answered although they could and should have been by now. There's no need to personally attack them. Thanks.
Waiting over a month for an answer is not acceptable.

Yes it is, its a commercial product you haven't been under duress to give money for yet. They've no obligation to you.

The quesiton also has the smell of lawyers about it. Or at least contractual obligations made in the presence of lawyers. That always slows information requests down.

Even a simple, "I'll get back to you later on that." would suffice.
The last time he committed to that and it turned out he couldn't make it Greg got pilloried more. Given that we're now under a months waiting time, I suspect they'd rather ride it out.
So they're going to do something they've never done before because they're ignoring you personally?

Me personally? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

This thread is over 1100 posts long and NOBODY has had their question added to the FAQ.

Read your post again. You're making claims about intentions of the CFC staff.

My statement is a simple statement of fact. I make no claims. Repost of my entire statement:

We have been told not to open new Steam threads as "Any new Steam threads are likely to be closed on sight."

A public forum, not even 2Ks forum, not even the correct thread. Perhaps this is why you haven't received a reply?

Nope, this is another incorrect assumption. :p

2K has corporate PR reps here. 2K Greg even calls himself "Community Manger".

I posted on exactly the correct threads, the 2K thread Official Civilization V Steamworks FAQ and the 2K thread Civilization 5 Steamworks questions/concerns for inclusion in the FAQ. If, as you accuse, my question was posted in "not even the correct thread" then please enlighten all of us as to what thread we should post our Steam questions? :crazyeye:

2K Greg posts frequently on the non-Steam threads. I haven't received a reply because:

Either 2K Greg hasn't been back to read his own FAQ thread and hasn't seen all the unanswered questions (bad), or the 2K corporate bosses have something to hide and ordered Greg and Elizabeth to deliberately ignore the questions because they have placed regional purchase/play restrictions on Civ5 but don't want us to know about them (even more bad).

I infer that you have poor impulse control and ability to delay gratification given that you can't wait and can't stand to be ignored.

Nope, this is another incorrect assumption. :p

I waited patiently for weeks for 2K to answer before I began re-posting my original question.

It is entirely appropriate to stand up and voice my concerns when corporate PR reps open FAQ threads and then ignore the gamers who post questions on those threads.

You seem very defensive. Is there something inappropriate about my question that offends you?
Me personally? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

This thread is over 1100 posts long and NOBODY has had their question added to the FAQ.
This thread is a defunct gulag to contain posts like yours. No questions here will get answered. I'm impressed with how effective its been as a moderating technique.

2K has corporate PR reps here. 2K Greg even calls himself "Community Manger".

I posted on exactly the correct threads, the 2K thread Official Civilization V Steamworks FAQ and the 2K thread Civilization 5 Steamworks questions/concerns for inclusion in the FAQ. If, as you accuse, my question was posted in "not even the correct thread" then please enlighten all of us as to what thread we should post our Steam questions? :crazyeye:
Its not even a Steamworks question. Its a publisher question. Try 2K's own Civ5 forum?

2K Greg posts frequently on the non-Steam threads. I haven't received a reply because:

Nope, this is another incorrect assumption. :p
This doesn't follow. I'm sorry if you're unable to see this.

I waited patiently for weeks for 2K to answer before I began re-posting my original question.

It is entirely appropriate to stand up and voice my concerns when corporate PR reps open FAQ threads and then ignore the gamers who post questions on those threads.
Why can't you just wait patiently a little longer and read the description on the box when the game is released?

No, you're grandstanding about a videogame because you're taking it personally.

You seem very defensive. Is there something inappropriate about my question that offends you?

How about we make a bet? If there are Steam regional restrictions on using the US version I'll buy you the game, if there aren't then you buy me the game*.

*I live in the UK. This may affect your decision.
This thread is a defunct gulag to contain posts like yours. No questions here will get answered. I'm impressed with how effective its been as a moderating technique.

I posted in multiple places and still no response from 2K at all:

It's been almost a month now since I posted that question on the first page of 2K Gregs's "Official Civ5 Steamworks FAQ" thread. I reposted the question weeks later and and also left a message on 2K Greg's account page.

Its not even a Steamworks question.

Just for you I will add additional usage of the word STEAM in red so that you can attempt to understand that my question really is about Steam restrictions:

Q. Are there any regional STEAM restrictions, or can I purchase Civ5 from STEAM anywhere in the world and still be allowed to play online through STEAM/get patches from Steam/add mods from STEAM/etc. from anywhere in the world that STEAM can be accessed?

This question should be relevant not only to those of us who travel, but to the Civ STEAM players in places like Australia and New Zealand as well. Link Link

This doesn't follow. I'm sorry if you're unable to see this.

I'm sorry that you are unable to see that the 2K corporate PR reps have plenty of time for comments on the non-Steam threads but ignore their own Steam FAQ threads. I wonder why that is? :think:

Why can't you just wait patiently a little longer and read the description on the box when the game is released?

1. I didn't open the Official Steam FAQ threads - 2K Greg did. He asked us to submit our Steam questions. I did so and have patiently waited a month now for any response to my question. That's why.

2. Do you know what is going to be on the box? Nope? Me neither. And just in case you might not have noticed I am not the only person with unanswered questions. :mischief:

We shouldn't need to wait for the box on the chance the box will answer our questions. That's what the 2K Steam FAQ is supposed to be for.

No, you're grandstanding about a videogame because you're taking it personally.

Nope, this is another incorrect assumption. :p

I am not taking it personally. My question is a legitimate one and I am doing my best to attempt to learn the answer.

In fact, I am generously taking the time to explain to you why I asked my question, why I am disappointed that a month has passed and 2K hasn't acknowledged my question, and learn why my asking my question bothers you and why you are attempting to defend 2K's undefendable disrespect of the loyal Civ community. :)

How about we make a bet? If there are Steam regional restrictions on using the US version I'll buy you the game, if there aren't then you buy me the game*.

*I live in the UK. This may affect your decision.

Thanks, but no. Based on your ability to have a mature and logical discussion I suspect that when I win you will not be good to your word. No offense intended - you asked and I am giving you the courtesy of an honest answer in reply.

Due to 2K's behavior on this forum I will not be purchasing Civ5 until long after launch so that the answers to the many questions 2K refuses to respond to are finally brought to light. After the truth can be hidden no longer and I can make an informed decision will I even consider if I will pay money to 2K.

My choice to wait is my own personal decision and I would ask that it be respected as such. If your opinion is different than mine I still respect your right to send 2K your money and please accept my best wishes that you don't regret your decision later. ;)
Moderator Action: Stop discussing each other instead of each other's posts.
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889

Apologies for getting off-topic. Senethro suggested I had posted "not even in the correct thread":

A public forum, not even 2Ks forum, not even the correct thread. Perhaps this is why you haven't received a reply?

Could you, or anyone else, please tell me if there any other threads that Steam questions are allowed to be posted in?
Its not a Steam question, its for the publisher. Try 2K's Civ5 forum.

As for the bet, it was a joke. Firstly the way I phrased it meant I would I would be well over the 99% confidence of winning while if you did win, I would have to buy you something you could not use. Good joke, huh?

Seriously, if you buy the US version you will be able to use it everywhere. There have never been territorial restrictions of the kind you're asking after. All your posts have been so much wasted effort.
Seriously, if you buy the US version you will be able to use it everywhere. There have never been territorial restrictions of the kind you're asking after. All your posts have been so much wasted effort.

Thank you for your opinion, but I am seeking official confirmation and other posters on this forum have already posted in disagreement with your opinion. Additionally, just because some previous game did or did not have regional restrictions does not mean that Civ5 will or will not. So, I ask the question.

In keeping with the OP from 2K Greg I end by asking yet again:
Q. Are there any regional restrictions, or can I purchase Civ5 from anywhere in the world and still be allowed to play online/get patches from Steam/add mods/etc. from anywhere in the world?

This question should be relevant not only to those of us who travel, but to the Civ players in places like Australia and New Zealand as well. Link Link

EDIT- @Senethro- As I just explained I am not seeking an unofficial answer. If that is all that you are able to provide then don't waste your time posting a response because you don't (and can't) know for certain how the regional Steam purchasing and playing restrictions for Civ5 will work. See also this post.
Then make your question answerable. Civ5 won't be released globally at the same time. They likely haven't finished distribution deals in some secondary markets so if your question as is was posed to the legal bods it would get purposefully lost and unanswered because those people hate letting any answer that may later be wrong or incomplete get out.

Ask if a version from US/Europe will be able to be used anywhere.

As for mods/patches they'll just download the version appropriate for your version of Civ5. Thats what Steam does.
This thread is a defunct gulag to contain posts like yours. [...] I'm impressed with how effective its been as a moderating technique.

You're completely right :(.
If you have a better idea how to handle it, then please suggest it.
You're completely right :(.
If you have a better idea how to handle it, then please suggest it.

No, its great! It has really worked. The overspill of Steam issues into every thread on the board showed no sign of stopping and you were out of more lenient options.

EDIT- @Senethro- As I just explained I am not seeking an unofficial answer. If that is all that you are able to provide then don't waste your time posting a response because you don't (and can't) know for certain how the regional Steam purchasing and playing restrictions for Civ5 will work. See also this post.

You're not going to get any answer unless you ask something that someone is likely to know. You're asking about things that may not even have been negotiated yet.

As for Thromodrs issue, yes there is a possibility for a problem there because Thailand is involved. However, if the Thailand Civ5 version turns out to be region locked (and thats a big if), it can be easily solved by a member of his family back in Canada buying Civ5 for him and gifting it to him. Then he'll have the US version which will most definitely work anywhere on the planet. Once he has a US version all the DLC will be US etc
You're completely right :(.
If you have a better idea how to handle it, then please suggest it.

Actually I've been preparing a post that suggests a better handling of the matter since yesterday, the "gulag" mention just made me start writing it. I'm convinced that the current way of handling the Steam controversy did sound like a good solution a while ago, and I think it was successful in dousing the flame wars, but in the process some important things (for a fansite such as CFC) got lost, imho. Perhaps it's a good time now to rethink the approach.

It's absolutely understandable that CFCers don't want Steam issues to spill into every thread, but a fansite should also give concerned fans an outlet for presenting their concerns and/or dissatisfaction in an organized manner, and the current approach (one FAQ which isn't maintained, one "gulag" thread where discussion gets dumped into) doesn't do that.
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