Recent content by Buckwild

  1. B

    General Strategy for Deity OCC Domination on Deity, Standard Pangaea

    I thought you could not destroy original capital's of your enemies and thus a true OCC domination victory is not possible, unless you happen to only capture the final city or are playing a duel map.
  2. B

    I'm overwhelmed by FFH2, advice please.

    I would definitely suggest playing the Grigori. I played them first for 4-5 games until I began to succeed.
  3. B

    The Civ5 Guide

    He noted that melee city attackers may not be able to make perfect use of terrain and may end up in open land, which has -33% modifiers on defense. Therefore, it helps protect them if they are forced into open tiles to attack cities.
  4. B

    Grigori Questions

    I am unsure of what you are asking. The initial grammar was a little off. Once you upgrade an adventurer down a certain line (axeman, adept, scout), you cannot switch between lines, only move up one of them (ie. axeman => dragonslayer). There is no way if you build wonders afaik. You...
  5. B

    Spell Schools

    Great list! I've been looking for something like this for a while. BTW, how do you guys get your mages up before games end to make them useful? Unless I have a caster hero or play grigori, I NEVER get arch mages up before the game is already decided. And I may get one mage up from waiting...
  6. B

    How Do You Spawn The Infernal?

    Quick side question, how do you guys change the number of players on a map? I play the ErebusContinental map and it never asks me how many players I want on the map... Is it a MP functionality? I play only single player games.
  7. B


    I guess an easy way to see if the desert works for trading is to check if you have trade going on. On that note, how do you know if you are trading with another civ and how do you check the quantitative benefits of doing so?
  8. B

    What's up with this GNP graph..

    This is correct in the reason for using a binary economy. BTW, when I first looked at that chart, it looked like someone was gonna flat line soon. :lol:
  9. B

    Ljosalfar vs. Amurites Cold War - will you advice me?

    I agree with the above posts. Go complete guerrilla warfare. Jump into his territory and spread out your units and pillage all his improvements. If there is a city for the taking, grab it and destroy it unless you can hold it without committing a lot of your troops to it. The main objective...
  10. B

    Questions from starting player

    Good point,on both counts!
  11. B

    Questions from starting player

    Thanks for the advice! I have one question on it though: How does having large numbers of units in cities help? I do not see an increase in happiness besides the first unit, which negates the "We need protection" unhappiness debuff. Does having more units lower the chance for revolt?
  12. B

    Questions from starting player

    Hmmm... then how do you deal with a vassal state that has too much culture in its bordering cities? I have problems in which I conquer a civs cities, get them to vassalize and then spend all game telling the newly conquered cities that no, I will not let them rejoin their motherland. I guess...
  13. B

    Cardith Lorda's stagnant cities

    Ahhh, random event. Ok, that makes me feel better. Its like having archeron appear right next to your main. BTW, on mods, is Wild Mana the best modmod out there right now in terms of how well done and how much it improves vanilla? Wild Mana has a great description of itself up, but the...
  14. B

    Cardith Lorda's stagnant cities

    Unfortunately this was like turn 100 (I had changed his trait a few turns before.) and I didn't want to waste the spell on two cities. I could not conquer them yet because I had only warriors (I was upgrading economy very well, should I have been working towards centaurs early on?). Plus, 300...
  15. B

    Cardith Lorda's stagnant cities

    For the Kuriotes, is it a good idea to try and get the max amount of cities ASAP? In order to secure good spots and get the economy rolling? I just had a Kuriote game on Emperor where I had two nice cities going, then all of a sudden the nearby cultureless city gets a Great Bard and totally...
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