• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Recent content by Digz

  1. D

    Funny AI research

    Doh! Turner you got me! haha
  2. D

    Funny AI research

    Hey Optional, where did you find that Civ Assist II program? It looks like it would be very beneficial for me.
  3. D

    When to use each government

    Wow, thank you for all the replies. I guess I never really thought about a second revolution before (and what that all entails). I have been using Republic a lot lately, but everytime I make the switch my treasury drops noticably (in my current game I went from +1 or +2 gpt to -21 gpt). Is there...
  4. D

    Quick Answers / 'Newbie' Questions

    How does one REX effectively? I have been trying to do this in recent games, but to no avail. Also, how often should settler facories be pumping those units out? I usually do a good job with them on a consistent basis, but my population will start to hit low numbers and then I do not know...
  5. D

    When to use each government

    I see numerous threads saying how Monarchy is the best for warmongerers and Republic for, well, anything else. I was wondering why these two governments seem to be consistant picks and not Feudalism, Communism, Facism, and Democracy (am i forgetting any here?). Also, I was wondering when...
  6. D

    Quick Answers / 'Newbie' Questions

    I know there is an extra civ that is not a part of the initial playable list. I've heard it's Austria and Switzerland from different sources. Which one is it and how do I swap it with another civ? EDIT: This is for Conquests
  7. D

    Civ III:Gold / CivCity: Rome Adobe problems

    Nm. I ended up getting the patch for Conquests, and everything works fine! I guess I didn't need this thread in the first place haha
  8. D

    Civ III:Gold / CivCity: Rome Adobe problems

    Hey again, I got the game to install after going through the setup directly, instead of using the main menu. However, I did occur another error. When I go to start a game, it automatically shuts down saying an error occured. From glancing at other threads, I can tell this may be a common...
  9. D

    Civ III:Gold / CivCity: Rome Adobe problems

    Hey guys, It's been a while since I've been on here, but I am having an issue installing a recent purchase. I bought a Civ III: Gold/CivCity: Rome combo disc today and have been eager to start playing good 'ole III again. The initial pop-up screen shows up just fine, but when I go to pick...
  10. D

    AI and I tie for space race victory....they win

    Alright, so I had completed my space ship (maxed the number of engines and thrusters) and launched my flying settler into orbital victory. 11 turns to victory! It eventually dwindles down to 1 turn before victory and then on the ensuing turn, I am informed the English have won a space race...
  11. D

    Fortress on a mountain

    What's the defense bonus? I know being on a mountain gives a 100% defense bonus, but what happens when a mountain has a fort on it? For example, let's pick a spearman: Regular defense: 2 Mountain: 4 Mountain w/ fort: 6 or 8? I could see it being 6 because it's a 100% from the...
  12. D

    Civilization III Fixes (PLEASE READ)

    Thank you so much Macezek. I actually did try this right after I posted that message and luckily it did work! I'm hoping my transition back to CIV III is a smooth one ;)
  13. D

    Civilization III Fixes (PLEASE READ)

    Okay, I know I may be playing devil's advocate here, but I have been trying to install CIV III on my laptop (Vista) and all I get when I pop the 1st disk in is a quick flash of the main menu. I haven't been able to figure this out yet, but any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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