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Funny AI research


May 22, 2007
It Dockumer Lokaeltsje
Here's one for laughs. Korea is doing well; they're the first to claim Republic, in 900BC. You can see that in the second column:

So, what are we going to do now, Wang Kon? You're at peace with everyone and there are trading options. The Inca have Currency, because I traded that to them. Currency would get you to the next age, which is what you want, wouldn't you? You can also research it yourself, which would go fairly quick in Republic.

But what do we see 13 turns later?

Korea did research Monarchy next! No interest in Currency, no age advancement, no libraries even, no, it had to be Monarchy! The originality prize of the week goes to Wang Kon! :lol:
Yeah, I'm sure this will not be an unusual route for the AI, but rarely will you see it as clearly as here.
That's because Monarchy is a gov't tech, and the AI values those the most. Wonder techs come in second I believe, followed by units and buildings.

I'm not at all surprised that they went with Monarchy next.
Hey Optional, where did you find that Civ Assist II program? It looks like it would be very beneficial for me.
Gosh, where to find that? If only someone had the link easily accessable...like, I don't know...in a sig or something....;)
haha the way the screenshots were narraited made me laugh. anyway, i saw something strange... the first screenshot has you even in techs with sumeria and ahead in lterature currency polytheism, etc to ther other civs but in the second screenshot, somehow the sumerians fell behind in techs that they were caught up with in the other screenshot. and also i never really remember sumeria as being that pink. usually turns up as americas blue or the powder blue often found with spain. also what difficulty level is this?
..the first screenshot has you even in techs with sumeria
You're missing something: there is no info given at all in this screenshot, as Sumeria had just declared war on me and are not speaking to me. If a civ comes up in red in CivAssist it indicates war, and if no info is available they won't even invite an envoy. In the second screenshot I'm still at war with them, but now they're willing to speak to me again, so CivAssist gives the trade info again.
Camulodunum said:
and also i never really remember sumeria as being that pink.
I use a colour mod, that's probably it.
Camulodunum said:
also what difficulty level is this?
You're missing something: there is no info given at all in this screenshot, as Sumeria had just declared war on me and are not speaking to me. If a civ comes up in red in CivAssist it indicates war, and if no info is available they won't even invite an envoy. In the second screenshot I'm still at war with them, but now they're willing to speak to me again, so CivAssist gives the trade info again.I use a colour mod, that's probably it.Demigod.

ok now i see. i just dont really use civassist because it takes away from the game, but thats just me. anyway good luck on winning:)
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