Recent content by dnoisette

  1. dnoisette

    [GS] Livestreamer Previews Discussion Thread

    Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but I saw someone earlier in this thread ask for some Mali gameplay: Marbozir has now released a video in which he plays as Mali.
  2. dnoisette

    [GS] Sneak Peak 11/12

    You made me laugh so hard! I had no idea our current situation was hitting worldwide news, though. This sort of thing just happens every 3-4 years in France, most of us are used to it, it's just how we, French, people, communicate when we're unhappy. :lol:
  3. dnoisette

    New Expansion Speculation Thread

    Mali wasn't in Civ5, so the idea might be that the two returning civs were returning from Civ5 and not any previous games. Still, I am 100% convinced that this list is fake. It looked plausible at first but took a really bad turn towards the end of it. We're not getting Maori and Noongar both in...
  4. dnoisette

    Which civs would you like to see in the possible next expansion?

    Just to be clear, I have no idea whether that person was trying to attract attention by spreading fake news or not. However, we don't know for sure that this is the last expansion and Firaxis might want to save some of the returning civs to sell the last one as well?
  5. dnoisette

    Which civs would you like to see in the possible next expansion?

    Someone over at Reddit commented the following: six new civs, two returning civs and one alt-leader for a civ that will now have two female leaders in total. The author added they would not say more. I have absolutely zero idea if that was just wishful thinking or the author happens to actually...
  6. dnoisette

    New Expansion Speculation Thread

    I'm honestly half-convinced these leaks are happening on purpose. No, I don't have anything substantial to back up that statement, just my gut feeling and knowledge of working in the marketing industry. Leaks are somewhat of a new form of advertising a game, that happens to be great for testing...
  7. dnoisette

    New Expansion Speculation Thread

    So, we could have the Ottomans and Eleanor of Aquitaine as an alt leader for France, then? Poitiers seems to make it less likely that she would be an alt leader for England...
  8. dnoisette

    New Expansion Speculation Thread

    Has anyone seen the (allegedly) latest two leaked pictures? They appeared at Civ reddit and the other website, that shall not be named. For those who have missed them, here they are: The blond queen seems really weird to me and even more likely to be nothing more than an hoax than she did...
  9. dnoisette

    Georgia, one of the worst civ choices!?

    I wasn't taking marketing and money into account, just saying what I think is more "logical" for this sort of game. Of course, from a business angle, what you're saying makes sense. Just bundle Georgia together with another more popular civ in a DLC, problem solved!
  10. dnoisette

    Georgia, one of the worst civ choices!?

    Agreed, but I was stating what I think should be for every expansion, not saying that each game followed that pattern.
  11. dnoisette

    Georgia, one of the worst civ choices!?

    I have nothing against female leaders but Tamar really wasn't my first choice. The main issue I have with Georgia is that it should have been DLC. Expansion's civ slots are meant to feature series' staples, recurring civs with such a large and lasting regional historical impact that their...
  12. dnoisette

    [R&F] Poll: which are the last 4 R&F civs?

    I guess only time will tell now.
  13. dnoisette

    [R&F] Poll: which are the last 4 R&F civs?

    Thank you for providing that information. However, I can't seem to find the posts you're referencing on the page that was linked? Granted, I don't speak Chinese which really doesn't help...
  14. dnoisette

    [R&F] Based on the new features - which civilizations and leaders should be introduced in R&F?

    I'm really not convinced about Georgia. The evidence is quite circumstantial and it seems to me that the part of the trailer in which Georgia is presumably hinted at was only meant to emphasize the return of Mongolia. Indeed, one can only get a few indirect glimpses at the castle or the...
  15. dnoisette

    Deity and founding a religion

    That would probably help a lot but, at the risk of sounding silly, I feel like I'm cheating when I play with mods. :shifty:
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