Recent content by geewcee

  1. G

    Main Menu Won't Load

    Thank God for Civfanatics! Wouldnt have find the answer out myself. Think of all those Civ V players who are wondering what to do to get it working!!
  2. G


    Hi Soneji, please post again when you've updated it I'm looking forward to using it cheers!
  3. G

    Bias Against Warmongering!

    I'm certain my last game as Egypt ended on turn 880 or thereabouts with a cultural victory. Laughable I know but for some reason I kept on going back to it.
  4. G


    Heheh Derrick I never had CiV IV, I went from 3 to 5, but I managed to finally get 4 last weekend when Steam sold it for something like $6. I'll check it out once I finish my current ciV game. I just captured Paris with my 'puny' civ.
  5. G


    Someone with the new patch please tell me I can now have a civilisation that consists of more than 4 cities without being penalised and mocked endlessly by the AI for being puny! Can I actually have a reason to play on a huge map now? Please tell me so!
  6. G

    Did CIV mail it in RE: late stage empire development

    Agree with most of your points OP, but am I the only one who has never had ciV crash?
  7. G

    Huge waiting time on a SB + hd 6950 Pc , is it normal?

    Yer I have a powerhouse of a machine but I still get slow gameplay in late stages of huge maps. I tend to browse the net in between moves when it gets like that.
  8. G

    I knew the AI was bad, but this is ridiculous...

    Haven't seen anything like this before. Mind you I've only played 320 hours worth...
  9. G

    "What do you want MOST from the next patch?"

    ??? You can do that already! Just switch to 2d view.
  10. G

    City spacing in Civ 5

    Thanks Dave, I guess 5 hexes is the optimal amount so I wasnt far off ;)
  11. G

    City spacing in Civ 5

    Hi, I am new to the forum and I had a quick search and couldnt really find a definitive answer. When I play Civ5 I usually space my cities at least 5 open hexes apart. This gives them chance to really grow into huge cities in the future. But I see that the Ai tend to space theres only 3 spaces...
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