Recent content by phoinix

  1. phoinix

    [GS] [] AI producing catapults non stop

    Hi, As the title suggests, AI Georgia has been producing only catapults non stop (even rush buying) to counter me (Persia) in war after I went on the offensive. This happened after I eliminated her first waves of attack which had a good mix of units (archers, melee, cavarly, siege). It is a...
  2. phoinix

    [GS] Winter 2019 Update: what do you want to see in the next patch?

    Wow, seems like people have really really specific wishlists! I have some rough suggestions on the direction the changes should be on: Some kind of buff to coastal cities to bring on par value wise with inland cities. Logically speaking, coastal cities should be more gold/trade oriented. This...
  3. phoinix

    [GS] [POLL] most urgent / important mechanics that need to be patched

    My votes: Nerf pillaging +1 Bigger climate impact +1 Slower climate change +2 Repairing units costs Ressources +2 Units cost several types of ressources +2 Techs/ Civics progressing slower related to production +2 Revamp WC votes system +1 Faster diplomatic victory +2 Add production per citizen...
  4. phoinix

    Basic question re AI: RTS versus TBS

    But that is why we have difficulty levels, so that each player can customize their challenge. Civ AI could be a series of smaller AIs, hierarchically arranged. Tactical AI is one of them and the thing with tactical AI is that it can be treated in isolation. In order to maximize the returns of...
  5. phoinix

    Basic question re AI: RTS versus TBS

    If I may add my 2 cents: A lot of people say that if they improve the AI too much it will ruin roleplaying and civ is partly a roleplaying game. I agree. However, there are situations where the AI could be improved a lot without ruining anything and that is in the tactical section. It's really...
  6. phoinix

    Technical commentary on Civ/game AI

    Really appreciate these kind of posts as I think are a breath of fresh air relative to the constant "AI sucks" posts that dont offer any new insight. I agree that the AI problem is difficult but I believe Civ AI has a lot of room to improve. Im not a professional in AI but I have dabbled, taken...
  7. phoinix

    2017 autumn patch - AI domination combat test

    I had a similar idea. Units are infinitely stackable but in order to stack every X number of units together, you need a great general charge. X can improve with techs/civics. So: Advantages of stacking: - best defender is selected every time. - easier to move around - more stealthy - gg bonus...
  8. phoinix

    does the medic come with instructions?

    i always thought it was odd that some early era support units arent made obsolete by later techs
  9. phoinix

    Is this game worth playing again yet?

    Wait till the next patch. Now it feels like fun is hit or miss, depending if you get a somewhat competent AI and good terrain.
  10. phoinix


    I had a similar problem in the past. Be sure to have open borders with Poland.
  11. phoinix

    Your Worst AI Experiences

    It was classical era so no heavy warmonger penalties yet. Surprisingly, Russia managed to take a couple of cities from other AIs in this game. Another very big problem is that cities dont defend themselves properly. That is a very serious omission. A simple "attack weakest unit in sight" would...
  12. phoinix

    Your Worst AI Experiences

    Spain declares war, brings troops, attacks my non-walled city and retreats just before taking it. 'Nough said.
  13. phoinix

    Late era techs are lackluster

    I find the late era techs to be lacking a lot. Most may offer some military advantage but imo they have failed to capture other, sometimes groundbreaking aspects. Lack of imagination or development time? Who knows...It makes it look like the game was designed to end before or when you reach the...
  14. phoinix

    Civ VI Funny/Strange Screenshots

    that happened to me too with Tomyris. It seems after you block their settlers they abandon them
  15. phoinix

    the air transport system?

    Can you airlift units from airports and drop them to airstrips? Or airstrips to airstrips?
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