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    I just think its time to stop playing "Lesser of two evils" until one or the other at least doesn't want a police state.

    I'm three months too young. If I could vote, I'd be voting for Johnson. And that's in spite of his pro-choice stance, which is saying a lot for someone like me.
    If you are as strong on socail liberties as you seem to imply, how can you possibly back Obama?

    Obama has done plenty to expand surveilance in this nation, just like Bush did.
    Well yeah, we know he won't get elected but that wasn't so much what I meant.

    Somewhat surprisingly I'm even more ticked at Romney than Obama these days. Ron Paul actually came to the table with positions and solutions, whether right or wrong. The Republicans showed him the door AND cheated the system.

    I feel like I sound like a liberal these days, which drives me crazy:crazyeye: but it is what it is.

    I still can't believe both candidates are for the same abuses of government power and yet people still think there's a big difference between the two. I honestly can barely find it. Romney doesn't hold any of the conservative views I would consider good, but he holds all of the ones I find bad or am indifferent to.

    I'm hoping for better in 2016 but I won't be surprised if I get disappointed.
    It's a really good set of ground rules for debate. I wonder if the admins would sticky them at the top of the forum.
    Just wondering, in spite of Obama's alleged shift upward and to the right on the political compass, do you still prefer him over Ron Paul?

    I was flabbergasted that the RNC actually treated him that horribly. I'm 17 and will no doubt have the option to join a party soon. They have successfully made sure it won't be theirs:p
    If you reply by pressing 'view conversation' and replying there, it should post on my page. I had a good summer but classes start back tomorrow:(. Did kochman get banned again? I haven't seen any of his obnoxious posts in a while. It's hard to have a conversation when every other sentence is 'you are dumb'.
    Oh hey not much. Sorry I'm so late responding, your post didn't go up on my page, just yours. I'm not up to last weekend before the next semester starts.

    You got anything coming up?
    Turned 60 this year and I'm gonna retire from my current job as a Cable Network tech in about 3 weeks or so. At least for the next 6 months I plan on doing only What I want When I want. If life of course lets me. It has this bad habit of intruding. :p But at least I can try.

    Are you still Teaching? And have you ever gotten married yet? You're not getting any younger either you know. ;)
    Just stopped by to day Hi! How have you been? to an old (dare I say it?) MoO3 forum mate and friend. Long live the Pirates of the Dwarf Cove or not. ;)

    JosEPh :)
    Ok I took some pics of the car and stuff that I can e mail if you want. No idea how to post them here and don't have the patience to learn, but you're welcome to do so if you like
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