• In anticipation of the possible announcement of Civilization 7, we have decided to already create the Civ7 forum. For more info please check the forum here .
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  • You should consider joining Dominatr's NES/IOT here, presuming you will eventually get this (seeing as you haven't been online for 10 days).
    Nuka actually threatened to report my game and shut it down if I ran it on CFC, just because he's not allowed to play in anything I run. That's not how you get games around.
    Not going to be on IOTchat for a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time.
    I'm going to have to pass. I have a bit of a deadline with my PhD coming up (you know, finishing it.). Plus getting married so my fiancee is looking at venues and things. I probably don't have time to rape and pillage.
    Critiquing me is just fine & expected. But I also expected my posts to matter and Voss would be doing something in the updates. Seeing I wrote he had control of the harbor & now it seems the Unionist have taken control. All the Sinopheim stuff & Captains of the Queen idea are easily discarded. Should I write that Captain Voss is killed or sets sail for elsewhere? Because right now I haven't a clue!
    "I appreciate your contributions." Really in a post. Thats like telling someone "bless your heart".
    Hey, if you feel like EU4ing later, hop on. Lucky and NK seem up for it.

    Also, I'm down to do one of those CK2-EU4 games at some point.
    FYI, I've changed it to Gwenyth being Creigh's sister and Cerestyf being his brother-in-law. I may have changed this just so a joke in my next story could work, but it's also how I've been thinking of the family for the past few weeks.
    I was alive but then I wasn't, so I only just saw your message. Looks like it's still going though so I'll see what I can have ready to go in the next few days.
    Pretty sure that didn't actually have everything and I actually listened and deleted it at any rate, so.
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