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    Police use of force

    This guy has the right idea:
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    Cops are above the law Watch the bottom video for footage of the cop punching the handcuffed woman in the face so hard he broke her eyesocket... and not being prosecuted. Yet another...
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    World peace

    Do you think it's possible, practically, eventually? How about within the next few 100 years? Hobbes certainly didn't think so. What is the best way to achieve it? Personally, I think we [as humans] need to consistently focus on...
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    Economic Victory

    Hey guys, I'm curious: If Civ 5 had an Economic Victory, what would be the requirements, and what new features could be added to make this more interesting?
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    bad multiplayer trading bug

    Civ This bug occurred in my last multiplayer game: When another player offers you a deal, you can modify it and propose it back. However, they don't have to accept the new deal - you can. That means that you can modify the deal to them giving you all their cities and then accept...
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    Balance: Frigates

    Hi everyone. I'd like to introduce a major imbalance during the Rennaissance era: Frigates. These units particularly annoy me because there is no land-based defense to them until the industrial era (artillery). This requires that every civ on the coast must mass frigates/privateers during the...
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    Any new gmr starting?

    I want to try this game-type (gmr). Post any invites here! I'll try to host if people want but never done it before ;p
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    Advanced Guide: Magical Hammers & Between Turn Ordering

    This guide instructs you on how to make free hammers with your citizens, during the inbetween turn growth phase. If you grow your city quickly, this can be a very valuable source of hammers that can get you 20+ hammers/city throughout a game, some of which come during those valuable first turns...
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    late game scouts

    Today I experimented with some scouts, after turn 50. Capital had heroic epic/workshop/forge/barracks/armory.... and after 5 longswords, I made 4 scouts in a row, with Morale and scouting II. They turned out to be extremely useful for pillaging, filling in gaps (preventing flanking), flanking...
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    Classical start- Most balanced?

    From my experience, France is the best civ for ancient start. This is because 2culture/turn gives turn 5 tradition, which lets france be way ahead in culture, without even trying. Classical on the otherhand, everyone starts with 55, which mitigates this early tradition bonus. What do you...
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    2v2- Turn 71 rifles

    Just played as France/France vs 2 Germanies-> One did some typical econ strat, other built great library for civil service. They got universities at some point, and used great sci for turn 71 rifles, upgrading landschnekts. We did about turn 65 or so national colleges, expansive strategies...
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    Isolated Archipelago/Continents Strategy

    1. The usual econ strategies ( 1city/luxury -> NC, or granary->NC-> expand) 2. If not isolated, Econ Techs -> IW -> Metal Casting (Steel if needed) -> Civil Service -> Machinery -> Currency -> Education -> Navigation -> Gunpowder 3. If isolated, Beeline education -> Metal Casting -> Navigation...
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    Tanks vs Mechs- the numbers

    X-posted: Data is taken from Civilopedia, in a Quick setting game. Mechs---------------------------Tanks: Biology 1574----------------------Dynamite 1782 Steam Power 1574----------------Steam Power 1574 Electricity 1782--------------------Replaceable Parts 1782 Telegraph...
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    I tried them out finally, I am impressed by the UA, and the free Mud Pyramids with Legalism, without the requirement of a built monument. I am wondering if anyone manages to get a Mud Pyramid in capital w/ Legalism? I find it hard to have philosophy before Legalism. Does anyone expand fast...
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    Baba Yetu
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    Aircraft combat bonuses

    I'm curious if anyone knows how combat bonuses apply to aircraft. For example, if a great general is near a bunch of planes, do they air strike better? If attacking in friendly territry, do the aircraft benefit from oligarchy, himeji, nationalism? Does Discipline work? In a recent game, I was...
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    Do you ever build "defense roads"?

    A "defense road" is a road meant to improve your tactical options, and improve existing tactical bonuses such as interior lines, which let you concentrate your forces more quickly than an attacking opponent. It is defined from a typical road, because it does not help to connect cities at all...
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    future start/quick

    An online ffa in future start/quick: Ends in 18 turns, tech victory. Others were just starting to produce units. Strategy was: Capital: Ironworks -> Apollo Program [buy factory during construction] -> 3 spaceship parts 2nd city: Factory -> 2 spaceship parts 3rd city: Factory...
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    Screenshot showcasing results of ICS

    1v2 victory on west vs east. Nothing really happened all game, they seemed scared to attack. I ICS'd very fast off of 2 horse capital as Russia + Liberty. [Spent maybe 50 turns building settlers in Moscow] Got to 13 cities before collosseums [was at -10 happy for 3 turns! (accidently grew from...
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