• In anticipation of the possible announcement of Civilization 7, we have decided to already create the Civ7 forum. For more info please check the forum here .

Search results

  1. 3

    RFCEurope 1.0

    RFCEurope 1.0 https://sourceforge.net/projects/rfceurope/ RFCEurope 1.0 is finally out. After 4 years of development we finally have a complete product. Thanks to everyone who participated throughout the years, this Mod would not have been possible without the contributions of countless...
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    Release Candidate

    We have the third Release Candidate. The final version is still delayed, but it should come next week. Note that the old savegames do not work. The new RC is available at Sourceforge: https://sourceforge.net/projects/rfceurope/ Changes since the first RC. Note that the Reference folder...
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    Beta 13

    Hi Everyone, after months delay and lots of work, we finally have Beta 13. The balance is still somewhat broken, but overall the AI should behave close enough to real history. The AI is also much much better now. https://sourceforge.net/projects/rfceurope/ The big changes are the improved AI...
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    Beta 11

    Hi guys, we got to Beta 11. Hopefully we will be able to get Poland-Lithuania for Beta 12 and then we can move to Release Candidate, that is, get to fix bugs and graphics. I will post some suggestions and ideas later. In the mean time, here is the changelog for Beta 11: You can download...
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    Beta 10 Talk

    I still don't have everything that I was hoping to get for Beta 10, but we do have quite a few bugfixes and since it has been quite some time, I decided to post the next Beta. It should also be easier to keep track as some of the useful information is buried in the old threads. Here is a link...
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    Beta 9 Talk

    It has been 2 weeks since the last Beta, so it is time for Beta 9. https://sourceforge.net/projects/rfceurope/ It is not where I would like it to be, but I think it has made some progress. The biggest thing is the new civic system, as well as many bugfixes and balance changes. Please if you...
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    Updates to City Names

    Most of the city names maps were created 3 - 4 years ago and since then, our map has seen quite a few updates/revisions. We should revisit the city names maps and update those. The issue with the maps is that many maps overlap, Byzantium, Ottomans, Arabia, Cordoba, Spain .... hence we should...
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    Beta 8 Talk

    https://sourceforge.net/projects/rfceurope/ Beta 8 is essentially a more polished version of Beta 7. Here is the change log. Big things: - Norse, Portugal and to an extent the Dutch should be playable (at least much better off). - Overall stability is more balanced (even though it can...
  9. 3

    Civics: Next big change

    After I had a chance to play a few games, I noticed that out Civics are not quite there yet. While they are mostly there, we can see a few notable issues: - Government: Republic. Who was a republic during our time period? Only Venice and they were a "Merchant Republic", which is different...
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    Beta 7 Talk

    Subtitle to this thread: Our mod SUX less than it used to :D Get Beta 7 now! https://sourceforge.net/projects/rfceurope/ It has been three long week of lots of hard work, but we finally have something playable again. With all the changes that we introduced, we can call this not Beta 7, but...
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    Beta Unstable

    Here is a draft of the next Beta. There are plenty of things that are not working (like the counters on the screen). With so many changes, there are bound to be a whole bunch of bugs. This is definitely less stable then Beta 6, hence I am not calling it Beta 7 yet. However, I will need people to...
  12. 3

    This mod SUX

    There, someone needed to say it and I will do it! The main thing that this mod provides is the concept of playing with this or that civilization. There is pretty much zero gameplay value to it. Why do I think that? Here is my list: - Tech three is reasonable, however, the tech rate is...
  13. 3

    RFCE Historical Timeline

    A number of people have mentioned the introduction of "provinces" in the game. While this would brings nice "flavor" into the mod, it is way too much work at this point. Large portions of the code will have to be redone, AI maps changed and so on. However, it is true that our mod could use some...
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    Beta 6 talk

    Get your copy of Beta 6 today .... https://sourceforge.net/projects/rfceurope/ We are making progress. It seems like the mod is mostly playable now. There are more UHV changes that I want to make, but overall I am happy about how things work. Here is a list of the changes: According...
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    Beta 5 Talk

    I am starting a new thread to keep things organized. Many of the old discussions are no longer valid. Beta 5 is out, get it at sourceforge https://sourceforge.net/projects/rfceurope/ Here is a probably incomplete list of the changes: The big things are: - the Ottoman AI that...
  16. 3

    RFCEurope: Latest Beta 4

    I will keep the latest version of RFCEurope here (for now). I don't know how long it will be before we can figure out the sourceforge thing. We should try to keep this thread close to the top for now, I am sure there will be come confusion. Here is the link to Beta 4...
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    Who Butchered My Code!

    I just pulled the latest version of the development code and tried and what do you know. Someone decided to merge into the code some BTS mod for better AI and I would like to make a few points: 1. The merge was WRONG. There are undeclared variables, functions of type "int" with no return...
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    Download the Current Version (Alpha 7) Requires BtS 3.19: http://rapidshare.com/files/274940052/RFCEurope.zip Details on Changes for the Current Version: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=295451 Discussion Forum (most of the treads)...
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    RFC Europe New Music

    Hi, I just want to poll people's opinion on the new music. Opening menu music, the Magyar theme is very good and appropriate and therefore stays.
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    RFC Europe Files

    Main Download Thread RFC Europe ALPHA 11: Mar 4, 2010 http://rapidshare.com/files/358677182/RFCEurope_Alpha11.zip Many changes, listed on the svn. Hopefully this will be the last Alpha and we will go for Beta next time. If you have suggestions for more gameplay features and such, give...
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