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  1. Leoreth

    Which civ should I play in July?

    I am reviving the old "Leoreth Plays ..." custom. For those who weren't around back then, for a while I would run monthly polls on which civilization I should play and then I would write an AAR of my playthrough for the UHV of that civilization. The point was to give a little insight into how I...
  2. Leoreth

    Large Map and New Civilizations are now playable

    We have finally reached the point where I am ready to share the larger map and the new civilizations that come with it. You can get them by updating to the latest develop branch. Along with the map and civilization changes, a lot of other things have changed. Even though I usually mentioned...
  3. Leoreth

    DoC 1.18 Civilizations

    During the development of 1.18, new civilizations have been added and many existing civilizations have been changed significantly. Instead of listing all the differences, I think it makes more sense to share a full list of all civilization of the 1.18 development branch. I did my best to mark...
  4. Leoreth

    DoC 1.17.4 released

    Hey everyone, the recent updates to the mod are the last I am going to push to develop before beginning the merge of the big map branch. To capture this state, I have created a new incremental release 1.17.4. It will be the last version of the mod on the still current, smaller map. As the other...
  5. Leoreth

    Laptop fan taking off with Civ4

    Whenever I launch Civ4 my laptop fan immediately starts to run at full capacity. This is a behaviour I usually only start to see on very CPU/GPU intensive applications (other games like Victoria 3). Civ4 is not so resource hungry to cause this, and on my previous laptop it usually ran fine...
  6. Leoreth

    Access to the map branch

    I have been a little more open about granting access to the map branch recently, but it seems like I need to clarify/reiterate a few expectations around the purpose of that access. I give access only to facilitate looking at the contents that have been added to the mod instead of having to ask...
  7. Leoreth

    Updated Plans for DoC 1.18

    This is an update for the previous thread on my plans for DoC version 1.18. Let's have a look at the roadmap from that post: By that list of tasks we are now on the one final task of balancing all the changes and additions. From the perspective of 1.17 where this was written, that was probably...
  8. Leoreth

    New and Changed Civilizations in 1.18

    Like I announced in the "Alternative Map during 1.18", I have just finished adding all new civilizations to the map branch, as well as implementing many changes to the existing civilizations. Before I go into details, some notes on these changes. The new civilizations were based on some...
  9. Leoreth

    DoC 1.17.1 released

    Hey everyone, I have released all recent updates since the 1.17 release into a new incremental release 1.17.1. It is mostly bugfixes, and the new civ specific victory ranks feature. It should also have better performance if you are using the Varietas Delectat module. Links: RFC Dawn of...
  10. Leoreth

    Fixing this Zoo building art

    I downloaded this Zoo building by Kathy and I think it looks great, except that there seems to be some issue with the animal textures: As you can see, you get these ghost animals instead of their proper texture (it looks the same on the game map when present in a city). Inspecting the NIF in...
  11. Leoreth

    Resources and Resource Spawns

    I am posting this to share the current state of work on resources and resource spawns on the new map. This is a full report of the total number of resources, including spawns, grouped by region and by resource: I will also upload screenshots of the map with resource spawn locations marked in...
  12. Leoreth

    We Love The King Day

    This has nothing to do with my current work on the new map, but for tangential reasons I have been thinking about We Love The King Day (WLTKD). My first question, does anyone care about this effect? When it happens to one of your cities, does it actually matter for your games? Do you ever...
  13. Leoreth

    New Map 1.18 City Name Suggestions

    I have created Google sheet that I intend to keep in sync with the city name map currently used by the mod: DoC 1.18 Cities In particular, I want to enable everyone to take a look at the map and make suggestions. The current state is already extremely good, especially taking the extensive...
  14. Leoreth

    Alternative Map during 1.18

    This is the follow up thread for this one, signifying that we are now out of development for v1.17 and to clear the log and relaunch the discussion. I will keep using this thread to post updates on what is going on, especially while the development happens mostly behind the scenes.
  15. Leoreth

    DoC 1.17.0 released

    I have released DoC version 1.17.0. You can download it here: Dawn of Civilization v1.17.0 with all modules Dawn of Civilization v1.17.0 without modules Unlike previous versions of the mod, you no longer start a game by selecting a scenario from the Scenarios menu. Instead, select Play Now in...
  16. Leoreth

    Optimizing CvPlot data

    It seems to me that Firaxis was very conservative about member variables of CvPlot, using only a minimal selection of values and using short wherever possible. That makes sense considering how many plots in particular large maps can have. In my mod, the map I am about to use has 15000 plots, so...
  17. Leoreth

    DoC v1.16.10 released

    Recent fixes have touched some critical components of the mod. Therefore I want to make sure that no issues have been introduced. So unfortunately we have to do another pre-1.17 release. You can download it here, or by updating to the latest develop on git. If you can, please do so and play the...
  18. Leoreth

    New Map Overview 1.17

    New terrain types: Arctic Coast: 2 commerce (like coast but -1 food) Atoll: 2 food 1 commerce, +100% improvement time (land tile representing Pacific atolls) Lagoon: 1 food 2 commerce, costs 2 moves, +50% defense (land tile looking like water, representing e.g. the Venetian lagoon) Moorland: 1...
  19. Leoreth

    DoC 1.16.9 released

    You know the drill by now. You can download it here. If no major issues are discovered I am planning for the proper release within the next days.
  20. Leoreth

    DoC 1.16.8 released

    I have released the current state of the git repository as version v1.16.8. You can download it here. This is meant to be a hopefully fully fixed state of the mod in anticipation of the proper 1.17 release. Please further report bugs if you encounter them on this version. I will spend the next...
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