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  1. WildWeazel

    Names, Part Zero? Stepping Back

    Polling will continue until nomenclature improves! Since the previous polls had so many options and were very inconclusive, I want to take a step back and ask first what kind of name we should use to see if there is a signal in the noise. Of all those mentioned, I see them falling into the 5...
  2. WildWeazel


    Civ Fanatics! Do you love playing for score victory, but regret that it's over so soon? Do you run out of space on huge maps before hitting the city limit? Do you miss seeing all of your rivals when they're excluded from a game? Then this mod is for you. BIGGER BETTER WORLDS is a simple mod for...
  3. WildWeazel

    [REFERENCE] "Smoke testing" a mod: how to detect most crashes before you start playing

    In engineering, "smoke testing" is a somewhat tongue-in-cheek term meaning "turn it on (for the first time) and check for smoke". It's the most basic form of test to detect obvious and unavoidable failures. For software like game mods, "smoke" comes in the form of error dialogs, major graphic...
  4. WildWeazel

    New mod beta: WildWeazel's Change Request

    It has been far too long since I have uploaded anything new but let's see if I still know what I'm doing. :old: I'm tempted to call it a completed mod, but realistically this is a beta and will probably need some tweaks. I have only smoke tested this, not played a real game, so it should not...
  5. WildWeazel

    Drawing Board: Bombers and air power

    Hello! It's been a while since I've talked mod design. This is the first of a loose series of threads on general game balance topics I've been thinking about. These issues are nothing that haven't already been discussed over the years and addressed in some mods, but I want to take a fresh look...
  6. WildWeazel

    C7 Progress and Announcement Thread

    My fellow CivFanatics, It has been exactly one year today since I revealed our intention to make our own Civ. Coincidentally, Civ3 is now old enough to drink! :beer: For those just joining us, C7 is a WIP open source 4X game, built with the Godot Engine by Civ fans, with the goal of allowing...
  7. WildWeazel

    recent gamedev news

    Just some interesting developments, material, and trivia that I've come across lately. None of this really warranted its own thread, but it's all of interest to us. Civ3 is still quite a bit more popular than I'd realized, even since joining Suede's discord. For the past few months Steam stats...
  8. WildWeazel

    C7 Promotion and Recruitment

    This is a topic that has been on my mind for quite a while, before work even started in fact, but it's only now becoming relevant. So far C7 has been mostly a novelty interest to Civ3 players and modders for what it will be someday, so we've only shared it within the Civ3 community. (And FWIW...
  9. WildWeazel

    [dev] Carthago Creanda Est: big picture tasks for 0.2

    Quintillus already has a thread for scoping the new features in Carthage, but I also wanted to call attention to some big non-functional, meta, and refactoring work to be done. And I wanted to use the pun. So here let's hash out and agree on some high level plans, and identify tasks that can be...
  10. WildWeazel

    Poll: C7 system requirements

    This poll is to help determine which platforms we need to support in C7. We already provide builds for Windows, Linux, and Mac and will continue to do so, but the exact OS versions and CPU types that we can support may depend on some technical decisions related to the Godot engine. We'd also...
  11. WildWeazel

    [Dev Diary] 1: Introduction and Aztec Release

    My fellow CivFanatics, It's my pleasure to welcome you to the "C7" project subforum, and our first "Dev Diary"! This is where we the developers get to show off our progress, wax poetic about our future plans, and explain why things are taking so long. If you're just joining us, this project...
  12. WildWeazel

    Welcome to C7: New Players Start Here

    What is this? C7 (working title) is an in-development 4X strategy game with a historical focus inspired by games such as Civilization, Galactic Civilizations, and Humankind. We aim to create a new game that looks and plays like classic Civ but incorporates features from the best of the genre and...
  13. WildWeazel

    Troubleshooting and bug reports

    If you're having trouble with C7 or encounter a bug, post here. Known bugs will be reported and tracked on GitHub. TODO: add optional instructions to report issues directly to GitHub Installation instructions and release notes for the latest version are found on the release page.
  14. WildWeazel

    Feature Requests

    This is a place to discuss new features you would like to see in C7, or just differences from Civ3. Civ3 Conquests is our baseline. The general idea is to create a game that is easily configured to mimic C3C while allowing for much greater flexibility in modding, and to build in high-priority...
  15. WildWeazel

    Prepping Dev Diary 1 and initial release of Aztec

    I just wanted to get the ball rolling on a public update and release. Since we're a month in and have our first release candidate, it seems high time for a proper dev diary. This should coincide with the official release of Aztec and the opening of this forum. I'd like to get at least a few...
  16. WildWeazel

    [dev] Architecture Thread

    This is a thought experiment and case study to illustrate how we can structure the game logic using Components and Events. First, to define terms. An Event is a function call indicating anything that happened that some other code may want to know about. These are built into the C# language, and...
  17. WildWeazel

    New account approval?

    Apologies if this is asked and answered but I couldn't find it documented. I've talked to 2 new users this week who both mentioned needing approval, and I can't see their profiles. Is that a standard thing, and is there anything they should do?
  18. WildWeazel

    There are 2 hard problems in comp. science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors

    Just for fun and to get this out of my head. It's never too early to name a thing. Naming something makes it more real, and clarifies discussion about it. It's also fun, and deceptively hard. There a few names to be considered here: the name of this forum/team, the title of the game, and the...
  19. WildWeazel

    Assembling the team

    As much as I'm enjoying catching up on this week's technical progress, we need to discuss administration. Now that we've gone public there are a lot more eyes on us, and several people wanting to help. How do we organize them and keep them engaged? There are a few things we should nail down...
  20. WildWeazel

    20 years of Civ3, and a proposal for 20 more

    Today (October 30 2021) is the twentieth birthday of our beloved Civ3! Twenty years is far too short a time to live among such excellent and admirable modders. We have had an enviable modding scene here thanks in part to such an accessible and customizable game, but there has always been a...
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