• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Search results

  1. TimTheEnchanter

    A World Without Offsides?

    Among the majority american crowd who proclaims soccer to be "too boring" (with whom I disagree heartily, but that's beside the point) one theme I keep hearing is that the Offsides rule sucks and takes the excitement out of the game by putting an end to so many breakaway runs. My thought was...
  2. TimTheEnchanter

    FIFA rankings: Just how screwy are they? (a "stupid American" question)

    With the World Cup right around the corner, I try to be at least a semi-enlightened American and at least acknowledge that the sport exists and see a bit of what it's all about (which is more than most around here seem to do). So I am curious how the US squad is perceived and just how screwed...
  3. TimTheEnchanter

    Science 1600

    It appears the current plan is to research up to, but not completing industrialization and then shutting down science for a few turns to build up huge sums of cash. The currnet science plan recommended several techs but there are a couple others that could be researched prior to...
  4. TimTheEnchanter

    Science 1420 - Options up to Industrialization

    We are currently researching Chivalry which will take away our last 20s unit. Next techs available (none should be hidden this time): Atomic Theory, Leadership, Metallurgy, Steam Engine. Atomic theory doesn’t lead to much so I won’t include it at this time. It doesn’t hurt anything, we...
  5. TimTheEnchanter

    Navigation...at what cost? (Science 1300)

    Since our science rate looks like it will be low for a while, and there aren't a lot of big caravan payments on the horizon, our science goals do not need to be defined any further at the moment. I only have one question for the poll, regarding how badly we want to get Navigation from the...
  6. TimTheEnchanter

    Science and War - 1180

    Just a quick poll to judge our general science direction now that we are at war for the first time. I will try to structure this so I do not infringe on the other ministries sphere of influence and in fact, I strongly encourage the other ministers to voice their opinions on the poll. I just...
  7. TimTheEnchanter

    Science after Democracy

    Our last science priority poll gave us Democracy, Sanitation and Economics. We are about to reach all those goals so we must now look beyond. There are two parts to this poll. One specifically deals with priorities of how to deal with unit unhappiness in Democracy. This may have an impact...
  8. TimTheEnchanter

    Tax Options and getting to Democracy – Science 1100

    The Domestic Ministry asked for when we can complete research on Democracy. The science ministry tried to assess our situation and layout a few plans that we can follow to complete research on Democracy. I’ve tried to calculate these plans out as accurately as I can, however, we are dealing...
  9. TimTheEnchanter

    A Chicken in Every Pot and a Camel in Every Garage(Science-1020)

    Viking has had his plan put into motion. Now it’s my turn ;) You said you wanted to do lists, so here’s one for you. I hope I got the math right on several of these things as they all kinda’ work together timing-wise. This should get us to the point where almost every city has either...
  10. TimTheEnchanter

    Science Recommendations 900

    The science Ministry has two major recommendations. The reasons for these recommendations are discussed in more detail below. 1 - Recommended Research path: Engineering (current)-Economics-Sanitation-Chemistry-Invention-Democracy. 2- Caravan Delivery: Deliver the Doughnutia Gold to...
  11. TimTheEnchanter

    Science Poll 740AD

    We have Bridge building and are researching medicine…the highest priority items from the previous science poll. At this point, we need to define the next directions we will take our research. We will have the prerequisites for the following techs: Chemistry, Economics, Engineering...
  12. TimTheEnchanter

    Initial Recommendations of the new Science Ministry (660ad)

    First, the Ministry would like to thank the previous Minister for leaving our science in such a good position. Creating a detailed plan like this is tough to do in advance because the situation can change every turn and even mid-turn, but here goes nothing! Sorry this is so long but I tried...
  13. TimTheEnchanter

    Anyone interested in a fantasy football league?

    I set up a Civfanatics Fantasy Football league on Yahoo. They are still free, and I had bad experiences with Sandbox in the past - they are about the only other free sites left. Basics of league setup: I've created the league with 10 teams maximum for now. If we need to adjust that...
  14. TimTheEnchanter

    Yet another AI Cheat?

    I don't recall seeing this in any of the AI Cheat lists. If it's been already posted, I apologize. Anyway, I have a city (Spam Spam Spam) where the vikings were kind enough to have a settler working the land (overlaps with one of their cities). Just to be a pain in the arse, I started...
  15. TimTheEnchanter

    Another OCC victory

    Completed my 3rd OCC game this past weekend, and this time I actually tried to keep a log. It's not 100% complete (particularly, I forgot to record a number of improvements. E.g., I don’t see bank, stock exch, or university) but it's got quite a bit of stuff on there. I didn't record creation...
  16. TimTheEnchanter

    First OCC

    I started my first OCC game last night but the AI hates me no matter what I give them. I can give them every tech I have and within two turns they are hostile again. I don't have much more to give them. I didn't have any caravans to build Newton, so I didn't want to give up Theory of Gravity...
  17. TimTheEnchanter

    Game keeps crashing

    My civ game frequently crashes(...has performed an illegal operation ) when I am managing a large number of cities, usually when I am almost done reviewing them all. I finally think I found out what is causing it and wondered if I need a patch or something. I am using Civ II Multi-player...
  18. TimTheEnchanter

    Questions about starting an OCC game

    On a whim, I decided to try my hand at an OCC game, but I didn't want to make it too hard on myself, so wanted a decent city site. Every time I started, I kept getting absolutely HORRIBLE terrain. Whenever I found a good 3-4 special site, it was always something like 6 swamp, 4 hills, 4...
  19. TimTheEnchanter

    Now WHEN is it due?

    I thought the GOTM III was to be due on May 3, but the "news" items from 3/31 and 4/16 on the Main Page says it is due 4/30. I just wanted to make sure which was the due date because I'm cutting this one close...again. Also, I hope it doesn't come down to this but what time is it due on that...
  20. TimTheEnchanter

    AI Science Rate

    Has anyone else noticed that if you set your own Science rate very low, the AI seems to research even slower than they normally do? It seems as if when you shut your research down, the AI slows its research down too, so it never catches up, but as soon as you start pumping up the beaker rate...
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