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  1. M

    Best score before 200 A.D. for Romans?

    If you want to get a higher score duel map with balanced setting and simply rush. But then what is the point in playing against AI's on a small map where you can steam roll over an opponent. Seems like all the fun would be taken out of it.
  2. M

    Historical realism out the window

    Historically you have all the traits most leaders really had. In reality we have the ability to use those traits to allow us the most fun. Like the original poster said when Ghandi invades you to me that is lots of fun.
  3. M

    Is this emperor start impossible?

    Agreed with the other players. This start isn't horrible seeing how you are playing single player. When you play vs the AI you can pretty much have any start and be able to overcome most obstacles. If you were playing multiplayer then you would be at a bigger disadvantage, especially if other...
  4. M

    19 Unused Trait Combinations

    I would like to see more leaders for all races. Also, it would be interesting if there were every combination of leader traits which were possible to be combined. More variety would be much welcomed.
  5. M

    civ4+ totalwar=good idea

    Why did I receive a hard warning for asking for a cd crack? CD crack simply allows a person to play the game w/out using the source CD which they already own. I was not asking for an illegally copied file. The reference was made to make it easy for me to play with the copy I already have...
  6. M

    Adapting what I learned from Starcraft

    towards 30+ I agree with nearly everything you are saying. Your examples work just fine. It's very simple to see that the only way to achieve a pefect game balance would be for everyone to have identical starts. It's also very easy to see that the best starting position would always have...
  7. M

    Uploading scenario

    I plan to download and check it out. Hope you stay around for me to ask questions!
  8. M

    civ4+ totalwar=good idea

    Anyone know where I can get a total war "cd crack". Piracy is not tolerated at CFC. Hard warning.
  9. M

    How can I freeze tech updates?

    just surfing the web sites... I didn't realize people still played Civ 2. Seems more active then I would have thought.
  10. M

    New Female Egyptian Leaderhead 7/29/04

    I am still trying to figure out how to open it!
  11. M

    Civ Tourney

    I was gonna say that I think a civilization tourney could be pretty cool. Game of the month huh. I'm not very familiar with that.
  12. M

    What's wrong with this game

    I tend to take a while to regenerate the map as well. Seems most starting places aren't very ideal. How many times has anyone every regenerated a map. I think i tried like 60 X a few days ago, heh.
  13. M

    Other civ workers

    MPP? What is that. How does it effect your games. Should I use it or not. Is it an option?
  14. M

    Some thoughts on a score based HoF

    I am still a bit skeptical about Hof. Seems lots of people are able to spam higher scores with less than honorable tactics. Do people really think Hof should be played like this. If so, does everyone enjoy Hof overall. I always get a bit confused when reading Hof and Gotm. Not really sure...
  15. M

    News: WOTM 07 Saves Available

    how can i get involved in one of these games? Do I need to download anything special. Just curious because I am trying to learn how to get more involved in the game. I have a friend who plays semi-frequently. I thought maybe we could do something like this together.
  16. M

    How do I play pitboss games?

    what is pit boss?
  17. M

    Vacation/Abscence Threads

    what kind of games are these?
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