Other civ workers

what prevents you from building the rails yourself over their old road network? I mean, you do have enough workers around to use a small stack (say 48) as combat engineers, right?
I'm playing PTW that is not engineers :sad:.

I do have a lot of workers, (most of then slaves do) but to get to the Aztec territory, I need to go by a lot of mountains, and it takes a fill workers to build railroads in mountains. And the Carthaginians block some roads as well, so that is another problem. At list I secure the cities I want with the furs (Yeahhh) :lol:.
There are no engineers in C3C either, its a civ2 thing...

I just called them "combat engineers" because thats the function the workers will have if I use them to aid the front line. They are still workers though. :)
There are no engineers in C3C either, its a civ2 thing...

I just called them "combat engineers" because thats the function the workers will have if I use them to aid the front line. They are still workers though. :)

@cometflash: Also you'll sometimes hear the term Combat Settlers, but this doesn't mean they actually have A/D values. :) Just that they are used in combat.
The communism government in the game has really started to interest me latelly. But I'm a little reserved about the worker pace. It doesn't give you as much worker speed as democracy or fascism. But then again, does the production speed offbalance this? Are you able to produce more workers quicker?

I had decided to try out democracy just in hopes to appeal to Abe Lincoln. But for the second and THIRD times in a ROW after I went to the rescue to save his hide he backstabbed me and declared war on me! :mad: I saved his puny little civilization form total anihalation by the Egyptions and the Romans and he turns around and declares war on ME! Not to mention he was hostile at me in trade negotiation. In greatful prick! I have decided his puny civilization shall now cease to exist on this little plane our civs are living on. :nuke:

Communism might have a place in my arsinal. It might be time for world domination!
At the begin I didn't like communism much, because my gold was gone. Workers are fine, after the discover of coal I could build a rail road with a regular worker + a captured workers(which I have a lot). I just research a tech to build tanks, and 90% of my territory are all rail road.

So if you are tech advanced, and have a lot of cities far away, communism is a great Government. Is good to be tech advanced, as you can get the gold (that communism don't give you), from the other civ's.

I had two more tech then other civ by the time I switch to Communism, as I was at war. As I could produce so fast, I destroy those guys in no time, and secure resources, which I made into more gold. So the other civ's were giving me so much gold, that as right now, the best civ are 5 tech's behind me.

When I first got into Communism I tough to myself "I'll just get court houses and police stations in those cities and switch to democracy", but after I get so much gold from the civ's(plus market, banks and the other wonders that give gold, which is all free, because I build the great wonder that pays for), I totally change my mind, and I'll stay in communism.

So to conclude, if you are very behind in tech at that moment, and you don't have to many cities away, communism is not a good choice, but if you are at war, with a lot of cities away from your capital, and aren't so far in tech, communism is a great choice. But you might suffer a little at the begin(in lack of gold).
MPP? What is that. How does it effect your games. Should I use it or not. Is it an option?
Mutual protection pact=MPP.

Is optional, and I don't recommend, as you can get in big trouble using it.

Is a risky way to deal with the AI. I use sometimes when I'm in war with more then one civ, as I don't have to spend a lot to drag then into war, but sometimes (as it happen in this game), I get screwed by the AIs action.
Well my citizens overthrew my Democracy (I didn't have a choice) and I decided to use it and give Commuism a try. The gold actually isn't as bad as you make it seem. The Hittites used Commy for a long time (they switched to fascism) and they are the filthiest richest civ in the game. I'm currently bringing in 250 or so gold p/t with my science slider at 60-70%. And with the Hittites, Rome, and America always pestruing me and declaring war on me I don't have to worry about my cities going up in smoke or sacraficing research for luxories to keep my citizens happy.

In real life I'm not a big commy (I prefer Republic and Democrocy) but I look at it like, "Hey, the citizens chose this, not me!"
In Conquests/Complete, the affects of Communism were improved, making it possibly the best government to be in, especially if you have a far-flung, widely spread out Civ. Of course, to get the best effect, you have to plan for it from the beginning of the game, and make some decisions that are less than optimum for that time, such as city spacing.

Another consideration is the time "wasted" in Anarchy as you switch governments. By the time you can switch to Communism, you probably already have a fairly large Civ, so you could easily be looking at 7+ turns of Anarchy (unless you're Religious, of course). Usually it is best to switch governments only once, from Despotism to Monarchy or Republic.

In any case, Communism is an excellent in-game government, if you want to use it. :)
That must be it, because I have Gold (PTW+vanila), and the gold just sink when I switch to communism, but I was using the science slider at 80% to 90 % do.
Is the Amricans trying to be friendly, or are they preparing, and get the town ready to take?

Look at this and tell me:

Spoiler :

Those Americans keep coming at my territory, and the declare war does not show up, I'm getting piss off, and I think I will declare war at then, but not before they finish what they start ^^.
Can't really tell, but it looks like it's just workers in your territory. I don't think you'll get the Leave or Declare War until they're at least Furious with you.
Can't really tell, but it looks like it's just workers in your territory. I don't think you'll get the Leave or Declare War until they're at least Furious with you.

That is because you didn't see the whole map. The Americans were polite with me, but right now they are anoyed (after a fill "You are in my borders...", I finally got a "...declare war" message, but after they got anoyed with me they stop coming, which is good. They were trying to get settlers and worriers to pass my territory, and I don't want that, because I wanna my own settlers to get what the Americans want).

But before I got the message, their worker finish a road to connet the furs for me, and my advisor told me my worker did it, LIAR.

Spoiler :
I see you beat up on England a little bit. ;)

What mod pack is that? I see there's alot more worker commands and a few more resources like Wood.
^^ Yes I check that box on the preferences menu.

The resource I just add to the original file of civ3. I add wood, making all ships that has wood to require wood, and some units also require wood. Also I put Banana in it for jungles, and gave Radar Artillery one more movement (1 didn't make sense, move slower then a horse, and other foot units?).

All the UU don't require wood do, they are "special". And wood is the most available resource, so is almost impossible for a civ to not have it.
Pick a safe place and park your captured workers, and either join your workers to your cities now, or park them for quick city growth after building aqueducts or hospitals. If you ever get nuked, you'll want lotsa workers to clean around your capital (usually the AI's first target). Also, if you have a meltdown of a nuclear plant in one of your cities, it can pollute up to 8 squares at once, and that city will starve down fast. All workers captured or built are precious resources, as are captured artillery pieces. The captured units cost 0 gpt, leaving room for more military.
and gave Radar Artillery one more movement (1 didn't make sense, move slower then a horse, and other foot units?).

I think they made the radar artillery one movement point in vanilla and/or in ptw because they didn't want to "Overpower" the bombardment. Because 2 shots with 16 bombardment strength can be quite devestating.

But now in conquests and maybe ptw radar artillery have 2 movement points, as Turner said. But i'm not sure if they can actually bombard twice or just move once and bombard once.
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