How can I freeze tech updates?


Mar 24, 2007
In my opinion, technology progresses too rapidly, especially at the very start of the game. I kinda want to see armies of warriors, with maybe a few archers and horseback riders thrown in.
The tech paradigm value under @COSMIC in rules.txt controls the rate at which advances are acquired; the higher the value, the slower the rate. From memory, the default value, 10, is the maximum. However, there's another tech paradigm value that you can embed in the SAV file that has a much higher maximum, but you need to first save your game as a scenario to use it. Start your game and enable cheat mode in the Cheat menu. Under the Cheat menu, select Scenario Parameters. Increase the Tech Paradigm value there. Again, under the Cheat Menu, select Save As Scenario. The scenario parameters will be appended to the resulting SCN file. You can then either choose Begin Scenario or change the extension of the SCN file to SAV and load the game normally. Either way, the game will no longer be flagged with Cheat Mode.
From memory, the default value, 10, is the maximum.

i don't know if this is patch dependent, but some time ago i played a series of games with the tech pace slowed down to one tenth. i guess i used the number 100 for it.
just surfing the web sites... I didn't realize people still played Civ 2. Seems more active then I would have thought.
i don't know if this is patch dependent, but some time ago i played a series of games with the tech pace slowed down to one tenth. i guess i used the number 100 for it.
You may be right. I'm using Civ2: ToT 1.1. I don't have any other version installed currently, so I can't test.
just surfing the web sites... I didn't realize people still played Civ 2. Seems more active then I would have thought.

lol, Civ II is the first game i ever install on my comp after i get a new one or reinstall windows :D
i agree to a point. the game really does take off quickly but i think it moves just about right. ive noticed that as quickly as i build i advance about the same rate. you can effect advancments by modifying a world map that iscolates civs for a longer period in the game. i personally play on the large world map almost always and i agree, i seem to be rushing to build cities and advance terrain improvments so quickly i sometimes forget that i just blew by the age of swords and horses.
but in all honesty i wouldnt change a thing.
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