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  1. Masquerouge

    District zone overlap planning

    What I realized is that if you're trying to max district impact, you have to pack your cities as close together as you can (as opposed to, say, trying to find the spot that maximizes the number of workable tiles). The "perfect" set up would be six cities 4 tiles away from your capital: one full...
  2. Masquerouge

    Why is it so hard to get a decent score in Civ 6?

    Won two victories on Immortal. One was domination on a small map where I had about 15 cities and killed every single AI, and won by 1650. One was a science victory in the 1850s where I had fully researched both tech trees and built a truckload of wonders and districts. Yet in both cases my...
  3. Masquerouge

    Apostle Promotions are finite?

    Happened to me too. I think you have to produce a LOT of apostles for the promotions to run out, but they did.
  4. Masquerouge

    Your preferred beliefs when founding?

    To be honest I find the beliefs lackluster compared to civ 5. It might be a good thing though as in Civ5 there were some clearly superior options that I always ended up taking. Now it feels like much more minor bonuses. I usually take Divine Spark because I like great people and it can give you...
  5. Masquerouge

    Steam servers are too busy to handle the request

    I didn't change or install anything and I'm getting the same error. I think something's up on Steam's side.
  6. Masquerouge

    Seeding options - best colonist

    I like engineers, mostly because I hate how slowly new cities build stuff.
  7. Masquerouge

    Firaxis, guys... listen...

    Exactly. Now I'm actually keeping the enemy workers I capture.
  8. Masquerouge

    Let's have an easy way to see health built vs city size

    It would be great to have a way to see at a glance in which cities health buildings would have an immediate impact on the overall health number, and in which cities they would not be needed because there's already more health than the city size.
  9. Masquerouge

    Uncompleteable Familiar Exotics Quests (build Biofuel Plant in capital with no algae)

    I've had the issue too. Note that I have zero chance of getting access to Algae since I'm too far from the ocean.
  10. Masquerouge

    Sizing issue

    I'm playing on a 42-Inch TV. The resolution is 1920*1080. When I first started the game, it looked blurry and the video output was larger than the screen. I had to use the resize command on my remote to get the output fitted to the screen, but the game still looks blurryish. Anybody else...
  11. Masquerouge

    Happy Birthday Narz!

    Happy Birthday Narz :)
  12. Masquerouge

    What is the truth value of this statement

    Mise is wrong. The answer is yes. With the smartass mode off, I would say: it depends. ;)
  13. Masquerouge

    Congressman Weiner finally resigns

    I think I will never understand politicians who: 1. despite knowing that every single atom of their private lives is under the microscope, do stupid stuff like this 2. once caught, lie about it despite knowing that the truth will come out. Idiots.
  14. Masquerouge

    Can a long-distance relationship work?

    For me, no way. What I look for in a relationship can not be fulfilled by being long-distance.
  15. Masquerouge

    Wisconsin supreme court upholds anti-union law

    Agreed with Downtown. The true damage is not to the unions, but to Wisconsin's legislative process.
  16. Masquerouge

    Can women and men just be friends?

    I say yes, but it's easier when you're not single :)
  17. Masquerouge

    Favorite National Anthems?

    :lol: ... You are technically correct. The best kind of correct.
  18. Masquerouge

    Distorted self-perception in online dating

    Stay single. I can always "self-medicate" to people I find attractive :mischief:
  19. Masquerouge

    Favorite National Anthems?

    Godwynn, you're a cool guy and all, but the next time you quote something by Mireille Mathieu, it will be my duty to choke you to death while you burn in a fire :)
  20. Masquerouge

    Favorite National Anthems?

    Good taste in that thread. Add my vote to Russia's. So glad they finally saw the light and decided to reuse the USSR's anthem's music.
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