Favorite National Anthems?


Jan 9, 2011
Arlington, Virginia
What is your favorite national anthem? When I ask about this I am referring to how much you like the song, not how much you like the country it comes from.
Mine is a toss-up between the US and Russia. I also like France's a lot as well.
La mother-effing Marseillaise.

Ours is probably the worst. It woulda been awesome if we had used The Maple Leaf Forever without the crappy Orange hate speech, though.
Russia's national anthem obviously cannot be beat. Let's try to figure out what the 2nd best anthem is!

Britain, France, and Turkey all have pretty good anthems. American one is good but they play that thing at all sporting events, so I'm kinda sick of it.

Turkish anthem.. the rest are well known

Link to video.

Link to video.
Edit: Sorry messed up a tag but all better now.
Russia's takes the cake but I like the French, British, and American ones.
I've never understood why people hate the Canadian anthem so much. It's nothing spectacular, but awful?

Advance Australia Fair, now there's a weird anthem :p

Sorry to be trite, but the Russan anthem is the best.
I love the lyrics to the Spanish national anthem. :)
I've never understood why people hate the Canadian anthem so much. It's nothing spectacular, but awful?

its so droning and whiney. Every time I hear it I feel like Im in grade 5 again, singing it in the morning and waiting for its long ass elongated notes to end so I can sit the hell down.
We have had a thread similar to this before, that I started.

As then, as is now, my favorite national anthem was the USSR anthem.

I've never understood why people hate the Canadian anthem so much. It's nothing spectacular, but awful?
Well, it is from Canada so that is one point against it.... :p
My main reason for disliking it is that the first line is "O Canada". I expect something like that from some narcisistic sordid dictator, not a nation like Canada.
I don't mind the Canadian anthem but its not my favourite. I haven't listened to many, but Russia, USSR, Turkey and France all have great anthems. Neither Flower of Scotland or Scotland The Brave works as an anthem but are both good national songs.

I've never liked the US anthem that much.
Yeah, as warpus said this is really a vote for second best. The Russians pretty much nailed it when it comes to national anthems.

Neither Flower of Scotland or Scotland The Brave works as an anthem but are both good national songs.

Technically neither of them are our national anthem. The Proclaimers '500 Miles' still has a chance :p
You know, at risk of getting my ass kicked by my fellow Canadians, I wouldn't sell the Star Spangled Banner short... it's a pretty inspiring song.
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