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  1. T

    Possible partial cause of runaway AI

    Rampant steam-rolling has ruined a lot of games for me. I had Washington DoW on me, we fought in my territory for a little while and after I repelled his invasion he surrendered 5 cities and all his resources to me. It made no sense. Its even worse if the AI is dumping all its gains on other...
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    Why I think ICS was deliberately designed as an option

    I feel the same way. Spamming out cities at minimum hex distance from existing cities greatly dulls any unique look and feel a city should inspire. I would not, however, want to take away this option for people who enjoy this play style, instead I would opt for an option to set minimum number of...
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    Optional toggle for spaces between cities.

    How about adding the option to set minimum amount of hexes between cities ranging from 4 to 6(+vanilla setting). Almost every game all the AI behave exactly the same, spam, spam, spam and I hardly ever encounter a Civ with a small, robust, empire because they get overwhelmed by the spam.
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    Your 5 Improvements to make CiV a great game

    1. Stop the AI from spitting out suicide cities(the ones that are miles from their capital and pressed right against your border like a hungry cat)they are settlers/cities and not disposable strike bases! 2. Make an option to disable research treaties or make them require a higher level of...
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    Naval vs. Naval

    Caravels are not a warship, they are good for scouting and for hitting transport ships. To light up enemy naval ships like it was the fourth of July use 3 or more frigates, destroyers and or battleships together and focus fire. a pair of aircraft carriers with full fighters can also be...
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    Pathetic ironclads

    I tried one, seemed like a frigate gave much more bang for your buck. Its too bad considering the effort into the model. Its needs a lot more damage to be a competitive alternative to the frigate.
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    Research Agreements: Less random, more cooperative

    It's like the United States and North Korea entering a research treaty:rolleyes: I think you really need to have a favorable relationship to enter a treaty like this. I know I would work harder on diplomacy if one of the benefits was getting research treaties to go from gray to accessible in...
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    Research Agreements: Less random, more cooperative

    Good Ideas. I would just like to see research agreements more limited-ie requires open borders, cooperation pacts signed. As it is right now on bigger games research agreements are flying around like leaves in the wind and whole era's are literally leapfrogged.
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    An Intellectual Discussion About Leaders

    There are throughout history many leaders who did monstrous things to other civilizations and to their own. There are, however, very few leaders who truly were monsters...Adolf Hitler was one of those very few. He will never have nor merit any semblance of respect from the majority of mankind...
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    Big Issues with city defence/defence buildings!

    The simple truth is most players will not build walls or castles, that itself should highlight the need to re-think these buildings. I had already recommended that walls and castles increase the flat damage of the city bombardment feature as one option, but a hp buff to the city wouldn't be bad...
  11. T

    Caravel survives 2 battleships and a destroyer, sinks escorted armour.

    I was not a fan of one hit kills by naval units in Civ4. I am glad ships have to slug it out or overwhelm with superior numbers. As to the OP I reckon you could say the caravel only suffered glancing blows(totally cheesy I know)and managed to score a brilliant hit upon the ammunition stores...
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    Does the AI ever build real navies or air forces?

    I had a pretty big naval battle against Elizabeth while playing Washington. Frigates vs Ships of the Line. But I seldom see other Civs invest much in a navy.
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    Don't stand so close to me!

    I have a couple things I would like to address regarding AI placement and behavior. 1. Heavily populated matches where a Civ will march a settler across a barbarian dominated continent and other Civs just to plop their second city right on your cultural doorstep. I use to think they only...
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    They need to remove the Zero...

    OH NO! THERE GOES TOYKO! GOGO GODZILLA! Sorry, could not resist. But keep the zero and make the lizard the GDR replacement.
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    Cannot see existing modded saves when saving a modded game

    I have the same problem, but if you make a new save it will show up when you load up Civ V. What i do is make a new save every 25-50 turns or so, an example for you is Jap(mod) turn 101. When I log in to play I delete all but my last save.
  16. T

    No regenerate map + desert abundant starts.

    Seems like the hardest part of Civ's V is getting a decent game rolling. As the title explains, there is no regenerate map feature and having to select the desired options over and over only to get multiple desert tiles in your start-with abundant or legendary resources selected, as well as wet...
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    Economy Mod

    Fantastic mod! I was wondering something? I notice all too often Civs can easy steamroll other Civs and it seems to me that city defense is not quite up to snuff. Now i have no idea how it works but I was thinking that it would not seem unreasonable for city defense structures to add damage...
  18. T

    45 bad things with CiV that needs changing

    Under your starting the game category I would like to see added a (SAVE PREVIOUS SETTINGS) since there is no option to regenerate maps in the game. I can't express how infuriating it is to have to redo all the options and or ai civs if you happen to draw a series of bad starts. As an option...
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    Welcome New Members

    Hello all. I and my brother are longtime Civ fans and glad a site like this exist for mutual knowledge and power :crazyeye:
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