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  1. TempusSolo

    Played my first game last night...ugghhh....

    Played as a random civ (got England) on a complete stock Create Game at Prince Level. I lost on turn 51. I had only met one other civ and the game ended with my loss. I keep hearing about how easy civ 6 is. I'm not seeing it. I'm not even sure what the loss condition was but I thought it was...
  2. TempusSolo

    Not sure I've seen this faith bug posted

    BNW fully patched to current. Not sure the level matters but I'm on King right now. The issue is if you accumulate enough faith for a pantheon before you actually settle your first city, the game crashes if you try to select a pantheon. For instance, at king level this is 16 faith. I will...
  3. TempusSolo

    'Team 22' How do I dsiable AI team play?

    I like to roll completely random games from time to time. About half of the time, I get 'Team 22'. Not sure if its my system or the last patch but whenever I get an AI team, the game crashes after turn 1 - no exceptions so.... How can I completely disable getting an AI based team? Can team play...
  4. TempusSolo

    Just a quick question before I pull the trigger on this....

    Does G&K 'replace' the current installed Civ or is it a side-by-side expansion?
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