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  1. C

    Walls when Rexing?

    When REXing do you find it useful to build walls in your outlying cities early on? I'm running into some issues with double wars because multiple leaders are upset with my aggressive city placements. I usually dont have swords yet and there are only so many archers you can have defending a city...
  2. C

    Liberty Free Great Person Choice

    What are people finding works best here or is there really a flavor choice here now? The choices seem to be: 1. Use a Great Prophet to found a religion 2. Use a Great Prophet to enhance your religion 3. Settle a Great Scientist 4. Use a Great Engineer to rush a wonder What are...
  3. C


    I'm trying to win a domination game on Emperor with Denmark. My typical build order is scout->monument->warriors->GL->Oracle->production buildings/warriors until beserkers researched I finish the liberty tree and grab a GS to bulb beserkers. Its your typical chivalry rush adjusted to get...
  4. C

    Luxury Resource Imbalance

    I find that I am almost twice as successful when I begin a game with a mining luxury resource vs another type. It is even more of a disadvantage when you get fishing luxuries to open. With early war and science so critical at high levels it seems silly that the games outcome can be affected so...
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