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  1. Calyxx

    Potential Official Alternate Leaders

    There were many emperors who had non-Rome capitals, particularly in the later empire. Prime candidates for other capitals of the Roman empire would be Milan, Ravenna, or Nicomedia. An excellent alternate leader for Rome would be Diocletian, ruling from Nicomedia. Diocletian was an awesome guy...
  2. Calyxx

    DLC 6 Anticipation Thread

    There were definitely periods where Georgia supplanted the Byzantines as the defacto protectors of Christianity in the region - its an area of the world where general historical awareness is low, but that doesn't mean that Georgia is unimportant. I would love to see them in the game.
  3. Calyxx

    DLC 6 Anticipation Thread

    I agree. In fact, I'm not even sure what bonuses - if any - you receive for following another player's religion. Certainly I've never noticed them in any of the games I have played, and I usually just ignore religion. Having clear positive bonuses for following another civ's religion -...
  4. Calyxx

    Tech Pace

    I think the tech pace was way too fast in Civ V as well - it was my #1 complaint about the game. Civ VI seems, if anything, just as bad or worse in this respect. I would really like the cost of technologies / civics to be increased by about 50%, and have production costs either remain the same...
  5. Calyxx

    still not a word about my allied CS getting attacked

    Actually, I think Beyond Earth handled the notifications really well - and communication with the AI in general. Everything showed up in a list that you could click on to read anytime during your turn, and instead of interrupting the end turn with pointless "you are so weak" or "you are such a...
  6. Calyxx

    DLC 05 anticipation thread

    I would love to see a wonder for the Appian Way - infrastructure for sure, but it has had a huge impact on history. Then again, when I enter cathedrals - especially older ones - my main take away is "ancient people were pretty awesome engineers to be able to make something like this" - I don't...
  7. Calyxx

    DLC 05 anticipation thread

    This would be the ideal moment to have Talleyrand in the game.
  8. Calyxx

    DLC 05 anticipation thread

    I like the idea of Great Diplomats, but I'm not sure that these specific ideas for them would work well - maybe a three-ish turn ceasefire. Maybe something focused around envoys, or perhaps gaining permanent suzerainity of a city state regardless on envoy numbers (#1 in envoys would still get...
  9. Calyxx

    AI use of Air Force

    I think part of the problem might be that an airforce requires an enormous investment - you need to build an expensive district, then fairly expensive units. That is a lot of investment near the end of the game, when your production is likely better focused on actually winning.
  10. Calyxx

    DLC 05 anticipation thread

    Dr. Jackson's work deserves wider recognition.
  11. Calyxx

    New Content Coming to Civilization VI Digital Deluxe Edition

    Actually we have tons of letters on ruling philosophy between Trajan and (I think) Pliny the Younger. There are areas of Roman history where evidence is scant, but most of it (at least after Brennus' sack of Rome) is fairly well documented.
  12. Calyxx

    Current Civ and Leader Abilities Elimination Thread.

    Australia = 8 (7 + 1) All of their bonuses are excellent, and work really well together. I think Australia is the strongest. Aztec = 8 Aztec are likely second best, though its close. Germany = 10 (13 - 3) The Hansa is amazing, but that is really to only standout feature; I think not as...
  13. Calyxx

    Current Civ and Leader Abilities Elimination Thread.

    Arabia = 10 Australia = 12 (11 + 1) Aztec = 9 Germany 21 Russia = 8 (11 - 3) Australia is great, their bonuses work well together to give them a very powerful but different feeling game... and that 100% production bonus is nothing to laugh at. All of the remaining Civs are quite strong, but my...
  14. Calyxx

    Critique my early game

    Is this still true? My impression was that is was changed in the most recent patch, but I haven't been able to play enough recently to be confident in that statement.
  15. Calyxx

    Critique my early game

    It does seem like production is the main bottleneck in the early game - with high science, you can cover a lot of ground research wise and gain access to important districts/improvements/units - but if you are still working on getting basic infrastructure and settlers out, then you can't really...
  16. Calyxx

    Current Civ and Leader Abilities Elimination Thread.

    Arabia 16 (19 - 3) Things never seem to work out well for me when playing Arabia; I feel like I'm being stretched in too many directions at once. Australia 16 Aztec 20 China 14 England 7 Germany 26 Greece - Athens 1 Greece - Sparta 4 Macedon 17 Rome 11 (10 + 1) I think Rome might actually be...
  17. Calyxx

    Civilization depiction elimination thread

    America = 11 Arabia = 0 (3-3) ELIMINATED Japan = 5 Rome = 10 (9+1) Very good Rome, not the usual "here are a bunch of military units" approach Spain = 9
  18. Calyxx

    Critique my early game

    So it sounds like the consensus is not to worry about the tech rate - expand ASAP and catch up later. Skipping the campus in the capital, I can focus more on either military production or settlers - I'll likely feel even more behind, but the end result will be better. In a situation where an...
  19. Calyxx

    Civilization depiction elimination thread

    America = 10 (9 + 1) Best representation of the US in a civ game thus far. Arabia = 5 (8 - 3) While maybe Arabia under Saladin is depicted well, this doesn't do a great job of depicting the Calophate as a whole. Japan = 10 Rome = 12 Spain = 14
  20. Calyxx

    Civilization depiction elimination thread

    America = 16 (15 + 1) Arabia = 19 Aztec = 12 Germany = 20 India = 1 (4 - 3) Japan = 21 Rome = 19 Spain = 23 I really don't like how India is portrayed as just Gandhi. They have more history than nearly every other Civ, and its sad to see them continuously reduced to Gandhi + Elephants. While a...
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