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  1. M

    Like-minded players for a more relaxed/'historical' form of Civ VI multiplayer?

    I'm interested, but I won't be able to play multiplayer until december atleast
  2. M

    Germany Video

    The CS bonuses are also somewhat situational, so conquering a CS that is very beneficial to an enemy but has limited value to yourself might be a good idea. For example invading Jerusalem if it helps a player seeking to win a religious victory while you yourself don't have a religion.
  3. M

    Victory Condition Speculation

    In one of the BAStartGaming gameplay videos, domination victory is shown to be the same as in Civ V. You win if you capture all capitals. :( [at 11:52] This is probably the first gameplay decision i'm dissapointed in, domination would be so much more...
  4. M

    Coastal Cities. To build or not to build?

    There might be additional naval bonuses for coastal cities, for example a construction bonus for ships, even if you have a harbour district.
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    New First Look Video: Builders

    Hm in this video there is an encampment right next to a city-tile. Didn't they say in some interview it has to be built at least two tiles away?
  6. M

    No more....DLC!!!

    Because games have become much much more expensive to make. Even if sales Numbers have gone up, spending money on game development for several years before you can get any income back is a huge risk.
  7. M

    America - Theodore Roosevelt Thread

    Two things I haven't seen mentioned: 1. Domestic tourism is seen. (although that might just be how close the ai is to winning) 2. Instead of an eureka condition for the technology it says: "boost only through great scientist or spy" implying great scientists can still be used to boost a...
  8. M

    Civ6 Live stream in 12 mn (3PM EST)

    From a print screen i took: Military policies Survey - Double experience for recon units Discipline - +5 combat strength when fighting barbarians Retainers - +1 Amenity for cities with a garrisoned unit Maritime industries - +100% production towards ancient and classical era naval units...
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