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  1. O

    [MODULE] odmod

    This is a collection of changes that are so small that they're not worth making a separate module for. Download v1.1 Event Changes: Sign of Amathon costs 250 gold for the prophet Sign of Ceridwen costs 250 gold for the prophet Goblin Waste event disabled Gorilla, Wolf...
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    [MODULE] Populated Cottages

    Following an idea by Kraydak, this module tries to make Cottage-line improvements seem more like small population centres. They give a free specialist in nearby cities. Installation Run the file Populated Cottages 1.0.exe . Alternatively download the source manually from Google Code...
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    [MODULE] Scions Healthcare

    I got tired of all the useless health buildings in my build queue as Scions of Patria. I know they are there so you can combat Unhealthy Discontent before Sorcery, but their names still annoy me. Why would Scions have an infirmary? Just die already and accept the Emperors Gift. Why waste...
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    [MODULE] Research Grant

    Research Grant I think Mages and Archmages gain experience too slowly, unless they are in the field personally kicking butt. This module adds a way for builders to get new levels. In cities you can give arcane units a research grant, a promotion that will, over time, convert...
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    [MODULE] Golem Workshops

    Golem Workshops In Fall from Heaven golems are utterly expendable shock troops, or possibly fireball shooting utterly expendable shock troops. I think this is a bit unfair to golems who, in stories, tend towards pacifism, industriousness and a lack of imagination. This module adds some...
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    [MODULE] Reformed Liches

    Reformed Liches Better dying through unholy rituals This module changes liches to using a phylactery, an object of some sort that keeps their soul safe while their body is out, kicking babies and takin' names. Should their body somehow be destroyed, it causes only minor discomfort as they...
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    [MOD] Modular Python

    modular python The this is a beta release so expect bugs and non-existent documentation. What do you want to mod in a modular fashion but have been unable to because it requires python? Is there anything about using this mod that is needlessly complicated? v.5 is for Fall Further 051 B v.7...
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    The size of huge stacks

    For all stacks there are one to seven dots that show how many units there are there. The strongest unit and number of units gives a good approximation of the threat level of a stack. However, while one dot means one unit, two means two units et cetera; seven dots only means that there are...
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    Religous Settlers

    I recently noticed one of my settlers had a religion, the same way all units have a chance to get a religion. I thought it would be a nice perk if that religion automatically spread to the city founded by the settler. It didn't though, which is why I'm suggesting it here.
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    Alternate Scion Awakening

    I'm not entirely happy with the current mechanics for awakening. A bit to random for my taste, and the absolute ceiling of 30 population fills me with dread. So I suggest this alternate system. Each turn there is a chance that an awakened spawns. That chance starts at 10%. +5% under...
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    Sorcery tinymodmod

    Recently there was a suggestion to move Sorcery before the mana techs, in order to delay the advent of non-palace mana. I thought it sounded like a good idea, so I decided to try it out. Just unzip the file to your FFH2 mod directory.
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