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  1. T

    Why does the game company not give away detailed information about the game math??

    I've got the impression that the details of game rules regarding corruption etc. have been figured out by dedicated players by a tiresome trial and error process. Does it really have to be this way? Wouldn't it be much simpler if the game company makes official all details that game gurus would...
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    Has any CIV3 player ever found helicopters valuable??

    OK, maybe I asked this a year ago or so, but I just have to ask again. Has any of you players ever faced a game situation where a helicopter was the best unit to build?
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    Does anyone ever use republic on high difficulty?

    Is there any situation on high difficulty (Emperor+) where republic is preferable instead of monarchy?? After all, unless you play aggressively on high difficulty you will soon be toast, and republic is only good for small peaceful empires, right?
  4. T

    Does the AI civs mood affect their offers?

    Afaik the moods are from most positive to most negative: gracious -- polite -- cautious -- annoyed -- furious Let's say you trade something with an AI civ. Will he give you a better offer if his mood is more positive, or is the amount of gold etc. he offers independent of his mood?
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    Does "Take this deal or suffer!" ever work??

    I've tried now and then with "Take this deal of suffer!" during diplomacy negotiations, but the AI civs never seem to give in to it. Does it EVER work??
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    Cultural Conversion

    I've realized that cultural conversions of conquered cities to the enemy is a big problem on higher difficulty levels (emperor+). Since the AI civs cheat on those levels they most often have a cultural advantage, and after you've captured their cities you have to be very careful so they dont...
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    What's the best tactics to get high score?

    Is there some supreme way of playing if you want to get as high score as possible? Fast conquest? Diplomacy victory? Does it matter? And is there some optimal map/difficulty level etc. to get high score? I'm not very familiar with these things, because I'm more into getting as powerful as...
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    Culturally linked neighbours??

    I think I read somewhere that neighbouring civs would be culturally close to your own civ (that is correspond to the real world situation) so that for example Americans, Iroquios and Sioux starts close to each other. I also think this was actually the case in version 1.12. I've been playing 1.15...
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    Does anyone know how Top Citites and Demographics are calculated? In particular I am confused about the "military service" value. What does it mean?? I always seem to get low rank on that, but I have no idea why.
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    Failed air dropping

    I used bombers to take out all defense of an enemy city. Then I tried to air drop some parachuters into the city (it was on another continent). I tried maybe 8 air drops and every time I got "air drop failed". Then I tried the same thing on a nonoccupied enemy square with radar tower. Same...
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    (NAB: FEATURE) AI civs popping up in diplomacy screen

    I have version 1.15. I played Babylonians on a big map. At 1340 AD I knew 3 other civs (and a fourth I had erradicated). Then, suddenly at 1345 AD, without any obvious reason, the remaining 3 civs popped up in the diplomacy screen. I hadn't traded world maps or contacs or anything and didn't see...
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