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  1. Dubai Vol

    Rioting in Alabama

    reporting what I read on another board: No discussion topic, and false report in the first place, thread closed.
  2. Dubai Vol

    Contest: Spot the first "Don't Blame Me, I Voted For cCain" Bumper sticker

    They are already printed and waiting, and I expect they will be on bumpers everywhere within minutes of the polls closing. A cookie to the first person to spot one in the wild! Two cookies for a pic!
  3. Dubai Vol

    I can't figure this one out

    A fish resource, outside all cultural boudaries, with fishing boats on it. Okay, IF there had been a city on the pig square at some time, then it's posible that the fishing boats could be there, but the graphic shows the tile being worked, hence the little boat. So how is that possible? I'd...
  4. Dubai Vol

    Vote yes or no on the bailout

    You won't get a vote that counts, but here's a chance. Bush says taxpayers "must" support the bailout, and congress is going to pass it, so you're stuck. But here you get to vote. Should the Congress vote $700 Bn to bail out Wall Street? Keeping it simple, just yes or no.
  5. Dubai Vol

    Video of Palin speaking at her church

    Maybe you have seen it. If not, I hope you will watch and comment. This was June, 2008.
  6. Dubai Vol

    For any Formula 1 fans here

    As you are aware, Max Mosely has been confirmed to continue as FIA president. I spent a couple of hours last night writing emails to all the teams AND all their main sponsors, telling them that I am boycotting them and their products specifically because they are affiliated with the FIA. Let...
  7. Dubai Vol

    Saudi potatoes or Chinese potatoes, a shopping dilemma.

    I just got back from the grocery, and was faced with a choice: Saudi potatoes or Chinese? And so I'm there in the vegetable aisle trying to decide which regime is more oppressive (as you do :D ) and wondering, as an aside, where I could usefully post this dilemma on CFC (as you do :D ) There...
  8. Dubai Vol

    Anti-submarine warfare late game

    Hey, I tried search, and it sneered at me. So we all know stealth destroyers are broken. So I started looking around for anything that can see subs late game. According to their entries, seems like nothing can. Attack subs doesn't mention seeing subs, tho it gets +50% vs subs, so can an...
  9. Dubai Vol

    Recycling at gunpoint

    OK, not quite, but California wants to charge shoppers 25 cents a bag to discourage use of plastic bags. I'll be the first to admit that this is the only thing that would make me recycle the bags and it does work. The nearest...
  10. Dubai Vol

    UAE troops in Afghanistan

    From the BBC:
  11. Dubai Vol

    Women in Iraq were better off under Saddam

    From yesterday's local paper: Just as I've said all along, the worst thing the US could do is demand "democracy" in Muslim countries. The first thing they do is enslave their women. Thank goodness I live in a dictatorship!
  12. Dubai Vol

    My 1st dogfight, what the...?

    So I finally had a fighter dogfight, alright! Been looking forward to this! Sent my combat 4 fighter on a fighter sweep against a single combat 2 fighter flying CAP over an enemy city. My guy goes down in flames (without even a cool graphic as consolation) and not a scratch on the defender...
  13. Dubai Vol

    Could YOU solve a quadratic equation to save your life?

    Came up on another thread: if you had to, could you solve a simple quadratic equation? I learned how 30 years ago in school, and just sat down and did one. Straight up-or-down poll, no radioactive monkeys, sorry :blush: Here's one: No need to spoil it with the answer, but discuss it...
  14. Dubai Vol

    Calls for another boycott of Denmark grow.

    Again Muslims call for boycotts of Denmark. Danish manufacturers did not print the offending cartoons, why punish them? When Israel sanctions Palestine over terrorist acts, Muslims scream "Mass punishment! Unfair!" But now they want to punish innocent manufacturers for something they had nothing...
  15. Dubai Vol

    Have coal, but not getting credit?

    I'm confused, maybe someone can have a look at this save and tell me that I'm stupid. Use short words. :) Problem: I have a coal mine, and in the "Resources" screen of the diplomacy window, when I scroll over other...
  16. Dubai Vol

    Happy Guy Fawkes Day!

    Just gone midnight here, so excuse me if I start celebrating four hours early. For those not familiar: And, um, it also happens to be my 46th birthday. I know I'm not important enough to rate a birthday thread, but any well wishes are welcome. Beer's on me! :beer: If by some chance...
  17. Dubai Vol

    Sell me on BtS

    as it says. I have Warlords, why should I buy BtS?
  18. Dubai Vol

    Feeling the need for an "auto-pillage" button!

    So I'm feeling cultural, 50 turns from victory, and sure, I could just hit "enter" 50 times, but I built that big, shiny army and it's just going to waste! So Hannbial barges in on my meditations with some demand or other, and it may be the thinnest excuse for war since, uh, I'll leave that one...
  19. Dubai Vol

    Historical irony at its finest!

    So the time has come to declare war on Japan. Diplomatic relations have become increasingly tense, and trade has been suspended. So the only question is, how do I go about starting the war? Oh, gosh, it just seems only appropriate that the first inkling the Japanese receive is when my...
  20. Dubai Vol

    Selling city improvements (I tried search!)

    Is it just impossible? I'm conquering cities with coal plants and drydocks I don't want. I don't care if I get nothing for them, but is there a way to destroy a city "improvement" that I don't want? Or are they like Superfund sites and I'm doomed to the ill health effects forever? I really...
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