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  1. W

    First Build Worker or ? revisited

    It has long been pretty much accepted that for the fastest expansion and growth, build workers first (mostly). But has anyone ever compared the tech research difference between letting a city grow to size 2 to 4 first? I recently played a game where I built 4 scouts first for rapid hut...
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    AI Suggestion for Settling - what am I missing?

    Time after time the AI puts up it's blue circle to suggest the best place to settle. What I can't figure out is why it NEVER suggests settling on the desert square, which is essentially worthless for anything else.
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    Desperation Strategies

    Ever been in one of those games where things are going just great, and then your friend and buddy Montezuma turns on you? And you are 19 techs ahead but only have 1 archer in each city? Well, out of sheer desperation, I bribed all but on of the other 6 civs to declare war on him. :lol: I...
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    What is the best early plunderer?

    Once in a while I get a situation where the best way to stop or slow down an attacking civ is to reduce all his towns, mines, etc to rubble as fast as possible. I have been using cheap fast moving units, like chariots, but was wondering if there is a better way - for example, cavalry can move...
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    My Favorite Cheating Strategy (Prince)

    1. Play one of the leaders with FIN + some other useful trait. 2. Raging Barbarians on a huge pangea with 3-5 other civs max. 3. Get the Great Wall and Pyramids asap, even if you have to chop every forest in sight. This often works to give you a stupendous advantage if you don't have a...
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    What is it about 1950 AD?

    Lately at Prince I have played several games where I had a substantial lead around 1500 AD to 1800 or so. But then around 1900-2000 the AI's really start to spike upwards. Just finished one game where at 1500'ish the score was something like me 2300, next AI down was 1500. And I was at least...
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    Four Continent Game Won in 2460 BC !!

    Never saw this happen before. Was playing 4 civs, prince, 4 continents, raging barbarians. At 2460 BC I get a message that I have won.... It seems like since I was the winner to build the Great Wall, all 3 other civs got wiped out by Barbs :lol:
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    Did I miscount Resources?

    Just started a new game, and I count 11 resources in the city square (some don't show up til later, like horses) I have never ever seen a map with this many resources for one city. SIX gems... Save file attached - this is Prince, Pangea, 11 civs, always peace, no barbs (am going for an...
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    Artist Wars

    I was fooling around with Worldbuilder today and just for grins made 4 great artists (game at that point had 6 cities). I put them in the 4 cities closest to other civ cities and added them as specialists (not culture bombs) by 1500 or so, everyone of the other civ cities had flipped...
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    Peace In Our Time

    Does anyone ever play "Only Peace" games? I have never tried one, but it seems the strategy would be much different, as obviously the Kill your neighbor options are out. And I suppose you could pretty much ignore military except for riot control in cities.
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    How stupid can an AI be?

    In a game today I was in a permanent alliance with Catherine, and we were both FAR ahead of all others in tech. We were both around 4000, Frederick at 3100, and Eliziabeth at 1700. Between Catherine any myself we had all of about 2.5 contintents covered. And Lizzy declares war on us... :lol:
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    Asoka - How did he do this?

    I played a 4 huge continents (Prince) game last night, and at around 1850 two of us - myself and Mansa, were around 3000 score. Alexander was around 1500 ( he spend too much time starting wars with all of the other civs). But Asoka was at 6300... Lucky for me I was on good terms with him.
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    I hate Defense Pacts

    How many times has this happened to you... You agree to a defense pact with some civ. Two turns later they sign a peace treaty with that civ. You sit there holding the bag still at war :eek:
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    Odd Strategy To Try - Religion Monopoly

    OK, for a change of pace from the usual warmongering I am trying something .. well, STRANGE. Start with Ghandi (Asoka would probably work also), make beelines for ALL the religions (you can get 3 really fast, even before you build a barracks), so that you have (at least in theory?) tons of...
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    Is a decisive win possible?

    I have played 100+ games on Noble, and win probably 2/3 of them. However, I have NEVER gotten what I would call a "decisive win" - that is, where I simply trounce all or most other civs militarily. (unless I do something like a very early rush against 1-2 city civs, which is boring after the...
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    The "Jungle Exploit" (sort of)

    OK.. I did a custom world last night, and chose "Tropical", which gives a lot of jungle. Noble difficulty. Jungle takes a while to clear, so you need more workers than usual. It seems that the AI only makes a set number of workers, not based on terrain much, but based just on unworked land...
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    Starting new cities on a desert

    From what I understand, a new city started on ANY square will get the minimum amount of food and hammers to grow to about size 3 at least. Since desert squares are essentially useless otherwise, unless they have a resource, does it make sense to NOT build on a good square that is next to a...
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    Growing with Barbarians

    Ok.. had this happen in a couple of recent games. (Noble level) My strategy was basically found city, make worker, then make barracks, then one archer (usually) for defense, then make about 3 more cities, all with barracks. 1 or 2 archers is sufficient for defense, since all the barbs have is...
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    What's with Genghis Khan?

    Ok.. Large world, 8 civs. Time is around 1600 AD, I am FAR ahead of all civs for culture, land area, wonders, number of cities, etc etc. Off in the distance is this pipsqueek Mongol with about half the number of cities that I pretty much ignore, since he is like #7 on the list of 8...
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    Playing Partners With AI Civs

    For those that don't know, you can play partners or teams with the AI. On the CUSTOM game, you will see a list of players (or randoms), you are #1. You can set other civs to the same number, and you will be partners with all those civs with the same number as you. If you set all the other...
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