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Version 3.6, problems and...


Dec 15, 2010
First I'll say it in Spanish and then put the translation into English ...

1.-Ya no salen las imagenes al nacer un gran personaje.

2.-Si tomo como base una partida de 1000 turnos (facilmente alcanzable y superable en partidas de 1 jugador), el nuevo sistema de autoguardado me generara 200 megabytes de basura por partida (cálculo promedio y a la rápida). No es nada logico pensar que todo el mundo lee tu complicado Changelog, y no es logico pensar que una informacion tan importante como la de la generacion de esa "basura" vaya a ser encontrada por un jugador comun y corriente de CIV en dicho changelog. Las informaciones importantes deben estar en un lugar importante y no sepultadas en cualquier lado. Deberia estar dicha informacion bien detallada en un sitio a la vista y bien claro como modificar la opcion. No todos los jugadores de CIV (o del juego que sea) se dan el trabajo de cambiar configuraciones directamente desde los archivos, y una gran parte no se atreven a hacerlo... O al menos dejar el autoguardado por defecto cada 8 o 10 turnos y no cada 1.

3.-La informacion está desordenada

Los 2 botones enermes que encerré en rojo, mas que ayudar molestan debido a su mala ubicacion. Deberian poder mostrarse o no (a voluntad del jugador) o moverlos quizas a la parte superior central, tal como la siguiente foto de otro mod.

4.-A veces se buguea la informacion y muestra en texto y en animacion al lider equivocado, cuando el lider nuevo es otro...

5.-Construi mi Palisada, y al rato podia construir mas y mas, quizas indefinidamente...

6.-Falta traduccion al español... Todos los mods "decentes" como por ejemplo CCIV, FfH, Revolution, etc. pueden jugarse sin necesidad de cambiar a idioma ingles todo el juego. Y muchos de ellos tienen traducciones bastante aceptables. Supongo que la idea de hacer un Mod es que la mayor cantidad posible de gente lo juegue y le guste. No estas logrando eso con la gente de habla hispana, y para ellos (yo incluido, aunque entienda mas o menos bien el ingles) este mod no pasará de ser solo uno mas del monton al no incluir aunque sea una mínima traduccion.

7.-No consigues nada con poner que eres una persona educada y seria si dentro del juego cometes un error tan horrible como ponerle a Francisco Franco musica de origen andino (error en V 3.52, no se si sigue en la 3.6). Esa musica es tipica de pueblos del norte de Chile, o de partes de Peru y Bolivia. No tiene nada que ver en absoluto con Francisco Franco que era Español. Cuidado, yo no soy Español y sin embargo encontré feisimo el error. Imagina como se escandalizaria un español... Es el mismo error de, por ejemplo, los Estadounidenses que suelen decirle "America" a su pais y no se detienen a pensar que America es un CONTINENTE y no solo un pais. Pareciera que no saben que America esta dividida en 3 partes y se creen el centro de todo cuando en realidad son menos de 1 tercio del todo. Es error tipico de gente que cree conocer otras culturas y la verdad sabe poco... España y SudAmerica no son lo mismo, solo unas cuantas coincidencias de idioma.

8.-Aun me pregunto ¿como es posible?. No entiendo por qué en ninguna de las 2 descargas (la antigua version 3.52 ni la actual 3.6) puedes hacer algo tan sencillo como hacer coincidir los numeritos que indican el tamaño real del archivo a descargar con lo que tu dices que hay que descargar... Es algo basico... Con esos errores estás desde el principio haciendo dudar a la gente. Es bien desconcertante ver que el autor dice que la descarga son por ejemplo 510.000 kb. y luego al descargar el archivo ver que son solo 495.000 kb... Uno piensa "esto esta mal?", "estará dañado?", "como puedo confiar en alguien que no sabe ni lo que pesa el archivo que el mismo creó?"...


1.-Do not leave the images to be born a great character.

2.-If I like a game of 1000 base shifts (easily meet and exceed the 1 player games), the new autosave I generate 200 megabytes of garbage per game (average calculation and fast). There is nothing logical to think that everyone reads your Changelog complicated, and it is logical to think that such important information as the generation of this "junk" is to be found by a common and current player in the changelog CIV. The important information should be in an important and not buried anywhere. Such information should be well documented in a site to look at and very clear how to modify the option. Not all players CIV (or game that is) are given the job of changing settings directly from the archives, and much dare not do it ... Or at least leave the default autosave every 8 or 10 turns and not every 1.

3.-The information is disorganized

2 buttons circled in red, rather than bother to help because of poor location. Should be displayed or not (as desired by the player) or maybe move to the top center, as the following picture of another mod.

4.-A bugue times and displays information in text and animation to the wrong leader when the new leader is another ...

5.-built my Palisada, and soon he could build more and more, perhaps indefinitely ...

6.-Lack translation into Spanish ... All mods "decent" such as CCIV, FFH, Revolution, etc.. can be played without having to switch to English language throughout the game. And many of them are quite acceptable translations. I guess the idea of making a mod is that as many people to play it and like it. Are not making it to the Spanish-speaking people, and for them (myself included, although more or less understand English well) this mod will not be just a lot more than it does not include even a minimal translation.

7.-Do not get anything to put that you are an educated and serious, in-game if you make a mistake as bad as Francisco Franco put to music of Andean origin (3.52 V error, not if it continues in 3.6). That music is typical of villages in northern Chile, or parts of Peru and Bolivia. It has nothing to do whatsoever with Francisco Franco was Spanish. Be careful, I'm not Spanish, but I found ugly error. Imagine how shocked a Spanish ... It's the same error, for example, Americans often say "America" to his country and do not stop to think that America is a continent and not just one country. Not seem to know that America is divided into 3 parts and create the center of everything when in fact less than 1 third of the whole. Error is typical of people who think about other cultures and really know little ... Spain and South America are not the same, only a few matches of language.

8.-I still wonder how is it possible?. I do not understand why none of the 2 downloads (former or current 3.52 version 3.6) you can do something as simple as matching the numbers that indicate the actual size of the file to download with what you say you need to download .. . It's something basic ... With these errors are from the beginning making people doubt. It is well disconcerting to see that the author says that the download is for example 510,000 kb. and then download the file to see that there are only 495,000 kb ... You think 'this is wrong? "," Will be damaged? "," Like I can trust someone who does not know what the file weighs the same set?"...

I hope you understand ... Any mistake is not mine is from google :)

PD: jajaja acabo de ver que Google tradujo ESTADOUNIDENSE como AMERICANO. Por Dios, bueno, que se puede esperar de google si esta hecho por ellos mismos... No pienso traducir esto.
Thank you very much for these reports! Feedback is always appreciated, and I don't usually get a lot of it. :)

1) I switched from the system I had been using for a long time to the BUGPath file/folder/path code in 3.6, which I tested heavily in the new AutoSave feature, then used again here. I could've sworn I tested the GreatPersonScreen as well, but apparently not. This is indeed broken; I'm working on fixing it right now.

(I did warn you guys I was releasing 3.6 un-playtested due to how long the development had taken, and that there could be a few bugs as a result. Still, my apologies; this should've gotten tested.)

2) About knowing to edit the Options.ini file in the mod's root folder: I will mention this in the Stuff to Know thread and document the next time I update it. I have seen other mods before with config files here meant to be edited however, and all the various GlobalDefines files in the XML folder are also available if you really want to tweak something (like turning Lead From Behind off, for example).

That being said, I may add the Options.ini settings to the in-game Options dialog in the future, now that I've seen BUG do the same with its settings.

As far as the new AutoSave mod itself goes, as you read in the log, I couldn't quickly or easily enable a max file limit for the auto folders when doing it the new way. I personally play with autosaves every turn, and I also like to keep every autosave for the whole game til I'm done, even on 1800-turn games. But that's just me. I made the default setting "new system = on" mostly so you guys would notice it existed now, and "turn frequency = 1" just because I find that very useful and didn't see any harm. I apologize if it was an unwise choice for a default value, and I'll be happy to change it in the next version.

3) I disagree that the information is disorganized, or that the bars are badly placed. I have always preferred them where they are, which is why I put them there; I think putting them in the top-middle position, and moving and shrinking the research progress bar as a result, looks terrible.

As far as the information goes, the first number on each bar is the total number of Great People or Great Generals you have spawned in the game so far, whether they've been used already or not. Everything to the right of there is related to the remaining times and chances of spawning new ones, and these together convey lots of information in the small space available.

4) Nice little bug. Haha. Unfortunately I've never gotten more than halfway through a test game in a long time now for various reasons, so I never encountered this. It would technically be a bug with JDog's BBAI leader-switching code since I used that to implement the system. I'll look into fixing it soon.

5) Again, a result of releasing 3.6 un-playtested heh. My last-minute change of the Palisade over to Physical Defense, as several people had previously requested, has caused a complicated, unintended side effect: buildings that provide Physical Defense had been previously set to still be buildable after they expire because you might conceivably still want large amounts of cheap Physical Defense if your enemies are still pre-Gunpowder, even when your own units are now post-Gunpowder. But unlike the Walls, Castle and Moat, which are all designed to stack, the Palisade is designed to be obsoleted and replaced by Walls when you get to Masonry.

This is the only thing in your list that affects actual gameplay, and it may force me to release 3.6.1 as a small emergency update sooner than I'd planned, heh. Thanks for reporting it; saves me and Daryn from running into it in our game probably later tonight heh.

(It is not true that Palisades are infinitely re-buildable (I checked just to be sure). However they are completely removed from a city when Walls are built there, rather than just sticking around as an obsoleted building, because the Palisade and Wall graphics of actual wood/stone/etc around the city do not merge well at all, and look quite glitchy. This auto-removal when your Walls finished, combined with the above bug that incorrectly let you build it again after it was obsolete, is what you were seeing.)

6) I just discussed this issue in the main thread not too long ago. I do apologize, but as of right now the mod still only officially supports English. It mainly has to do with the fact that other mods either have a dedicated person going through and translating everything, or they just use what's provided with the custom content as it's originally released, and have many gaps in their language support/coverage as a result. I suppose I could do a decent-enough job with Google Translate, but that would take a lot of time to add because there are an awful lot of custom text tags in the mod at this point, and time is not something I have in abundance yet with this mod, heh.

(I don't even have all the English text tags in the mod yet that need to exist; I just added a bunch in 3.6, but the custom buildings and a few other things still don't have them, and a lot of the vanilla text tags need to be updated.)

7) Oops. No, it is definitely still that way in 3.6; I didn't even have time to add custom diplomacy music for the newest leaders this time (instead getting full use out of the vanilla tracks that I noticed had been blocked in a number of cases by the leader cycling).

Obviously I was wrong on this; can't argue that. I am not so ignorant as to think Spain and South America are the same in most ways however, so please don't jump to conclusions. I do admit to not knowing a lot about their two cultures when it comes to music, and the track in question was the one I personally liked the best out of the limited choices from the publically-posted diplo music packages on this site. So, not knowing better, I used it. I believe there were some more appropriate tracks available, but I didn't like how they sounded as much, so I figured it wouldn't do any harm to use this one. Any insult was unintentional, and I'll be happy to remove/change it in the next version.

8) I really don't understand what you mean on this one. A while ago I switched to listing the valid filesize in bytes (535,094,144) which is a precise/exact number, and will match the downloaded zip. Sizes shown in KB, MB and GB can be displayed differently by different operating systems since there are two ways to calculate them.

(It is unlikely a corrupted zip can be opened anyway, and a checksum is better for validation purposes, but the filesize in bytes is a quick and easy check people can make if they're having problems, so I mention it.)
Alright, I've fixed items 1 and 5. I want to fix item 4 if I can, do a few other minor things on my list, and maybe fill in the rest of the missing English text tags, but I will try to get 3.6.1 out as a bugfix update relatively soon.

(It will also include two XML things I mentioned in the other thread which I noticed right away after posting 3.6: the new units weren't included in the Aggressive/Tenacious/Seafaring production boosts, and the new iAIWeight values for critical defense techs were set way too low to be effective.)
About 8...



Version 3.6 Main Download (535.1 MB)


File Title: MongooseMod 3.6 (510.31 MB)

Gracias de nuevo por la rapida respuesta.
Siempre se agradece una persona que se mantiene preocupada aun despues de tanto tiempo de trabajo.
thanks again for the quick response.
Always thank a person who remains concerned even after working so long.
Sorry, still in my job, but now have more time...

Perdona si en algun punto te pareci un poco "antipatico", no fue mi intension. Y perdon si en el punto 7 parecio como si estuviera enojado, no lo estaba, para nada, a fin de cuentas no soy Español :p
Mejor detallo punto por punto algunas cosas...

1.- OK

2.- OK, pero recuerda que no todo el mundo tiene computadores buenos con gran espacio en disco duro y el no ser sumamente claro en esto puede ocasionarle a mas de alguno problemas de espacio, y ni siquiera sabran el por qué. No todos leen todo.

3.- Vi hace poco una screenshot tomada con tu computador (supongo), y ahora entiendo por que piensas que esta todo ordenado... Mi computador no es del todo bueno xD solo 2 ghz y menos de 1 giga en Ram. Mi video tampoco es de lo mejor y por lo mismo solo puedo jugar en 1024 x 768, y como ves en mis fotos, está demasiado grande el espacio de los 2 botones, y debido a su ubicacion se mesclan con los textos de los eventos. En resoluciones mayores seguramente no hay problemas, pero insisto, no todos tienen buen computador.

4.- OK :)

5.- En realidad no se si dara el bonus defensivo una y otra vez, solo se que la construyo y unos turnos despues sigo pudiendo construir otra de nuevo.

6.- Lástima, hubiera sido bueno en español, pero entiendo que te guste trabajar solo y se que haces todo lo posible. De todas formas sigue siendo uno de los mejores Mods que he jugado, y el mas fluido (sigo pensando en mi computador :p muchos mods son buenos, pero con cargas largisimas nadie aguanta).

8.- Ver mi post anterior. Eso no tiene excusa jejeje :p


PD: te toca traducir a ti Lunar, ya me aburri de lo mal que traduce google, y eso que es el mejor. De todas formas algo nos entendemos.
Yep, translate.google.com is fun! :)

2) I'll probably leave the new system on by default, but change the default frequency to every, I dunno, say 5 turns?

(And like I said I'll also add a mention about the Options.ini file to the Stuff to Know document, which a lot of people do read judging by the view counts on the sticky thread heh.)

3) Ah, I see. Yep, that could be a problem. ;) If I have time I'll add a more minimal version for low resolutions in 3.6.1... shouldn't be too hard.

5) It's still very bad because, as I said, if you have a Palisade and Walls together in the same city at the same time it looks horrible graphically on the world map. Also you'll have 80% Physical Defense when only 50% was intended, and it'll slow the AIs down rebuilding another building. So I want to get 3.6.1 out as soon as possible to fix this.

(The same sort of thing happened with version 3.5 btw; there were a lot of bugs, but I playtested them out for 2-4 weeks first, and the first version released publically was actually 3.5.1 as a result. This one was taking so long though, and I was becoming exhausted working on it... and I honestly did think I'd caught all the bugs. Silly me. :p)

6) If anyone wants to go through and translate my text files I'd be happy to use them, just no one's offered to do that yet. ;) At some point I can probably add the Googlified versions myself, but not yet. (Though the Wikipedia entries are, I assume, written natively, so they should be better.)

8) Okay, admittedly that looks a little sloppy, so I'll fix it. However that's not really my fault. As I said, there are two ways to calculate KB/MB/GB/TB values that give two different results: one is bytes / 1024 which is technically correct, and the other is bytes / 1000 which is easier for people to understand and do in their head. The former is standard on Windows and the latter is standard on Macs. I got the 535.1 MB number by glancing at the zip while it was on my Mac. (I have two computers, heh.) The CivFanatics download page is showing the size as calculated with the Windows method.

(Hard drive manufacturers, on the other hand, always list their products' capacities using the Mac method, because it makes the drives seem slightly bigger than they actually are so they sell more of them. Ever formatted a hard drive, or any type of disc, and wondered why the available space shown by the computer was less than the advertised size printed on the box? This is why.)

Both methods show the same actual size, as long as you look for where the size is shown in bytes.
I wouldn't call this a "problem" as such but units will often "transform" their animation. so the ultra-cool mammoth unit will very often appear like just an elephant rider for a whiel and the nchange back into a mammoth when it moves. Not a huge deal at all, but your animations are so cool I'd like to see them all the time.

Also, as I'm sure you know, the new upgrades are a bit blurry. Again, not a huge deal, but if it's a quick fix it'd add a little extra polish is all.

Thanks again for the killer mod. If you want quotes for some techs, lemme know!
I wouldn't call this a "problem" as such but units will often "transform" their animation. so the ultra-cool mammoth unit will very often appear like just an elephant rider for a whiel and the nchange back into a mammoth when it moves. Not a huge deal at all, but your animations are so cool I'd like to see them all the time.

First of all, they're not my animations... I've made a few custom skins when I've needed them, but I don't make custom models or animations. Can't do everything myself. ;)

But yeah, this shouldn't happen. In fact in v3.6 I specifically disabled the ability to use the graphics option that disables unit animations, to prevent this sort of problem. So I have no idea why you're seeing it; they work fine for me.

I suppose it's remotely possible it doesn't correctly set the setting if you're coming into using the mod with it set wrong... Please try going into the in-game Options dialog, switch to the Graphics tab, and uncheck the "Animations Frozen" checkbox if it's on. (And if it wasn't on, try clicking it once anyway... The mod won't actually let you turn it on, but clicking it should force it to update the value.)

Also, as I'm sure you know, the new upgrades are a bit blurry. Again, not a huge deal, but if it's a quick fix it'd add a little extra polish is all.

I apologize, but I honestly can't tell what you're referring to when you say "the new upgrades are a bit blurry", lol.

Thanks again for the killer mod. If you want quotes for some techs, lemme know!

Actually, yeah, I'd be happy to get quote ideas for any techs that don't currently have quotes. Will use if I like em. :)
By blurry I mean...the glowing blue buttons are literally blurry...but only the "new" ones that have been added in the mod, not the traditional ones.

I did the :Animations Frozen" thing and it SEEMS to have cleared it up....awesome!

Lastly, is there any way to align unit icons "horizontally" along the bottom of the screen instead of vertically as they are now? I vastly preferred the horizontal (less intrusion on the gameplay screen and a bit clearer, for me).
By blurry I mean...the glowing blue buttons are literally blurry...but only the "new" ones that have been added in the mod, not the traditional ones.

By "glowing blue buttons", do you mean for choosing promotions when a unit gains a level? (I still don't know what part of the game or what part of the mod you're referring to, so I'm hazarding a guess hehe.)

Lastly, is there any way to align unit icons "horizontally" along the bottom of the screen instead of vertically as they are now? I vastly preferred the horizontal (less intrusion on the gameplay screen and a bit clearer, for me).

That's the PLE mod, which is one of the few external components I'm using that I actually haven't needed to tweak, update or rewrite in any way - I'm completely happy with it as-is hehe.

So to answer your question, yes there is, but this is part of the standard PLE mod and has nothing to do with MongooseMod specifically. There's a button with some little Tetris blocks in its icon, where the blocks are arranged in a couple rows or columns. It's one of the left-most buttons in the PLE interface area. When you click it it cycles through the various display modes it supports, which are: normal/vanilla ie no sorting, rows, columns, and some 4th mode I don't remember and didn't like. :p

(The rest of the PLE buttons are filters you can apply to only show certain types of units, and other fancy stuff like that. They're cool but I don't really use them myself.)
By "glowing blue buttons", do you mean for choosing promotions when a unit gains a level? (I still don't know what part of the game or what part of the mod you're referring to, so I'm hazarding a guess hehe.)

Yep! That's it.

Also, thanks for the help with sorting my unit icons....I'm probably of to bed now but I'll give it a shot tomorrow.
Yep! That's it.

Almost all the custom promotion icons were taken from external sources, and thus were not made by me. Some of them actually do match perfectly with the vanilla icons, and the rest are all close enough to be fine imo. I could go through and redo them myself, yeah, but it's pretty low priority given that they don't bother me personally, and the other big mods use the same ones pretty much.
Mas problemas con el autoguardado. De verdad me parece que no fue buena idea...
Este es otro juego, pero como los nombres de archivo se repiten vuelve a preguntar una y otra vez si debe sobreescribir. Por suerte configuré el autoguardado cada 8 turnos, pero finalmente me aburri y borre toda la basura, y fin del problema. Pero no todos sabran qué hacer y terminaran odiandote xD


More problems with the autosave. I think it really was not a good idea ...
This is another game, but as the file names are repeated again and again asking whether to overwrite. Luckily I set the autosave every 8 turns, but eventually I got bored and delete all the garbage, and end the problem. But not everyone will know what to do and you will hate xD

More problems with the autosave. I think it really was not a good idea ...
This is another game, but as the file names are repeated again and again asking whether to overwrite. Luckily I set the autosave every 8 turns, but eventually I got bored and delete all the garbage, and end the problem. But not everyone will know what to do and you will hate xD

I did specifically mention this was an unfortunate but unavoidable drawback to the new system, and to clear out the invalid files when you go back (and the whole folder when you start a new game). At least I think I mentioned that somewhere...

It is also why I provided the option to switch back to the vanilla autosave system in my config file, heh. I use the new system myself when playing just b/c I find the improved file names worth the extra hassle, but that's just me. I dunno, maybe I'll set it to be off by default; I just know if I do that then a lot of people who download the mod for the first time in the future will never know the new option even exists.

But yeah, you CAN go back to the normal autosave system if you want; as it says in Options.ini, just set the value to zero.
Okay, item 4 actually has nothing to do with JDog's leader-switching code; as one might expect from something of his, it's working fine. ;)

What's going on in the screenshot you posted Actkqk is actually a result of how the colony system works, and we always disable vassal states when playing so I never saw this. The vanilla splitEmpire() function is deciding on a "best" leader for the new (vassal) player it creates, then on the next turn my leader cycling code kicks in and assigns it the leader it should have based on where it is in the tech tree.

So this basically just means new (vassal) colonial empires will usually have the wrong leaders for one turn when they're created. Anyway, fixing it now. :)
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