SGOTM 13 - Gypsy Kings

I'm thinking about the 3rd workboat... the :hammers: on it are beginning to expire. I presume there is no MM strategy that builds WB before the worker? Or maybe get it out before the granary, and send it as far away as possible to hunt for AI?

FYI: Research formula is floor(floor(((1+cities)*ai_known/total_ai*0.3) * prereq_bonus)

Depending on the prereq bonus, each AI we meet that has knowledge of the tech we're going for is worth an extra 5-6% :science:.

Also, lets not forget the other benefits to exploring: mapping out our land for future city placement, and deciding on tech path.

I understand that an earlier workboat will likely lead to a slower Oracle, but is it worth the risk?
As soon as we found Fish Hills, I think we need to be doing binary research
I agree...will change PPP.

We do want faster growth in Fish Hills to get the Oracle faster, but there's a whole bunch of effects in play that will have to be managed later. In particular, Fish Hills only wants to put 44 on the granary before whipping on the turn before we tech Priesthood (T77), and next turn set that means running some coast tiles (for lack of anything better to do). The 44 come from seven turns on the FPH, and 23 from central tile (T77-T54=23), and the timing juggles to suit the capital and grow Fish Hills fastest. Also, while building the Oracle, Fish Hills wishes to regrow to size 4 only when it will be happy there. Since we don't have a second MP available, and we don't want to make the capital unhappy at about that time either, and we don't have a good Fish Hills tile to work at size 4 (i.e. one with on it), then we actually want to grow Fish Hills to 4 only on T92 (when the whip- expires) and then run citizens as needed to finish the Oracle ASAP.
This is the part I am a bit confused about. If we use our MP to bounce to Fish Hills before it goes red, we can grow to size 4 exactly when both mines are available to work. We still get a red face at T?? when we grow to size 5, but it is gone in 1 turn. We can whip the Oracle on T95 and overflow into WB for fish on T96.

Are you able to get Oracle faster than T95 somehow?

I'm thinking about the 3rd workboat... the :hammers: on it are beginning to expire.
They actually don't decay....the game "says" the will, bu the number of hammers in the box do not actually change for some reason.
I will look over the plan in more detail tonight, but I'm just wondering right now if we want to look a bit ahead to the 5th workboat. Since we probably want to put nets on 2nd city's fish asap.

Too risky to delay Oracle a turn or 2 and max overflow from Oracle whip?

Indeed, we do want a fast WB. After the Oracle, I was expecting Fish Hills to keep working the two mines to get out that WB in at most six turns (45/8 rounded up) while losing 1:food:/turn. The capital is building a settler at size 4, so all our good tiles are being worked, and no alternative plan can do this and get a faster WB without extra whipping.

My previous Oracle plan got that Fish Hills WB in 5 turns. I improved my Oracle tile-working plan today to get 5:hammers: overflow after the Oracle, to get that WB in 4 turns.

Since the rate at which we can put hammers on a workboat is the same as we can do on the Oracle, there's no advantage to delaying the Oracle to transfer those hammers to the workboat. Neither is it worthwhile to get the WB early (unless CC is bored! impossible!) since we can't work the fish until 2 turns after the Oracle builds.

I'm thinking about the 3rd workboat... the :hammers: on it are beginning to expire.

They look like they're expiring, but if you play it out, they don't yet. That is true of the hammers on the barracks, too.

I presume there is no MM strategy that builds WB before the worker?

The max overflow off the settler is currently going to build nearly half the worker, so that we can whip the worker the next turn once the normal :hammers: go on also. We *could* put those hammers onto the workboat instead, which will build straight away, putting some irritating food into the box, then whip out the worker ASAP. That delays the worker by 5 turns (once you consider the overflow effects). If we were to keep the worker plan the same, that's 5 turns slower on each of the three improvements for Fish Hills, so naively 10:food:+15:hammers:. Call that 3-4 Oracle turns. However we'd probably skip the three turns on the corn road and not have to temporize one turn on a FPH road, so that probably picks up a turn on the Oracle at cost of some food in both cities (no corn => :yuck: at size 5/4 respectively). So it is an option worth considering.

That delay does jeopardize our 1000:science: from Oracle->MC. Izzy without marble (IIRC) has built Oracles in the T90-99 range in some of my test games. Later times are more common, though.

Or maybe get it out before the granary, and send it as far away as possible to hunt for AI?

In the abstract, the granary is our best building. The earlier map knowledge we gain also has a value (albeit unknown and wide-ranging). This is tough. We'd like to be 2-whipping the capital about T80, when the double-whip :mad: expires and we're at size 4 again. Meanwhile we've only put about 28:hammers: on the build item, and haven't researched Sailing yet. So the only T80 2-whip available is the granary, and that gets the fourth WB out T92. One-whipping the WB at T80 means we regrow fast to 4, and then the granary is 2-whippable with max overflow about T89, but we haven't teched Sailing yet and we don't necessarily want to snowball the whip-:mad: yet.

We can reasonably gain about 12 turns exploration by compromising the granary by at least 9 turns, and compromising CC to some other degree (doing several undesirable 1-whips, adding extra whip-:mad:, or something) and maybe delaying a forge or the third city, which would be delaying a 3-wonders run or a Duckweed-Pyramids.

What would we do differently if we found Ragnar's capital close by with our WB on T90 compared with T102? Joao's capital? Met someone's WB? Found a big ocean 6 tiles away?

Both alternatives are risky. I think we're best losing the 12 turns of exploration. That does come with the reward of faster growth to offset the potential costs of slower research. In my test games I did legitimately have time to find city sites with the combination of the exploring WB and short galley expeditions (e.g. we already know we can settle the stone usefully even without a food supply, the clam on its own would be acceptable, maybe even marble without food is good enough if we plan GLib, NEpic and HEpic). Our explorers are never likely to definitively prove we're isolated in time for us to react (and the first one might go the wrong way entirely when we aren't isolated).

FYI: Research formula is floor(floor(((1+cities)*ai_known/total_ai*0.3) * prereq_bonus)

Depending on the prereq bonus, each AI we meet that has knowledge of the tech we're going for is worth an extra 5-6% :science:.

Worth knowing, thanks. There's still a big random component on how many turns we might know AIs while doing relevant tech, however. There's another big random component on how much jeopardy we'd be accepting on the Oracle or expansion, too.
My plan gets granary, WB, Galley, Lighthouse, Settler (in that order) with one chop and 2-pop whips at T80, T93 (just when sailing comes up), and T99 (or later if you want more overflow off the Settler).
Were we still interested in getting a Forge up ASAP to try and get a GE before a GProhet? If so, then we need to look at the builds in CC to try and time the last 2 pop whip to coincide with the Oracle completion in T95 so we can start a Forge with a nice overflow on T96.
Updated PPP

Techs - Main change is switch to Binary research with founding of C2 on T54.
2 turns at 0% followed by run to Priesthood at 100%
Mysticism -> Polytheism for this set

Civic Changes

Clam Chowder
Settler gets whipped when save is opened
Overflow from Settler whip goes into worker > worker whipped T53
Resume WB#3

City#2 Founded T54
Starts Granary

Unit Moves
Settler > moves to 3E site > Settles on T54
Worker moves and farms corn > roads corn > moves FPH > roads FPH for 1 turn only > starts mine FPH

Tile Management
2 pop whip to size 2 on T51
T51 Size 2: 2 clams (building settler)
T52 Size 2: 2 clams (building worker)
T53 1 pop whip worker
T53 size 1: 1 clam
T54 size 1: 1 clam (building WB#3)
T63 size 2: 1 clam + FPH to speed WB#3
T68 Size 2: 2 clams when available

City #2
T54 Size 1: 1 clam (building Granary)
When Corn Farm is complete (T61)(still size 1) switch to farm to speed growth by 1 turn. Alternate choice is to have CC work farm and grow 1st.
T62 now size 2: 1 clam + corn farm
T68 now size 3: 1 clam + corn farm + FPH or PH mine when completed

Stop Criteria
Meeting an AI.
Barb galleys. (shouldn't happen )

Other Stuff / General Thoughts
Are you able to get Oracle faster than T95 somehow?

I can whip it on T94 to build on T95. I've always been citing build times where not stated. I think you are saying your suggestion is a turn slower than that.

This is the part I am a bit confused about. If we use our MP to bounce to Fish Hills before it goes red, we can grow to size 4 exactly when both mines are available to work. We still get a red face at T?? when we grow to size 5, but it is gone in 1 turn. We can whip the Oracle on T95 and overflow into WB for fish on T96.

There's very little value to the Oracle for being at size 3 or 4 early - you eat more food than you get useful work. The best you can do at size 4 is work corn+Pmine+Gmine+citizen, and to get that citizen you had to work corn+nets rather than corn+Pmine, or corn+nets+Pmine rather than corn+Pmine+Gmine.

We get about 49 overflow hammers on entry, 30 from chopping and 45 from the final 2-whip. So there's 225-49-30-45=101 non-cheesy hammers we have to put out. Because our fourth population is not very useful (eats more than they produce!), that's fastest if we maximize the time spent working mines while having enough food to get to size 4 just in time to whip. Note that we need the equivalent of at least 14 turns on both mines to get those 101 hammers. Thus, the T77-T94 window leaves very little time for working clam nets. Thus, most of those hammers will go on at size 3, and we have to work corn+Pmine at size 2!

My suggestions:
Fish Hills while building granary T54-T77
  1. works corn farm whenever available
  2. works nets whenever available
  3. works 7 turns on the PFH
  4. works coast otherwise
to get 44:hammers: by T77 in time for the pre-Priesthood whip

Fish Hills while building Oracle T78-T94
  1. works corn farm always
  2. works just one turn on clam nets (necessary to grow to four by T94 at the latest; best at about T80-83 to sync with the CC whip while growing FH equivalently fast)
  3. works Pmine whenever available (one turn lost to work the nets)
  4. works Gmine whenever available (worker finishing is synchronized with growth to size 3 on T84!)
  5. (if there's any spare time, which there isn't) work Ghill or citizen or coast as appropriate
will allow 5:hammers: to overflow to a hypothetical workboat to get it out a turn earlier. Again, no room for error.

Because I'm minimizing the food required, producing zero extra food, and maximizing the hammers produced each turn, I do not think this can be improved upon.

Would a 3-whip help? Doing a speed-re-growth to 4, and then working corn+nets+Pmine+Gmine gives an excess of only 4:food:, so two further growths (22+24 to grow, plus more for eating at size 5) would take more than 10 turns. My spreadsheet computes that such an Oracle is 2-whippable at T96 (working coast with the 5th pop) or T95 (working citizen with the 5th pop), i.e. the third population for the whip is never available. Meanwhile, CC has never been able to use those nets, and has had its MP stolen. The problem is the same - population points above three are a waste of time(=:food:).
I see what you are doing now! Basically slowing growth for earlier hammers. That is very counter intuitive for me, as I have been so trained up that food is king, and always work the most food you can, especially if it is a food resource. All that being said, 1 turn earlier is 1 turn earlier and we should do it that way IMO.

I don't think it affects my turnset at all, but I will play with the test save to make sure nothing I am doing would prohibit that approach for the following set.
Were we still interested in getting a Forge up ASAP to try and get a GE before a GProhet? If so, then we need to look at the builds in CC to try and time the last 2 pop whip to coincide with the Oracle completion in T95 so we can start a Forge with a nice overflow on T96.

Yes, that's still a lively option, in my view. With stone, IIRC tests by bcool and I have shown Duckweed-pyramids finishing in comparable times (around T150) with GE-popped Pyramids.

Note that the T50-T52 double whip times out at T80 (say we 2-whip a granary, then slow-build the exploring WB to finish T92) which syncs nicely with another size 6 T94 2-whip (say on a galley) and T94 chop to overflow onto a forge. That regrows to 3-whip on T99 (with 23 overflow). We've over-whipped now, and haven't started a settler, but long-term we get our forge up. We still want monument and lighthouse before starting a Duckweed-wonder.

Note that Duckweeding a wonder with a forge is rather irritating. You cannot spend more than 2-3 turns on a settler if you want to 3-whip with max overflow. Basically, the forge translates into about an extra worker per whip cycle, or 90 more :food: into Fish Hills. That's going to force FH into Duckweeding, which means city 3 will bear the brunt of building warriors and workboats.

Assuming we have access to stone and not copper, Pyramids and Colossus are effectively the same size (375:hammers:). So, if we rush a forge, we can then plan the next 50 turns and see whether the GE pop or the Duckweed-build are fastest and prioritize accordingly - and we might have seen critical land by then.

Alternatively, forgoing (say) Colossus to hatch the GE to insta-build the Globe Theatre later (450:hammers:) saves about 25-30 turns slow-building it (two mines, two workshops caste+guilds+chemistry, central = 16:hammers:/turn, possibly during Golden Age). Long term, that's worth 15-20 drafted muskets, but for about the first 15 turns after we finish the GT, we can draft every single turn. So that kicks off the war faster, if we have the rest of the empire up to speed with boats and siege and pikes and spies (or whatever). Fortunately, we don't have to make this decision until about T150 when we've seen more of our land.
Nothing I propose to do up to T71 affects the T94 whip in any way as far as I can tell, so my PPP stands as stated in the post above (#385). As mab says, there is NO ROOM for error in the following set if we want to whip the Oracle on T94. Tile use MM will be critical in the following set.

As for some of our actions after the Oracle.

I think we need to get stone island explored and a city site located and settled ASAP.

EDIT: I am ready to play as soon as I get 2 more affirmatives making 4 of 7!
I see what you are doing now! Basically slowing growth for earlier hammers. That is very counter intuitive for me, as I have been so trained up that food is king, and always work the most food you can, especially if it is a food resource.

Yep. My early attempts didn't appreciate this either. The key points are
  • that we're not wasting food access because CC is (mostly) using it, and
  • we have no tiles that even break even on food at size 4 (normally you've got a Gforest or something you're happy to work while marking time)

FH could use a few more turns of nets around T81 (after CC whips) which grows to size 4 faster, but now we have to work citizens (eating that extra food!) to eke out enough :hammers: to whip T94. The lower usage of the Pmine slows the post-Oracle WB by a turn, too. Basically, we trade about 4:commerce: from working two more clam nets for a turn earlier of 5:food:2:commerce: working the fish. Easy choice - food is king! :lol:

I don't think it affects my turnset at all, but I will play with the test save to make sure nothing I am doing would prohibit that approach for the following set.

Yeah, I'd been keeping quiet on this so far because it I don't think it will affect your turn set. Please do play-test - I might have missed or mis-explained something!

Please note in your updated PPP, I think you imply that CC works nets+FPH on T67. I think that is best and I would like to be sure we do that rather than a turn on some poxy pre-granary Gforest :) The two early hammers keep their value, the value of the two early food gets about halved when the granary gets built.
As for some of our actions after the Oracle.

I think we need to get stone island explored and a city site located and settled ASAP.

Totally. The fourth WB out of CC is going SE-SE-SE-S for sure. If we end up following my plans (that WB is T92), that will make for a suspenseful pre-Oracle T94 turn stoppage while we discuss which way to go next with the WB! :eek:
Please note in your updated PPP, I think you imply that CC works nets+FPH on T67.
Yes...when CC grows to size 2 (T63 actually), it will work the FPH for a few turns until C2 takes it upon growing to size 3(T68).
PPP looks good to me. Been a bit busy, and focused civ time on knocking off all current XOTM to free up for when my turnset arrives.

Two questions:

Worker moves and farms corn > roads corn > moves FPH > roads FPH for 1 turn only > starts mine FPH
Presumably you are delaying starting the mine because you want the chop hammers to arrive at a particular time? And there is no advantage to chopping first and getting the hammers early? In part realates to Q 2 below ...

City #2
T54 Size 1: 1 clam (building Granary)
When Corn Farm is complete (T61)(still size 1) switch to farm to speed growth by 1 turn. Alternate choice is to have CC work farm and grow 1st.
T62 now size 2: 1 clam + corn farm
T68 now size 3: 1 clam + corn farm + FPH or PH mine when completed
Have we tested that working two food before working hammers beats working hammers eary to get the granary earlier? On general principles, I'd think the earlier the granary, the better. Or is fph always being worked by CC until FH is size 3? Or do we need the commerce from seafood tiles for research speed?

I have played according to the PPP.

Nothing unexpected happened, including my wife distracting me a bit...I failed to make actual saves twice early in the set.

City 2 was named Fish hills, the DEFAULT of Paris did come up, so LouisXIV is NOT in the game.

The last save is at the beginning of T71, we are in the middle of the mine build on the FPH.

We are 1 turn shy of Polytheism, and ready for the run to the Oracle.

Presumably you are delaying starting the mine because you want the chop hammers to arrive at a particular time? And there is no advantage to chopping first and getting the hammers early? In part relates to Q 2 below ...
Yes, chop goes into the Oracle, not the Granary. The Granary gets 2 pop whipped and the overflow of 44 hammers goes into the Oracle as well.

Have we tested that working two food before working hammers beats working hammers ealry to get the granary earlier? On general principles, I'd think the earlier the granary, the better. Or is fph always being worked by CC until FH is size 3? Or do we need the commerce from seafood tiles for research speed?
Yes - Yes - Yes

The save is loaded to the Progress page and is


The Upload log is here
Spoiler :
Here is your Session Turn Log from 2725 BC to 2225 BC:

Turn 51, 2725 BC: You have trained a Settler in Clam Chowder. Work has now begun on a Work Boat.

Turn 53, 2675 BC: You have trained a Worker in Clam Chowder. Work has now begun on a Work Boat.

Turn 54, 2650 BC: Fish Hills has been founded.

Turn 59, 2525 BC: You have discovered Mysticism!

The Autolog is here
Spoiler :

Logging by BUFFY 3.19.003 (BtS 3.19)
Turn 51/750 (2725 BC) [08-Mar-2011 08:58:20]
100% Research: 13 per turn
0% Gold: 0 per turn, 0 in the bank

After End Turn:
The whip was applied in Clam Chowder
Clam Chowder finishes: Settler

Turn 52/750 (2700 BC) [08-Mar-2011 08:58:21]
Clam Chowder begins: Worker (13 turns)
100% Research: 13 per turn
0% Gold: 0 per turn, 0 in the bank

Turn 53/750 (2675 BC) [08-Mar-2011 08:59:11]
100% Research: 11 per turn
0% Gold: 0 per turn, 0 in the bank

After End Turn:
The whip was applied in Clam Chowder
Clam Chowder finishes: Worker

Turn 54/750 (2650 BC) [08-Mar-2011 09:00:41]
Paris founded
Fish Hills begins: Granary (90 turns)
0% Research: 0 per turn
100% Gold: 15 per turn, 0 in the bank

Turn 55/750 (2625 BC) [08-Mar-2011 09:02:51]
0% Research: 0 per turn
100% Gold: 15 per turn, 15 in the bank

Turn 56/750 (2600 BC) [08-Mar-2011 09:03:42]
100% Research: 16 per turn
0% Gold: -1 per turn, 30 in the bank

Turn 57/750 (2575 BC) [08-Mar-2011 09:04:24]
100% Research: 16 per turn
0% Gold: -1 per turn, 29 in the bank

Turn 58/750 (2550 BC) [08-Mar-2011 09:04:30]
100% Research: 16 per turn
0% Gold: -1 per turn, 28 in the bank

Turn 59/750 (2525 BC) [08-Mar-2011 09:05:13]
100% Research: 16 per turn
0% Gold: -1 per turn, 27 in the bank

After End Turn:
Tech research finished: Mysticism

Turn 60/750 (2500 BC) [08-Mar-2011 09:06:10]
Research begun: Polytheism (12 Turns)
100% Research: 16 per turn
0% Gold: -1 per turn, 26 in the bank

Turn 61/750 (2475 BC) [08-Mar-2011 09:06:39]
A Farm was built near Fish Hills
100% Research: 14 per turn
0% Gold: -1 per turn, 25 in the bank

After End Turn:
Fish Hills grows to size 2

Turn 62/750 (2450 BC) [08-Mar-2011 09:07:44]
100% Research: 16 per turn
0% Gold: -1 per turn, 24 in the bank

After End Turn:
Clam Chowder grows to size 2

Logging by BUFFY 3.19.003 (BtS 3.19)
Turn 63/750 (2425 BC) [08-Mar-2011 09:16:33]

Turn 63/750 (2425 BC) [08-Mar-2011 09:09:17]
100% Research: 16 per turn
0% Gold: -1 per turn, 23 in the bank

Turn 64/750 (2400 BC) [08-Mar-2011 09:16:33]
100% Research: 16 per turn
0% Gold: -1 per turn, 22 in the bank

Turn 65/750 (2375 BC) [08-Mar-2011 09:17:42]
100% Research: 16 per turn
0% Gold: -1 per turn, 21 in the bank

Turn 66/750 (2350 BC) [08-Mar-2011 09:18:14]
100% Research: 16 per turn
0% Gold: -1 per turn, 20 in the bank

After End Turn:
Whip anger has decreased in Clam Chowder
Clam Chowder finishes: Work Boat

Turn 67/750 (2325 BC) [08-Mar-2011 09:18:56]
Clam Chowder begins: Granary (23 turns)
100% Research: 16 per turn
0% Gold: -1 per turn, 19 in the bank

After End Turn:
Fish Hills grows to size 3

Turn 68/750 (2300 BC) [08-Mar-2011 09:20:11]
A Fishing Boats was built near Clam Chowder
100% Research: 18 per turn
0% Gold: -1 per turn, 18 in the bank

Turn 69/750 (2275 BC) [08-Mar-2011 09:20:57]
100% Research: 18 per turn
0% Gold: -1 per turn, 17 in the bank

Turn 70/750 (2250 BC) [08-Mar-2011 09:21:34]
100% Research: 18 per turn
0% Gold: -1 per turn, 16 in the bank

The Zip File with all the saves is HERE
The Roster order is

mabraham = waiting
adrianj = waiting
Ronnie1 = just played
bcool = UP NOW
grifftavian = on deck
Thorn = in the hole
da_Vinci = waiting

The updated TEST GAME to the current position is HERE
Nice turn set, R1! :goodjob: Although, I'm a little surprised that the Worker wasn't renamed as R1! :mischief:

(@mab & Thorn: refers to our SG11 game, where we named Workers after the Team Members. :crazyeye: )
Yes, chop goes into the Oracle, not the Granary. The Granary gets 2 pop whipped and the overflow of 44 hammers goes into the Oracle as well.
This raises that old question of whether saving forests to chop later makes sense or not (did we ever resolve that in that protracted discussion with oyzar back in game ... ??)

I think, as I recall, that the answer is yes if the premuim build (the one you are saving for) is not immediately available [you can't put the next set of hammers available from speeding up current build into the premuim as you can't build it yet].

The answer is no if the premium build is available (the 30 hammers you chop into granary is 30 hammers worth of turns faster you can start the premium build ... Oracle in our case ... so its a wash. Except that you get the granary sooner, which may be better.).

Interestingly, even if you have a bonus on the premium, if it is available to build there is no advantage to saving the chop. The 30 hammers chopped into a marblized Oracle are 60, but the 30 hammers of earlier production into a marblize Oracle are also 60 hammers.

Now, if timing the chop optimizes whip overflow, then that could influence the decision of when to chop.

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